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from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
import time as tm
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
import concurrent.futures
import datetime
from matplotlib.widgets import Button
import os
def open_file():
nc_file = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if f.endswith('.nc')] #finds .nc file in the same dir
if len(nc_file) != 1: #checks if there is only one .nc file on dir
raise ValueError('should be only one .nc file in the current directory') #raises error if not
print("The file updoaded is ", nc_file) #prints name of file
filename = nc_file[0]
open_file.rootgrp = xr.open_dataset(filename) #opens the file
rootgrp = open_file.rootgrp #reassigning var
lat = np.array(rootgrp.variables['lat']) #extract/copy the data of lat
long = np.array(rootgrp.variables['lon']) #extract/copy the data of lon
hour = np.array(rootgrp.variables['hour']) #extract/copy the data of time
models = [ #extract data from models: convertin models into numpy arrays
modelsNames = [ #list with models names
color_names = { #dic of color names
1: 'viridis',
2: 'jet',
3: 'inferno',
4: 'cubehelix',
5: 'cividis'
def input_colour():
while True:
print('Colorsets: \n', '\n '.join("{}: {}".format(k, v) for k, v in color_names.items())) #print dic of color names
color_input = input('Chose a colorset for the graphs: ') #input for color names
input_colour.val_color = int(color_input) #convert input color names to int
if input_colour.val_color in range(1,6): #if input color names is between 1 and 5
input_colour.view_graphs = input('Do you want to view the graphs? (yes/no): ') #prints show graps
if (input_colour.view_graphs == "yes") or (input_colour.view_graphs == "no"):
print(color_names[input_colour.val_color]) #if input of show graphs is yes or no
print('\n STATUS') #print status
break #leave the while loop
print("\n \u001b[1m EROOR: insert yes or no \u001b[0m \n") #error if show graphs is not yes or no
print("\n \u001b[1m ERROR: insert a valid colour number \u001b[0m \n") #error if input color name is not between 1 and 6
except ValueError:
print("\n \u001b[1m EROOR: please choose a number fom 1 to 5 \u001b[0m \n") #error if input color name is not int
start = tm.perf_counter()
#making graphs of O3 per hour
def make_graph(hours):
map_proj = ccrs.PlateCarree()
fig = plt.figure()
plt.title(f'O3 in {hours}h')
for m in range(len(models)):
print('\n ..............','Hours: ', hours,' Models: ', (m + 1), '.............. \n')
ax1 = plt.subplot(5, 2, (m + 1), projection = map_proj) #plot graphs in 2 colums in 4 rows
ax1.coastlines(zorder = 3) #creates the cost lines
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace = 0.5) #space between plots
ax1.set_title(f'{modelsNames[m]}', fontsize = 9)
img = plt.contour(long, lat, models[m][hours, :, :], 1000,
cmap = color_names[input_colour.val_color], transform = map_proj)
cax = ax1.inset_axes([-3.4, -1, 5, 0.3])
plt.colorbar(img, cax = cax, anchor = (3, 0.5), orientation = "horizontal")
mticker.Locator.MAXTICKS = 2000 #mesurments on the colorbar
plt.suptitle(f'O3 levels in {hours} hour(s)')
if not os.path.exists('O3_images'): #checks if folder exists
os.makedirs('O3_images') #if not is created
plt.savefig(f'O3_images/{hours}.png') #saves img in forger with hour as name
#interface quit button -- quits all graphs at once
def handler(*args, **kwargs):
plt.close('all') #closes all windows
ax_color_button = plt.axes([0.425, 0.04, 0.14, 0.05]) #button's dimentions
color_button = Button(ax_color_button ,'Quit all') #€button's messagen when clicked
color_button.on_clicked(handler) #incorporates the quit button
if input_colour.view_graphs == "yes": #if input show graphs is yes #show graphs
#makes de parallel process
def parallel_processing():
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers = 24) as executer: #set num of parallel processes
hours = [i for i in range(1,25)] #each process gets an hiur, hours) #executs the processess
if __name__ == '__main__':
#timer of process
finish = tm.perf_counter()
tot_time = round(finish-start,0)
time = datetime.timedelta(seconds = tot_time)
print(f'Finished in {time} hours')