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import random, requests
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
from discord.ext import commands
import wikipedia
BOT_PREFIX = ("?", "!")
# The prefixes used to call the bot commands
weather = ""
# Discord server token and weather API URL
client = Bot(command_prefix = BOT_PREFIX)
#the @ is a function decorator
description="Answers with 'yes/no",
brief="Super duper uber mega ultra psychic bot",
pass_context = True)
async def eight_ball(context):
# async makes the functions run asynchronously
possible_responses = [
"That is a resounding no",
"It is not looking likely",
"Too hard to tell",
"It is quite possible",
await client.say(random.choice(possible_responses) + ", " +
async def square(number):
squaredValue = int(number) * int(number)
await client.say(str(number) + " squared is " + str(squaredValue))
# .say is the command version of send_message
@client.command(pass_context = True)
async def weather(context,city):
weather = ""
# My openweathermap API key ^^^
url = (weather)+(city)
data = requests.get(url).json()
# Concatenates the city/town input and url strings together and requests the data about that city
weatherDesc = data["weather"][0]["description"]
temperature = round(float(data["main"]["temp"] - (273.15)),1)
# Pulls the weather description from the database
# The pulls and converts the temperature from Kelvin to Celsius
weatherWriting = "The weather is "
temperatureWriting = "The temperature is "
await client.say(str(weatherWriting) + (weatherDesc) + " in " + str(city) + ", " +
await client.say(str(temperatureWriting) + str(temperature)+"°C")
# The Discord bot sends a message with a description of the weather (mentioning the user aswell)
# It also sends another message with the temperature
async def wiki(text):
definition = wikipedia.summary(text,sentences=2)
wikiURL =
await client.say(definition)
await client.say(wikiURL.url)
# Provides the first two sentences of the desired Wikipedia page and then the URL to that page
async def echo(*args):
# *args allows for infite arguments in the input (**kwargs can also be used)
output = ""
for word in args:
output += word
output += " "
await client.say(output)
async def on_message(message):
if == client.user:
# stops the bot from replying to itself
if message.content.startswith('!hello'):
msg = 'Hello {}'.format(message)
await client.send_message(, msg)
# send_message can only be used with events and not commands
await client.process_commands(message)
# this line fixes an error where on_message takes priority over all commands
async def on_ready():
print("User Logged In:)
# prints user details to signify the bot is online
# runs the bot with my discord server token