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aa7401 committed Feb 1, 2018
1 parent c28df6a commit 8401415259296c7492ef411dba3cc7116676c9f0
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Showing 5 changed files with 118 additions and 151 deletions.
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
"line-length": false,
"fenced-code-language": false,
"commands-show-output": false,
"first-line-h1": false,
"ul-indent": false,
"ol-prefix": {
"style": "ordered"
@@ -1,76 +1,95 @@
# Architecture

# Sprint Planning

Each week you will be expected to complete a series of lab activities. You will be required to reflect on these in your assignment so make sure you keep records of what you have done.

You should refer to [this week's presentation](

In this worksheet you will be carrying out the initial planning which needs to take place before the first _sprint_ which will be next week. This stage is often referred to as **sprint zero**.
In this worksheet you will be carrying out the initial planning which needs to take place before the first _sprint_ which will be next week. This will allow you to focus next week on the development of good quality code.

## 1 Reviewing the CPD Plan

Back in the first lab each member of your team created a **continous professional development** (CPD) plan where they identified the skills they needed to learn before the first sprint. Since the first sprint starts next week its time to review each of the plans. Split into pairs (or groups of 3) and within each group, print out copies of the plans and go through them, checking off any parts that have been completed and agreeing a suitable date (and some resources) to ensure each member of the team is ready for the first sprint.

## 2 High-Level Architecture

There is a lot of planning to be carried out before you can start development. Using both your _Domain Model_ and _User Story Map_, start to plan the architecture of the product you will be developing. This architecture needs to be [evolutionary]( to allow for changes and support the agile development process you will be using. You should evaluate a number of architectural design patterns including:
## 2 Sprint Planning

1. publish-subscribe
2. model-view-controller
3. web apis
As a team:

why is the _n-tier architecture_ poorly suited to agile development approaches?
1. Identify who will be the **Scrum Master** and who will be the **Product Owner**.
2. Ideally with the client present, take the first user story from the top row of your user story map:
1. The product owner describes it from the user's perspective
2. Discusses how it can be implemented and work collaboratively on a whiteboard/flipchart to define it's UI until the client/product owner is satisfied/
3. Explain the success criteria (how will the team know they have completed the story implementation.
3. Once the client has left:
1. Break the story into the component tasks and write these on sticky notes.
2. Use planning poker to estimate how many hours each task will take.
- If the estimated time for a task is longer than 4 hours, consider splitting the task down.
3. Add them to the left column of your Kanban board.
4. Finally the _Scrum Master_:
1. adds up the estimated durations for the tasks on the Kanban board and
2. draws out a burndown chart:
1. The X axis should show the days in the sprint.
2. the Y axis should show the combined duration.
3. draws a staight line from the top of the Y axis to the end of the X axis to indicate the optimal burn rate.

## 2 Data Storage
### 2.1 The Kanban Board

Analyse the data storage requirements and decide:
For this first sprint, your Kanban board should have 4 columns as shown:

1. What _type_ of database is best suited (relational, document, graph, etc.)
2. What database technology will be used (MySQL, Redis, Mongo, Neo4J, etc.)
║ To Do ║ Planning ║ Implementation ║ Done ║
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## 3 Deciding on the Technology Stack
At the start of the sprint, all tasks should be in the first column. By the end of the sprint, all tasks should be in the last column.

During this module you will be working in a team to develop a sophisticated suite of tools using a variety of different languages and platforms. It is assumed that you already have the required programming skills...
### 2.2 The Burndown Chart

You should now choose ap appropriate technology stack, making sure you understand the key technologies such as Web APIs and MQTT. By this stage your team should have a clear idea as to what needs to be developed, time for an honest team discussion:
Here is an example of a burndown chart showing the line of optimal development. In this example the sprint lasts from Mon to Fri and there are an estimated 40 hours of development. It shows that the optimum burn rate would be 10 hours per day.

1. Are there any skills required to complete the project that need working on?
2. Are there any potential issues with building any parts of the product?
3. Identify the development platform
1. What will be your primary development language?
2. What frameworks will your team be using?
3. Make sure you are comfortable with the mechanics of writing automated tests for your chosen language including testing async code and creating mocks:
1. [UnitTest]( for Python
2. [JUnit]( for Java
3. [Jasmine]( for JavaScript
4. Microsoft [Unit Test Framework]( for .NET
5. XCUnit for Swift
40 ║*
║ *
30 ║ *
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20 ║ *
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10 ║ *
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00 ║ *

Any skills shortage should be added to the **Continuous Professional Development** (CDP) plans for the appropriate team members.
## 3 High-Level Architecture

## 4 Team Organisation
There is a lot of planning to be carried out before you can start development. Using both your _Domain Model_ and _User Story Map_, start to plan the architecture of the product you will be developing. This architecture needs to be [evolutionary]( to allow for changes and support the agile development process you will be using. You should evaluate a number of architectural design patterns including:

Now you need to organise your team in preparation for the first sprint which will start next week. Base your discussions on the first sprint identified in the _User Story Map_:
1. publish-subscribe
2. model-view-controller
3. web apis

1. Based on your skills audit, divide the team into different groups to tackle the different tiers in your solution.
2. Each group should map out how they will achieve the first user story, this should include:
1. The language they will be using and why.
2. The editor/IDE to be used.
why is the _n-tier architecture_ poorly suited to agile development approaches?

