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#from Account import Account
#from sleepGoals import sleepGoals
#from sleepAnalysis import sleepAnalysis
#from dailyRepor import dailyRepor
#from exercise import exercise
#from exerciseAnalysis import exerciseAnalysis
#from food import food
#from foodAnalysis import foodAnalysis
#from playTime import playTime
#from playTimeAnalysis import playTimeAnalysis
#from game import game
print("My name is GHP")
print ("Do you want to go to your Account or the Menu? ")
x = input ()
""" colect data from user and make a Profile (Account) - linked to Account file """
if x == "Account" or x == "account":
#imports all of the data from account file and collects the user info, creats variables to be used
from Account import Account
""" the Menu List option """
if x == "Menu" or x == "menu":
print ("Chose from the Menu: ")
s = "Sleep"
p = "PlayTime"
f = "Food"
e = "Exercise"
d = "DailyRepor"
print ( (50))
print ( (50))
print ( (50))
print ( (50))
print ( (50))
y = input ()
###### Sleep option: sleepGoals and sleepAnalysis ######
if y == "sleep" or y == "Sleep":
Goals = input ("Do you want to set a new goal? ")
if Goals == "yes" or Goals == "Yes":
z = input (" A bedtime Goal or a Wake up Goal? ")
a = input ()
if a == "bedtime" or a == "BedTime":
imports the bedtime goals for the user to personalize
from sleepGoals import sleepGoals
elif a == "Wake up" or a == "wake up":
imports wake up goals for the user to set up
from sleepGoals import sleepGoals
print ("yo")
print ("This is your sleep analysis for the past week")
from sleepAnalysis import sleepAnalysis
Game option: hours of playtime, hours of play time by game, recomendations and analysis ######
if y == "game" or y == "Game":
games = input("")
if y == "PlayTime" or y == "playtime":
print (" Do you want to know your playtime for today or your playtime for each game? ")
a = input ()
words1 = "today"
words2 = "each game"
if a.count(words1) == True:
taken from programming and algorithms module week 4 doc
checks if the word "today" is in the input given by the user
print ("ok, I will pull the hours you've spent playing today,", name)
from playtime import playtime
elif a.count(words2) == True:
checks if the words "each game" are in the input given by the user
print ("ok, I will pull the hours you've spent playing each game ")
from playtime import playtime
print ("These is you playtime analysis for the past week")
from playTimeAnalysis import playTimeAnalysis
###### Food option: lets teh user add what he is going to eat and check the calories, recomendations for healthier foods and analysis ######
if y == "Food" or y == "food":
print ("Are you going to eat or just want to check your daily calorie consumption? ")
a = input ()
words1 = "eat"
words2 = "calorie"
if a.count (words1) == True:
#checks if there is the word eat in user input and imports data from food file
print ("What are you think about eating?")
a = input ()
print ("You can eat healthier...")
from food import food
elif a.count (words2) == True:
#checks if word calories is in user input and imports data from food file
print ("These are the calories you have consume today!")
from food import food
#imports data analysis from foodAnalysis file
print("Here is the calory analysis for the week")
from foodAnalysis import foodAnalysis