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%% Definining the choices of each menu. The function will loop over these and create a menu
menuChoices = {'Ensemble Ozone', 'Chimere Ozone', 'Emep Ozone', 'Match Ozone', 'Eurad Ozone' , 'Change Color Mode'}
colourchoices = {'Normal', 'Protanopia', 'Deuteranopia', 'Tritanopia'}
filename = "" %% This is renamed. It is the combined dataset from Moodle
%% Default values that are changed later on by the menu code
figtitle = 'chimere_ozone'
vistype = 'chimere_ozone'
colortype = 'default'
%% This code is used to keep you in the menu until you have made a valid choice. If you choose a number out of the range of the options, it will keep asking
%% you to choose an option. I learnt how to do this from
while true
choice = menu(menuChoices)
if choice == 1
disp('Ensemble Ozone Data Will Be Visualised')
vistype = 'ensemble_ozone'
figtitle = 'Ensemble Ozone'
ready = true
elseif choice == 2
disp('Ensemble Ozone Data Will Be Visualised')
vistype = 'chimere_ozone'
figtitle = 'Chimere Ozone'
ready = true
elseif choice == 3
disp('Emep Ozone Data Will Be Visualised')
vistype = 'emep_ozone'
figtitle = 'Emep Ozone'
ready = true
elseif choice == 4
disp('Match Ozone Data Will Be Visualised')
vistype = 'match_ozone'
figtitle = 'Match Ozone'
ready = true
elseif choice == 5
disp('Eurad Ozone Data Will Be Visualised')
vistype = 'eurad_ozone'
figtitle = 'Eurad Ozone'
ready = true
elseif choice == 6
while true
colourmodei = menu(colourchoices)
%% Using information from
%% I will set the colormap which will best show a strong gradiant for each color blindness type
if colourmodei == 1
disp("Default Colouring Applied!")
colortype = 'default'
elseif colourmodei == 2
disp("Protanopia Friendly Colouring Applied!")
colortype = 'spring'
elseif colourmodei == 3
disp("Deuteranopia Friendly Colouring Applied!")
colortype = 'winter'
elseif colourmodei == 4
disp("Tritanopia Friendly Colouring Applied!")
colortype = 'autumn'
ozonedata = ncread(filename, vistype)
long = ncread(filename, 'lon')
lat = ncread(filename, 'lat')
hours = ncread(filename, 'hour')
time = length(hours)
[X,Y] = meshgrid(long, lat)
clc %% Clears the console after the data has been read from the dataset
%%Creates a new figure with the title dependant on the menu choice. Makes the figure fullscreen
figure('Name',figtitle,'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1])
%%Use of strcmpi (String comparison) Learnt from
%% This if else block is used to change the color of the map dependent on what is selected in the menu, if nothing is selected it will use the value default
if strcmpi('default', colortype)
colormap default
elseif strcmpi('spring', colortype)
colormap spring
elseif strcmpi('winter', colortype)
colormap winter
elseif strcmpi('autumn', colortype)
colormap autumn
%%This loop is to update the ozone data depending on the hour. The dataset has hours from 0-23 (24 hours)
for i = 1:time
%%This is a psuedocolor plot. It displays matrix data as an array of colored cells. More info here:
datamap = pcolor(X,Y, ozonedata(:,:,i)')
%% EdgeAlpha is set to 0 to hide the grid lines
datamap.EdgeAlpha = 0;
%% Taken from Moodle example. Uses MatLab mapping toolbox to overlay major cities onto the datamap. Also to overlay land, lakes and rivers.
land = shaperead('landareas', 'UseGeoCoords', true);
geoshow(gca, land, 'FaceColor', [0.5 0.7 0.5])
lakes = shaperead('worldlakes', 'UseGeoCoords', true);
geoshow(lakes, 'FaceColor', 'blue')
rivers = shaperead('worldrivers', 'UseGeoCoords', true);
geoshow(rivers, 'Color', 'blue')
cities = shaperead('worldcities', 'UseGeoCoords', true);
geoshow(cities, 'Marker', '.', 'Color', 'red')
%% Creates a bar on the grid, takes the pcolor data and creates a bar that displays what the color of the plot signifies.
label = colorbar
label.Label.String = 'Ozone Level'
%% The title on the plot is updated for every hour. So the user can see what the ozone level was for that hour.
title(sprintf('The time is : %f',hours(i)))
%% A pause for every hour, so you have a chance to see the plot before it changes to the next hour.