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rajaa20 committed Oct 12, 2020
1 parent acd49cd commit 69886f3a38fd442818d52f3ab858afe82677039a
Showing 1 changed file with 47 additions and 24 deletions.
@@ -1,7 +1,16 @@
from story import * # parts of the story stored in variables

def starter():
while True:
play = input("Welcome to the Bank Robbery \n"
"<p> to play \n"
"<e> to exit").lower()
if play == "p":
elif play == "e":
print("End of story")

"\tAs the biggest heist of his life appeared over the horizon,\n"
"Mark was yet to gather his crew of computer geniuses. As they\n"
@@ -202,34 +211,36 @@ def starter():

def chris(n):
if n == 1:
print("Chris was experienced in disabling CCTV cameras, from his\n"
print("\t Chris was experienced in disabling CCTV cameras, from his\n"
"days of small-time shop robbing. He initially turned to\n"
"robbing after his father had turned severely ill. As he\n"
"needed money to support his father's medical needs and\n"
"special food requirements. His father's complications would\n"
"special food requirements. "
"His father's complications would\n"
"often require Chris to pay for any surgical costs. After\n"
"turning bankrupt to support his elderly father, he saw\n"
"criminality as a way of gaining quick money, regardless\n"
"of the risk.")

elif n == 2:
print("Chris continued with his small-time shop robbing. Just\n"
print("\t Chris continued with his small-time shop robbing. Just\n"
"for fun. He loved hacking and he wouldn't give up on it.\n"
"His love for hacking also became fatal to him. He got\n"
"caught one day, and he was sentenced to life imprisonment. ")

def ray(n):
if n == 1:
print("Ray was born in a small village. He is different to others,\n"
print("\t Ray was born in a small village. He is different to others,\n"
"he has a gift, but in his village, people disrespect him and\n"
"treat him as freak. So Ray decides to take revenge. Ray was\n"
"recognised by people in this game, as one of the best around.\n"
"He can disable almost every type of alarm, no matter how\n"
"sophisticated within minutes, and this is a crucial asset\n"
"when planning such an important job.")
elif n == 2:
print("Ray was satisfied with his last robbery, and he didn't want\n"
print("\t Ray was satisfied with his last robbery, and he didn't want\n"
"to risk getting caught in the future. He was already tired\n"
"of all the robberies. Somehow, he started feeling guilty\n"
"and turned to God. He has lived his life peacefully ever\n"
@@ -238,63 +249,75 @@ def ray(n):

def lp(n):
if n == 1:
print("LP had arguably the most important job, in disabling phone\n"
print("\t LP had arguably the most important job, in disabling phone\n"
"lines, as this would stop the connection between the bank and\n"
"the police, allowing them to be in and out within seconds\n"
"without interruption from the police\n"
"He was an expert in working with phone lines as his previous\n"
"job was, working with a big phone company. Involving him fixing\n"
"any lines that were cut off. He enjoyed his work, and he was\n"
"voted as one of the best employees that company had. At the\n"
"beginning of his career, he was quickly promoted to higher\n"
"voted as one of the best employees that company had.\n"
"\n "
"At the beginning of his career, he was quickly promoted to higher\n"
"ranks but certain people in the company didn't like it,\n"
"they were jealous of his success. They accused him of\n"
"false accusation which he was unable to prove wrong.\n"
"This was the turning point of his life as he tried to\n"
"get a job, but no company was hiring him. Which resulted\n"
"him in getting involved with many illegal jobs. He quickly\n"
"started accepting any small jobs that were offered. As the\n"
"time passed, the risk of his job increased. Leading him into\n"
"becoming the person we know today.")
"becoming the person we know today...")
elif n == 2:
print("LP‘s fate most likely resembled Mark’s because nobody has \n"
"ever heard of him again. Rumours say that he moved to the \n"
"Philippines, but who knows.")
"Philippines, but who knows...")

def mark():
print("Mark moved to Thailand to start a new life. He changed his \n"
print("\t Mark moved to Thailand to start a new life. He changed his \n"
"name to hide his past, he stayed low and he never spend high \n"
"amount of money as he didn't want attracting any attention he \n"
"never needed to steal again. ")
"never needed to steal again! ")

def ray_friend():
print("Ray’s old friend H also moved abroad, but very soon he was \n"
print("\t Ray’s old friend H also moved abroad, but very soon he was \n"
"diagnosed with cancer. It was in an advanced stage and no \n"
"one could help him. As if he didn't deserve it…")

def van():
print(" Not what you would expect, however it was covert, and not what \n"
print("\t Not what you would expect, however it was covert, and not what \n"
"you would expect from a team of high-flying bank robbers, as well \n"
"as having enough storage for all the stolen goods! The team was \n"
"assembled, the base was set up with state-of-the-art computers, \n"
"everything was moving smoothly, and without any hiccups so far.")

"as having enough storage for all the stolen goods!"
" The team was assembled, the base was set up with state-of-the-art computers, \n"
"everything was moving smoothly, and without any hiccups so far."
"<c> to continue"

def range_rover():
print(" Choosing the camo wrapped Range Rover, would most likely attract \n"
print("\t Choosing the camo wrapped Range Rover, would most likely attract \n"
"a lot of attention! But would provide the speed, storage space and \n"
"stealth that a get-away vehicle needs. It isn't as covert as the \n"
"Transit van, but makes up for it with its heavily tinted windows \n"
"and bullet proof body panels. The team had been assembled and the \n"
"base of operations was modified with state of the art computers. \n"
"stealth that a get-away vehicle needs.\n"
" It isn't as covert as the transit van, but makes up for it with its "
"heavily tinted windows and bullet proof body panels."
" The team had been assembled and the base of operations \n "
"was modified with state of the art computers. \n"
"So far, everything was moving smoothly. No hiccups yet ! \n"
"<c> to continue"


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