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'use strict'
const { Given, When, Then } = require('cucumber')
const assert = require('assert')
// const todo = require('../modules/todo.js')
const Page = require('./page.js')
/* ===================== STEP DEFINITIONS ==================== */
// Given('I currently have no items', () => {
// // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
// todo.clear()
// })
// When('I add {string} with the quantity {string}', (item, qty) => {
// // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
// todo.add(item, qty)
// })
// Then('that data exists in memory', () => {
// // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
// const currentData = todo.getAll()[0]
// assert.equal(currentData.item, 'bread')
// assert.equal(currentData.qty, 17)
// })
let page // this is the page object we use to reference a web page
Given('The browser is open on the home page', async() => {
page = await new Page(800, 600)
When('I enter {string} in the {string} field', async(value, field) => {
await`#${field}`) //field represents the id attribute in html
await page.keyboard.type(value)
When('I click on the submit button', async() => {
Then('take a screenshot called {string}', async filename => {
await page.screenshot({ path: `screenshots/${filename}.png` })
Then('the heading should be {string}', async heading => {
const text = await page.evaluate( () => {
const dom = document.querySelector('h1')
return dom.innerText
assert.equal(heading, text)
Then('the list should contain {string} rows', async rowCount => {
rowCount = Number(rowCount)
const items = await page.evaluate( () => {
const dom = document.querySelectorAll('table tr td:first-child')
const arr = Array.from(dom)
return => td.innerText)
assert.equal(items.length, rowCount)
Then('the item should be {string}', async item => {
const items = await page.evaluate( () => {
const dom = document.querySelectorAll('table tr td:first-child')
const arr = Array.from(dom)
return => td.innerText)
assert.equal(item, items[0])
Then('the list should contain a single entry for {string}', async item => {
const items = await page.evaluate( () => {
const dom = document.querySelectorAll('table tr td:first-child')
const arr = Array.from(dom).map(td => td.innerText)
return arr
const count = items.reduce( (acc, val) => (val === item ? acc += 1 : acc), 0)
assert.equal(count, 1)
Then('the {string} quantity should be {string}', async(item, qty) => {
const items = await page.evaluate( () => {
const dom = document.querySelectorAll('table tr')
// const arr = Array.from(dom)
return dom
assert.equal(2, 2)