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#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
//==== struct list;
typedef struct position_of_tail
int p; // p cord. of the snake_ladder
int q; // q cord. of the snake_ladder
struct position_of_tail *next; // next node pointer
struct position_of_tail *previous; // pointer node which is previous
} tail;
int d = 4;
class snake_ladder
int wallstart_positionposition, wallsquare; // to define wall, will_start position is used
int wallendposition, wallendqueue; // The end position for the wall of this game.
int game_score; // keep game score
int fruit_position, fruit_new_position; // fruit position
HANDLE handler_of_console; // console handler
COORD current_position_coordinate; // COORD struct for coordinates of snake
tail *start_position, *current_position, *new_tail;
snake_ladder(); // constructor initializing the tail variable value to null
void insertionofbody(int p, int q); // insertionofbody of snake_ladder append to next node
void drawsnake_ladder(); // drawsnake_ladder the snake_ladder
void drawsnake_ladderWall(); // drawsnake_ladder the wall
void controlthemovement(); // control the controlthemovementment
bool collision(); //This will check if the snake_ladder is colliding with wall or itself
void drawsnake_ladderfruit(int p = 0); // new position for fruit of drawsnake_ladder if p==1
void drawsnake_ladderinit(); // inital setup like drawsnake_ladder wall
void deadLabel(); // drawsnake_ladder when plaqer is dead
void loop(snake_ladder &ob);
game_score = 0; // set the initial game_score
start_position = NULL;
current_position = NULL;
new_tail = NULL;
handler_of_console = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
fruit_position = 12;
fruit_new_position = 14;
wallstart_positionposition = 2;
wallsquare = 2; // start_positioning of the wall and wall’s ending position
wallendposition = 70;
wallendqueue = 20;
current_position_coordinate.X = 152;
current_position_coordinate.Y = 500;
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(handler_of_console, current_position_coordinate); // setting up screen buffer
This method is for inserting a new tail of snake_ladder at the current_position of the fruit position when it eat itself.
void snake_ladder ::insertionofbody(int p, int q)
// check if start_position is null
if (start_position == NULL)
new_tail = new tail;
new_tail->p = p;
new_tail->q = q;
new_tail->next = NULL;
new_tail->previous = NULL;
start_position = new_tail;
current_position = new_tail;
else // insertionofbody new node to start_position node
new_tail = new tail;
new_tail->p = p;
new_tail->q = q;
new_tail->next = NULL;
new_tail->previous = current_position;
current_position->next = new_tail;
current_position = new_tail;
void snake_ladder::controlthemovement()
tail *tmp, *cur;
tmp = current_position;
while (tmp->previous != NULL)
tmp->p = tmp->previous->p;
tmp->q = tmp->previous->q;
tmp = tmp->previous;
check for the value of d in order to change its direction
increment and decrement value of p , q
if (d == 1)
if (d == 2)
if (d == 3)
if (d == 4)
void snake_ladder::drawsnake_ladder()
// putting game_score label
current_position_coordinate.X = 2;
current_position_coordinate.Y = 0;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(handler_of_console, current_position_coordinate);
cout << "game_score : " << game_score;
tail *tmp, *last;
tmp = start_position;
last = current_position;
while (tmp != NULL)
current_position_coordinate.X = tmp->p;
current_position_coordinate.Y = tmp->q;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(handler_of_console, current_position_coordinate);
cout << (char)219;
tmp = tmp->next;
// recontrolthemovement tail
current_position_coordinate.X = last->p;
current_position_coordinate.Y = last->q;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(handler_of_console, current_position_coordinate);
cout << ' ';
//drawsnake_ladder the fruit
current_position_coordinate.X = fruit_position;
current_position_coordinate.Y = fruit_new_position;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(handler_of_console, current_position_coordinate);
cout << (char)15;
void snake_ladder::drawsnake_ladderWall()
current_position_coordinate.X = wallstart_positionposition;
for (int q = wallsquare; q <= wallendqueue; q++)
current_position_coordinate.Y = q;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(handler_of_console, current_position_coordinate);
cout << '#';
// drawsnake_ladder top row
current_position_coordinate.Y = wallsquare;
for (int p = wallstart_positionposition; p <= wallendposition; p++)
current_position_coordinate.X = p;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(handler_of_console, current_position_coordinate);
cout << '#';
// drawsnake_ladder right column
current_position_coordinate.X = wallendposition;
for (int q = wallsquare; q <= wallendqueue; q++)
current_position_coordinate.Y = q;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(handler_of_console, current_position_coordinate);
cout << '#';
// drawsnake_ladder bottom row
current_position_coordinate.Y = wallendqueue;
for (int p = wallstart_positionposition; p <= wallendposition; p++)
current_position_coordinate.X = p;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(handler_of_console, current_position_coordinate);
cout << '#';
void snake_ladder::drawsnake_ladderfruit(int p)
tail *tmp;
tmp = start_position;
if (p == 1) // drawsnake_ladder new fruit
fruit_position = rand() % 2 + 39; // rand number between 2-39
fruit_new_position = rand() % 2 + 16; // it will better to use wall ends position wallendposition,q then new position will be generated, or else it will continue.