## 5 Technical Preparation
## 4 Data Storage

1. setting up the development workstations:
1. installing the software needed.
2. building simple hello-world programs to check development environment is set up.
2. building and configuring any test servers and platforms
3. configuring GitHub:
1. making sure everyone in the team can log in!
2. creating a team in the correct organisation on GitHub.
3. creating enough correctly named private repositories.
4. adding the team to each of these so everyone has access to all project repositories.
Analyse the data storage requirements and decide:

Before next week you need to make sure the team have all the required skills and have hacked together some code to prove that everything is solveable.
1. What _type_ of database is best suited (relational, document, graph, etc.)
2. What database technology will be used (MySQL, Redis, Mongo, Neo4J, etc.)

## 6 GitLab
## 5 GitLab

In previous modules you have been using the GitHub Enterprise repository within the University but there for this one you will be using [GitLab]( As part of this week's labs you should configure GitLab for your team so you are ready to start development next week.

@@ -107,70 +126,9 @@ Here is a typical `.git/config` file:
email =

## 7 Interacting with Git
## 6 Interacting with Git

The main way you should use to work with Git are the _shell commands_ you enter using the _terminal_. Whilst you should be comfortable using these commands you might want to use a more graphical tool for day-to-day Git operations. There are many options however you should investigate:

- Code editor Git integration: most modern code editors such as [Visual Studio Code]( either come preconfigured with Git integration or it can be added as a plugin. These tools, whilst ideal for basic git work don't have the capability to run the more powerful commands.
- Standalone Git tools: whilst there are a lot of these, many (such as the one available from GitHub) are not easy to use and you may cause issues with your repository. One of the ones recommended is [GitKraken]( which although has a cost attached is free for academic use.

## 7 Sprint Planning

As a team:

1. Identify who will be the **Scrum Master** and who will be the **Product Owner**.
2. Ideally with the client present, take the first user story from the top row of your user story map:
1. The product owner describes it from the user's perspective
2. Discusses how it can be implemented and work collaboratively on a whiteboard/flipchart to define it's UI until the client/product owner is satisfied/
3. Explain the success criteria (how will the team know they have completed the story implementation.
3. Once the client has left:
1. Break the story into the component tasks and write these on sticky notes.
2. Use planning poker to estimate how many hours each task will take.
- If the estimated time for a task is longer than 4 hours, consider splitting the task down.
3. Add them to the left column of your Kanban board.
4. Finally the _Scrum Master_:
1. adds up the estimated durations for the tasks on the Kanban board and
2. draws out a burndown chart:
1. The X axis should show the days in the sprint.
2. the Y axis should show the combined duration.
3. draws a staight line from the top of the Y axis to the end of the X axis to indicate the optimal burn rate.

### 1.1 The Kanban Board

For this first sprint, your Kanban board should have 4 columns as shown:

║ To Do ║ Planning ║ Implementation ║ Done ║
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At the start of the sprint, all tasks should be in the first column. By the end of the sprint, all tasks should be in the last column.

### 1.2 The Burndown Chart

Here is an example of a burndown chart showing the line of optimal development. In this example the sprint lasts from Mon to Fri and there are an estimated 40 hours of development. It shows that the optimum burn rate would be 10 hours per day.

40 ║*
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30 ║ *
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20 ║ *
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10 ║ *
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00 ║ *
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ Each week you will be expected to complete a series of lab activities. You will

You should refer to [this week's presentation](

## 2 Conducting the Sprint
## 1 Conducting the Sprint

During this first sprint, your development team will need to carry out a **Daily Standup meeting** every morning. Before this meeting, the _Scrum Master_ should:

1. Check the _Kanban board_ is up to date.
1. add up the hours for all the tasks remaining incomplete on the Kanban board and using this to update the _Burndown Chart_.
2. add up the hours for all the tasks remaining incomplete on the Kanban board and using this to update the _Burndown Chart_.

║ To Do ║ Planning ║ Implementation ║ Done ║
@@ -25,13 +26,14 @@ During this first sprint, your development team will need to carry out a **Daily
║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║
From this Kanban board you can see that one of the tasks has been
From this Kanban board you can see that one of the tasks has been
completed (and so these hours come off the burndown chart).
One of the tasks has been started but is not yet complete (this stays
One of the tasks has been started but is not yet complete (this stays
on the burndown chart)
The last task has not been fully planned out, this task should be a
The last task has not been fully planned out, this task should be a
priority until the next daily standup.

40 ║*
║ * o
@@ -57,21 +59,3 @@ During the meeting:
If any problems were identified during the standup these will need to be resolved by the appropriate team immediately **after** the daily standup. Make sure the resolution is explained to the _Scrum Master_ before continuing work.

Now each team have tasks assigned and will need to implement these before the next daily standup.

## 3 Review Meeting

You will be given a date for the review meeting, this will typically be a week after the start of the sprint. During this meeting you will be expected to do a local demo of the software you built during the sprint so make sure you are prepared.

1. The **Product Owner** reads the user story/storys completed during the sprint.
2. The **Scrum Master** demonstrates the new features to the client.
3. Any bugs identified are added to the Kanban board to be addressed in the next sprint.

The team then move on to the next _sprint planning meeting_ whilst the client is present.

## 4 Retrospective

Each week the development team should meet up (without the client) and ask each member of the team to identify:

1. What they should continue to do (existing good practice)
2. What they should **start** doing (new good practice)
2. What they should **stop** doing (eliminiate bad practices)

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