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Added Markdown Linter
Markdown files need to be properly formatted.

Added package and rules to enforce good practice.
  • Loading branch information
aa7401 committed Oct 14, 2019
1 parent 74e4c57 commit 6deb1f0321fb6eb6e1ef2f864c54a9f47b6e92d8
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Showing 4 changed files with 1,635 additions and 85 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@

"line-length": false,
"no-inline-html": {
"allowed_elements": [
"a", "br"
"header-increment": true,
"ul-style": {
"style": "dash"
"ul-start-left": true,
"no-trailing-spaces": {
"br_spaces": 0
"no-hard-tabs": true,
"no-reversed-links": true,
"no-multiple-blanks": true,
"no-missing-space-atx": true,
"no-multiple-space-atx": true,
"blanks-around-headers": true,
"header-start-left": true,
"no-duplicate-header": true,
"single-h1": true,
"blanks-around-fences": true,
"blanks-around-lists": true,
"no-bare-urls": true,
"no-space-in-emphasis": true,
"no-space-in-code": true,
"no-space-in-links": true,
"fenced-code-language": true
@@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
## If `npm install` doesn't work and gives an error when setting up the template, here is one possible fix:

>Delete `node_modules` folder and `package-lock.json` <br/>
>Add `package-lock.json` as an exception in `.gitignore` <br/>
>Run `npm i` again
If it still doesn't work and it gives an error with Python and/or Microsoft Visual version, try installing `Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable`

Any other bugs or problems please report to your tutor

# Assignment Template

This repository contains the base files for the assignment. You will need to create a _private duplicate_ in your module organisation. Carry out the following steps, taken from the [GitHub documentation](

Temporarily clone this repository to your development computer. This will create a directory on your computer called `temp` which contains the repository files:

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