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Source code created by Rustici Software, LLC is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License
Want to make SCORM easy? See our solutions at
This example provides for the bare minimum SCORM run-time calls.
It will demonstrate using the API discovery algorithm to find the
SCORM API and then calling Initialize and Terminate when the page
loads and unloads respectively. This example also demonstrates
some basic SCORM error handling.
//Include the standard ADL-supplied API discovery algorithm
//Begin ADL-provided API discovery algorithm
var findAPITries = 0
* Check to see if the window (win) contains the API
if the window (win) does not contain the API and
the window (win) has a parent window and the parent window
is not the same as the window (win)
* @param {window} win the top-level window object
function findAPI(win) {
while ( (win.API == null) && (win.parent != null) && (win.parent != win) ) {
// increment the number of findAPITries
// Note: 7 is an arbitrary number, but should be more than sufficient
if (findAPITries > 7) {
console.error('Error finding API -- too deeply nested.')
return null
// set the variable that represents the window being
// being searched to be the parent of the current window
// then search for the API again
win = win.parent
return win.API
* open the API and return
function getAPI() {
// start by looking for the API in the current window
let theAPI = findAPI(window)
// if the API is null (could not be found in the current window)
// and the current window has an opener window
if ( (theAPI == null) && (window.opener != null) && (typeof(window.opener) != 'undefined') ) {
// try to find the API in the current window�s opener
theAPI = findAPI(window.opener)
// if the API has not been found
if (theAPI == null) {
// Alert the user that the API Adapter could not be found
console.error('Unable to find an API adapter')
return theAPI
//End ADL-provided API discovery algorithm
function MillisecondsToCMIDuration(ms) {
//Convert duration from milliseconds to 0000:00:00.00 format
var hms = ''
var dtm = new Date
var h = "000" + Math.floor(ms/3600000)
var m = "0" + dtm.getMinutes()
var s = "0" + dtm.getSeconds()
var cs = "0" + Math.round(dtm.getMilliseconds() / 10); hms = h.substr(h.length-4)+":"+m.substr(m.length-2)+":";
hms += s.substr(s.length-2)+"."+cs.substr(cs.length-2);
return hms
//Create function handlers for the loading and unloading of the page
const SCORM_TRUE = 'true'
const SCORM_FALSE = 'false'
const SCORM_NO_ERROR = '0'
//Since the Unload handler will be called twice, from both the onunload
//and onbeforeunload events, ensure that we only call LMSFinish once.
let finishCalled = false
//Track whether or not we successfully initialized.
let initialized = false
let API = null
function ScormProcessInitialize(){
var result
API = getAPI()
if (API == null) {
console.error('ERROR - Could not establish a connection with the LMS.')
result = API.LMSInitialize('')
if (result == SCORM_FALSE) {
var errorNumber = API.LMSGetLastError()
var errorString = API.LMSGetErrorString(errorNumber)
var diagnostic = API.LMSGetDiagnostic(errorNumber)
var errorDescription = ` Number: ${errorNumber}\n Description: ${errorString}\n Diagnostic: ${diagnostic}`
console.error(`Error - Could not initialize communication with the LMS.\n${errorDescription}`)
initialized = true
function ScormProcessFinish() {
let result
//Don't terminate if we haven't initialized or if we've already terminated
if (initialized == false || finishCalled == true) {
result = API.LMSFinish('')
finishCalled = true
if (result == SCORM_FALSE) {
const errorNumber = API.LMSGetLastError()
const errorString = API.LMSGetErrorString(errorNumber)
const diagnostic = API.LMSGetDiagnostic(errorNumber)
const errorDescription = ` Number: ${errorNumber}\n Description: ${errorString}\n Diagnostic: ${diagnostic}`
console.error(`Error - Could not terminate communication with the LMS.\n${errorDescription}`)
The onload and onunload event handlers are assigned in launchpage.html because more processing needs to
occur at these times in this example.
//window.onload = ScormProcessInitialize;
//window.onunload = ScormProcessTerminate;
//window.onbeforeunload = ScormProcessTerminate;
function ScormProcessGetValue(element) {
let result
if(initialized == false || finishCalled == true) {
result = API.LMSGetValue(element)
if (result == '') {
const errorNumber = API.LMSGetLastError()
if (errorNumber != SCORM_NO_ERROR) {
const errorString = API.LMSGetErrorString(errorNumber)
const diagnostic = API.LMSGetDiagnostic(errorNumber)
const errorDescription = ` Number: ${errorNumber}\n Description: ${errorString}\n Diagnostic: ${diagnostic}`
console.error(`Error - Could not retrieve a value from the LMS.\n${errorDescription}`)
return ''
return result
function ScormProcessSetValue(element, value) {
let result
if (initialized == false || finishCalled == true) {
if(element.includes('cmi.student_data')) {
console.warn(`element ${element} is readonly. value not saved.`)
result = API.LMSSetValue(element, value)
console.log('data committed')
if (result == SCORM_FALSE) {
const errorNumber = API.LMSGetLastError()
const errorString = API.LMSGetErrorString(errorNumber)
const diagnostic = API.LMSGetDiagnostic(errorNumber)
const errorDescription = ` Number: ${errorNumber}\n Description: ${errorString}\n Diagnostic: ${diagnostic}`
console.error(`Error - Could not store a value in the LMS.\n${errorDescription}`)