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Increase access restriction to basic users
"Upload News" button is hidden from visitors who have not logged in. The
upload function in article.js now receives the username and set it as
the author of the article.
  • Loading branch information
jeea2 committed Dec 2, 2019
1 parent f5c6265 commit 0b74bc590f9b97dd71d659fc7004e29c3f358bfb
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Showing 5 changed files with 22 additions and 23 deletions.
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ node_modules/

@@ -37,16 +37,14 @@ const dbName = 'database.db'
router.get('/', async ctx => {
try {
const article = await new Article(dbName)
let data = await article.getReleased()
const data = await
const numOfResults = data.length
if(ctx.session.authorised === true) {
const loggedIn = true
const user = await new User(dbName)
const userData = await user.getUser(ctx.session.user)
await ctx.render('homepage', {articles: data, user: userData})
} else await ctx.render('homepage', {articles: data})
await ctx.render('homepage', {articles: data})
data = await
const numOfResults = data.length
await ctx.render('homepage', {articles: data, query: ctx.query.q, num: numOfResults})
await ctx.render('homepage', {articles: data, user: userData, query: ctx.query.q, num: numOfResults, loggedIn: loggedIn})
} else await ctx.render('homepage', {articles: data, query: ctx.query.q, num: numOfResults})
} catch(err) {
await ctx.render('error', {message: err.message})
@@ -58,7 +56,9 @@ router.get('/articles/:id', async ctx => {
const id =
const article = await new Article(dbName)
const data = await article.get(id)
await ctx.render('articlepage', data)
const loggedIn = true
if(ctx.session.authorised) await ctx.render('articlepage', {article: data, loggedIn: loggedIn})
else await ctx.render('articlepage', data)
} catch(err) {
ctx.body = err.message
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@'/upload', koaBody, async ctx => {
const body = ctx.request.body
const article = await new Article(dbName)
const id = await article.upload(body.title, body.summary, body.content, body.tag)
const id = await article.upload(body.title, body.summary, body.content, body.tag, ctx.session.user)
const {path, type} = ctx.request.files.image
const image = await new Image(dbName)
@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ class Article {

async upload(title, summary, content, tag) {
async upload(title, summary, content, tag, username) {
if(title === null) throw new Error('Please enter a title for your article')
else if(summary === null) throw new Error('Please enter a summary for your article')
else if(content === null) throw new Error('Where is the content? Please Enter some text in the content box')
const date = await new Date()
const fullDate = `${date.getDate()}/${date.getMonth() + 1}/${date.getFullYear()}`
let sql = `INSERT INTO Articles(title, summary, content, written_date, tag, released)
VALUES("${title}", "${summary}", "${content}", "${fullDate}", "${tag}", 0)`
let sql = `INSERT INTO Articles(title, summary, content, written_date, tag, released, author)
VALUES("${title}", "${summary}", "${content}", "${fullDate}", "${tag}", 0, "${username}")`
sql = 'SELECT last_insert_rowid() as id'
const result = await this.db.get(sql)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<nav class="hotbar">
<a href="/">HOME</a>
<a href="/upload">UPLOAD NEWS</a>
{{#if loggedIn}}<a href="/upload">UPLOAD NEWS</a>{{/if}}

<a href="/logout" class="right">Logout</a>
<a href="/login" class="right">Login</a>
@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@

<section class="header">
<h1> {{title}} </h1>
<h1> {{article.title}} </h1>

<article class="card">
<h5> {{written_date}} </h5>
<img src = "../{{image_url}}" style="height:200px;">
<b><p> {{summary}} </p></b>
<h5> {{article.written_date}} </h5>
<img src = "../{{article.image_url}}" style="height:200px;">
<b><p> {{article.summary}} </p></b>
<p> {{content}} </p>
<h5>by {{author}} </h5>
<h6>tag: {{tag}}</h6>
<p> {{article.content}} </p>
<h5>by {{}} </h5>
<h6>tag: {{article.tag}}</h6>

<span class="starRating">
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@

<a href = "../edit/{{article_id}}/"><button type ="submit" class="edit-btn" name="edit"> Edit </button></a>
<a href = "../edit/{{article.article_id}}/"><button type ="submit" class="edit-btn" name="edit"> Edit </button></a>

<section class="footer">
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@

<a href="/upload">UPLOAD NEWS</a>
{{#if loggedIn}} <a href="/upload">UPLOAD NEWS</a> {{/if}}
<a href="/logout" class="right">Logout</a>
<a href="/login" class="right">Login</a>
<a href="/account" class="right">Account</a>

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