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from lol_api.settings import settings
import requests
import json
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
""" Info for APIs KEYS"""
#REgion endpoint
#EUNE // EUN1 //
#API for private project(I've applied, but doesnt work)
API_KEY = "RGAPI-51bc5f2d-b295-41aa-8c5a-4a7325b195e5"
#API for developers has durantion of 24h
personalAPI_KEY = "RGAPI-65d69b8f-305e-492d-8dea-da690394c08d"
"""URL APIs LOL"""
#*get summoner by summoner name
#summoner_Name = "sofiarocks" #(creat an input)
#URL_summonerbyname = "" + summoner_Name + "?api_key=" + personalAPI_KEY
#get summoner by account id (returned value of summoner by summoner name)
#account_ID = "2070081094595296"
#URL_summonerbyID = "" + account_ID + "?api_key=" + personalAPI_KEY
#*Get all champion mastery entries sorted by number of champion points descending
#summoner_ID = "76605785"
#URL_mastery1 = ""+ summoner_ID + "?api_key=" + personalAPI_KEY
#*Get a player's total champion mastery score, which is the sum of individual champion mastery levels.
#URL_mastery2 = ""+ summoner_ID + "?api_key=" + personalAPI_KEY
#Get match by match ID
#match_ID =
#URL_match = ""+ match_ID + "?api_key=" + personalAPI_KEY
#*Get matchlist for games played on given account ID and platform ID and filtered using given filter parameters, if any
#URL_matchByAccountID = ""+ account_ID + "?api_key=" + personalAPI_KEY
#Get match timeline by match ID.
#URL_matchTimeline = "" + match_ID + "?api_key=" + personalAPI_KEY
#Get match IDs by tournament code
#tornementCode =
#URL_matchIDByTonermentCode = "" + tornementCode + "?api_key=" + personalAPI_KEY
#Get League of Legends status for the given shard
#URL_status = "" + "?api_key=" + personalAPI_KEY
#Get list of featured games
#"" + "?api_key=" + personalAPI_KEY
list_of_regions = ["br1","eun1", "euw1", "jp1", "kr", "la1", "la2", "na1", "oc1", "tr1", "ru"]
print ("Tell me your Summoner Name, please")
summoner_Name = input("")
def getRegion():
print ("Select region")
br = "br1"
eune = "eun1"
euw = "euw1"
jp = "jp1"
kr = "kr"
lan = "la1"
las = "la2"
na = "na1"
oce = "oc1"
tr = "tr1"
ru = "ru"
print( (40))
print( (40))
print( (40))
print( (40))
print( (40))
print( (40))
print( (40))
print( (40))
print( (40))
print( (40))
print( (40))
region = input("")
return region
region = getRegion()
def summonerbyname():
#get summoner by summoner name
if region in list_of_regions:
URL_summonerbyname = "https://" + region + "" + summoner_Name + "?api_key=" + personalAPI_KEY
# (exemple on how to use requests lib)
response = requests.get(URL_summonerbyname)
data = response.json()
#print the info and store summoner ID and account ID
summonerbyname.summoner_ID = (data["id"])
summonerbyname.account_ID = (data["accountId"])
print ("Summoner Level: ", data["summonerLevel"])
print ("summoner ID: ", data["id"])
print ("Account ID: ", data["accountId"])
summoner_ID = summonerbyname.summoner_ID
account_ID = summonerbyname.account_ID
def mastery1 (summoner_ID):
#Get all champion mastery entries sorted by number of champion points descending
URL_mastery1 = "https://" + region + ""+ summoner_ID + "?api_key=" + personalAPI_KEY
#get the champion name from champion id
URL_championName = ""
#pandas library: organizes info from API into table
# (used to organanize info into tables)
data = pd.read_json(URL_mastery1)
data1 = pd.read_json(URL_championName)
champ = data1 ["data"]
#champIM = pd.read_json(URL_championImage)
#formating List from json
mastery = data[0:15]
championLevel = mastery.championLevel
championPoints = mastery.championPoints
tokensEarned = mastery.tokensEarned
championId = mastery.championId
championPointsUntilNextLevel = mastery.championPointsUntilNextLevel
championImage = []
championName = []
for id in championId:
for i in champ:
if str(id) == i["key"]:
for i in champ:
for id in championId:
if i["key"] == str(id):
#get the image of each champion by champion name
championImage.append("" + i["image"]["full"])
table = pd.DataFrame({"Champion":championImage,"champion Name":championName, "champion Level": championLevel,"champion Points": championPoints,"tokens Earned": tokensEarned,"championPointsUntilNextLevel": championPointsUntilNextLevel})
mastery1 (str(summoner_ID))
def mastery2 (summoner_ID):
#Get a player's total champion mastery score, which is the sum of individual champion mastery levels.
URL_mastery2 = "https://" + region + ""+ summoner_ID + "?api_key=" + personalAPI_KEY
response = requests.get(URL_mastery2)
data = response.json()
print ("Your total champion mastery score: ", data)
mastery2 (str(summoner_ID))
def matchList(account_ID):
#Get matchlist for games played on given account ID and platform ID and filtered using given filter parameters, if any
URL_match = "https://" + region + "" + account_ID + "?api_key=" + personalAPI_KEY
data = pd.read_json(URL_match)
data1 = data[0:1]
matches = data[0:16]["matches"]
lane = []
champion = []
season = []
role = []
i = 1
while i < len(matches):
i = i + 1
#get the champion name from champion id
URL_championName = ""
data2 = pd.read_json(URL_championName)
champ = data2 ["data"]
championImage = []
championName = []
for id in champion:
for i in champ:
if str(id) == i["key"]:
for i in champ:
for id in champion:
if i["key"] == str(id):
#get the image of each champion by champion name
championImage.append("" + i["image"]["full"])
table = pd.DataFrame({"Champion":championImage, "champion Name": championName,"lane": lane, "season":season, "role": role})
print (table)
#Total of games
print("Total Games")