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rozarior committed Nov 15, 2022
1 parent 1c09a96 commit 835c60f927aa96e69ed0844c710f711d4acaa14d
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Showing 6 changed files with 95 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
it was not helpful
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
not helpful
waste of time
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
i feel unwanted
my friends dont like me
my frinds leave me out
i feel left out
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
i want to die
i feel like dying
i want to end it all
i am suicidal
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#assuming the rest is done
#if someone just wants to be listened to make sure it replies to certain words to make sure they are being listened to
#advice box, if they say certain things it will detect the words

#yes = open("yes.txt","r")
#yeswords =
#if answer == yeswords:
#print("whatever the yes is for this")

def unsatisfied_service(): #asks why they aren't happy with their service
answer = str(input("I'm sorry to hear that, why aren't you happy with your service?"))
a = answer.split(". ")
fb = open("feedbackwords.txt","r")
fbwords =
for word in a:
if any((True for word in a if word in fbwords)):
print("We work hard to make sure our services are helpful. I'm sorry that I was unable to help")
yn = str(input("Would you like your feedback to be recorded?"))
if yn.lower() == "yes":
feedback = open("Feedback.txt","w+")
feedback.write(answer + "\n") # writes answer to file and makes a new line
print("Your feedback has been recorded, thank you for answering")
("Thank you for telling us. Your data HAS NOT been recorded")

def advice(): #when the option for advice is selected
#make it so if they enter keywords it'll autogenerate advice
print("Feel free to vent here and I will listen to you and give you advice")
box = input("")
word_search = [] #,...%206%20itertools.chain%20%28%29%20to%20combine%20lists%20
word = box.split(". ")
answer = str(input("I'm happy to keep listening, would you like to continue?"))
while answer.lower() != 'no': #loops so that they can keep venting until they enter the word 'finished'
box = input("")
word = box.split(". ")
answer = str(input("Thank you for telling me, would you like to continue?"))
neg = open("negative.txt","r") #stuff that the AI cannot handle for ethical reasons
negative =
lonely = open("lonely.txt","r") #stuff that the AI cannot handle for ethical reasons
lonelyword =
school = open("school.txt","r") #stuff that the AI cannot handle for ethical reasons
schoolword =
for word in word_search:
if any((True for word in word_search if word in negative)): #
print('''I'm sorry to hear that. May I implore you to contact your local hotline. I am unable to help you further. You need medical attention.
Here is a link to all hotlines:''') #why is indenting like this.
if any((True for word in word_search if word in lonely)):
print("Remember that there are people that love you")
if any((True for word in word_search if word in school)):
print("Your mental health is a priority. Work hard at school but make sure you are feeling okay")

def listen(): #when the option listen is selected
print("You mentioned you want someone to listen to you, feel free to vent here and I will listen, I won't say anything back :) Enter the phrase 'finished' when you are done")
box = input("")
answer = box.split() #splits the answer up so it can identify the word finsished
length = len(answer) - 1
while answer[length].lower() != 'finished': #loops so that they can keep venting until they enter the word 'finished'
box = input("")
answer = box.split() #splits the answer up so it can identify the word finsished
length = len(answer) - 1
print("Thank you for venting to me")
answer = input("Are you happy with your service?")
if answer.lower() == 'yes':
print("*Asmaa part here*") #TO BE REPLACED WITH ASMAA'S FUNCTION
if answer.lower() == 'no':

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
im struggling in school
my grades are bad
im failing class
i got an F

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