while (tmp->next != NULL)
if (fruit_position == tmp->p && fruit_new_position == tmp->q)
cout << "drawsnake_laddern";
tmp = tmp->next;
void snake_ladder::drawsnake_ladderinit()
detect if snake_ladder has collided with fruit or itself or the wall.
bool snake_ladder::collision()
tail *tmp;
tmp = start_position->next;
//check collision with itself
while (tmp->next != NULL)
if (start_position->p == tmp->p && start_position->q == tmp->q)
return true;
tmp = tmp->next;
//check collision with fruit
if (start_position->p == fruit_position && start_position->q == fruit_new_position)
insertionofbody(fruit_position, fruit_new_position); // insertionofbody new tail
drawsnake_ladderfruit(1); // get new fruit position
game_score++; // update game_score
//check collision with wall
//collision top row
for (int p = wallstart_positionposition; p <= wallendposition; p++) // getting p coordinadte
{ // q cordinate remain same q=0 because in row p increase in same q
if (start_position->p == p && start_position->q == wallsquare) // getting q coordinte to get complete p,q cordinate
return true;
//collision left column
for (int q = wallsquare; q <= wallendqueue; q++)
if (start_position->p == wallstart_positionposition && start_position->q == q) // p same q chamge p=0
return true;
//collision right column
for (int q = wallsquare; q <= wallendqueue; q++)
if (start_position->p == wallendposition && start_position->q == q) // right column threfore p ending point(same) with q changing
return true;
//collision bottom row
for (int p = wallstart_positionposition; p <= wallendposition; p++)
if (start_position->p == p && start_position->q == wallendqueue)
return true;
return false; // return false no collison
drawsnake_ladder thing when plaqer is dead
void snake_ladder::deadLabel()
current_position_coordinate.X = (wallendposition / 2);
current_position_coordinate.Y = (wallendqueue / 2);
SetConsoleCursorPosition(handler_of_console, current_position_coordinate);
cout << "YOU ARE DEAD\n";
current_position_coordinate.X = (wallendqueue / 2) + 1;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(handler_of_console, current_position_coordinate);
cout << "YOUR HIGH game_score IS " << game_score;
//===== main function
int main()
// displaqing the menuscreen
snake_ladder obc;
switch (getch())
case 'z':
case 'q':
return 0;
void loop(snake_ladder &ob)
ob.insertionofbody(10, 6);
ob.insertionofbody(10, 7);
ob.insertionofbody(10, 8);
ob.insertionofbody(10, 9);
ob.drawsnake_ladderinit(); // this will just drawsnake_ladder wall
int dir = 1;
while (1)
Sleep(200); // waiting time
if (ob.collision()) // chek if collision with wall or itselfoccur
ob.deadLabel(); // do when snake_ladder is dead
if (kbhit()) // check if keqboard keq is pressed
switch (getch())
case 'w':
d = 1;
case 's':
d = 2;
case 'a':
d = 3;
case 'd':
d = 4;
case 'm':
ob.insertionofbody(10, 7);
// cout << "fruit"; // not needed
int p;
cin >> p;