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The main goal for this project is for the users to be able to upload files inside our software and detect malicious activity on those files.
Importing Modules
import tornado.web
import tornado.ioloop
import glob
import re
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
import pywhatkit
import os
import sys
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
### Deleting all previous uploaded files.
directory = "uploadfolder"
files_in_directory = os.listdir(directory)
filtered_files = [file for file in files_in_directory if file.endswith(".txt")] #this line is not necessary it is just an example to delete certain file types
for file in files_in_directory:
path_to_file = os.path.join(directory, file)
### Function that asks for userinput to upload files
def exit():
userinput = input("Type Y if you want to upload another file for scan or N to exit the program:")
userinput = userinput.capitalize()
if userinput == 'Y':
elif userinput == 'N':
userinput = input("Type Y if you want to upload another file for scan or N to exit the program:")
userinput = userinput.capitalize()
while userinput != 'Y' or userinput != 'N':
userinput = input("Type Y if you want to upload another file for scan or N to exit the program:")
userinput = userinput.capitalize()
if userinput == 'Y':
elif userinput == 'N':
userinput = input("Type Y if you want to upload another file for scan or N to exit the program:")
userinput = userinput.capitalize()
upload function which allows the user to upload files to be scanned
def upload():
convertion() # calling the convertion function to convert files to formats that can be checked for viruses
class uploadHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self): # Get method
self.render("upload.html") # Defining which html file to render when running this file
def post(self): # Post method
files = self.request.files["File"]
for f in files:
fh = open(f"uploadfolder/{f.filename}","wb")
convertion() # calling the convertion function to convert files to formats that can be checked for viruses
checkForViruses() # calling the checkForViruses function to run the scan for our files
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
userinput = input("Type Y if you are uploading your first file or anything else if you already uploaded your first file!!:")
userinput = userinput.capitalize()
if userinput == 'Y':
app = tornado.web.Application([
("/" , uploadHandler),
("/uploadfolder/(.*)", tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {"path" : "uploadfolder"})
print('This is app.listen', app.listen)
print("Listening on port 8080")
print('Ready to upload another file refresh the page.')
Convertion Function, converts images into txt files for the purpose of correctly scanning them.
Also excel and word document files to executables.
def convertion():
for filename in os.listdir('uploadfolder'):
path = "uploadfolder/" + filename
newpath = path + ".txt"
filename = filename.lower()
if filename.endswith(".png"):
pywhatkit.image_to_ascii_art(path , newpath)
elif filename.endswith(".jpg"):
pywhatkit.image_to_ascii_art(path , newpath)
elif filename.endswith(".xlsx"):
elif filename.endswith(".docx"):
scan for viruses, function that scans for malicious content in files
def checkForViruses():
#print("Scanning other python Files! ")
### If a python file contains the string virusCode in their syntax it means it is infected with viruses.
### The text virusCode is a text that is used for test purposes on python files and does not actually mean that the file is infected,
### it is just a text that we used to pass code from one python file to another in order to understand how malicious code can be spread throughout files.
######Commenting out the part where we check python files because this was just for testing purposes.
# programs = glob.glob("uploadfolder/*.py")
# for p in programs:
# thisFileInfected = False
# file = open(p , "r")
# lines = file.readlines()
# file.close()
# for line in lines:
# if("virusCode",line)):
#found a virus
# print("!!!!! Virus found in file" + p)
# thisFileInfected = True
# if thisFileInfected == False:
# print(p + " appears to be clean")
# print(' Scanning of python files ended ')
# print()
### If an image when converted to ascii contains readable text in the new txt file created it means it is infected with malicious software.
### We chose the word width because it is a common programming language word used by hackers to infect pictures files with malicious content.
print('Scanning Images')
programs = glob.glob("uploadfolder/*.txt")
for p in programs:
thisFileInfected = False
file = open(p , "r")
lines = file.readlines()
for line in lines:
#found a virus
print("!!!!! Virus found in file" + p)
thisFileInfected = True
if thisFileInfected == False:
print(p + " appears to be clean")
print('Scanning of images ended ')
### Any executable file could contain macro virus in it. We are converting and then checking each file that can be turned into executable.
print('Scanning Word Files')
programs = glob.glob("uploadfolder/*.docx.exe")
for p in programs:
b = b''
thisFileInfected = False
file = open(p , "rb")
byte =
b = b + byte
while byte:
byte =
b = b + byte
if b == b'\\x53\\x75\\x62\\x44\\x6f\\x63\\x75\\x6d\\x65\\x6e\\x74\\x4f\\x70\\x65\\x6e\\x28\\x29':
#found a virus
print("!!!!! Virus found in file" + p)
thisFileInfected = True
elif b == b'\\x41\\x75\\x74\\x6f\\x45\\x78\\x65\\x63\\x28\\x29':
#found a virus
print('!!!!! Virus found in file' + p)
thisFileInfected = True
if thisFileInfected == False:
print(p + " appears to be clean")
print('Scanning of word files ended ')
print('Scanning EXCEL Files')
programs = glob.glob("uploadfolder/*.xlsx.exe")
for p in programs:
b = b''
thisFileInfected = False
file = open(p , "rb")
byte =
b = b + byte
while byte:
byte =
b = b + byte
if b == b'\\x53\\x75\\x62\\x44\\x6f\\x63\\x75\\x6d\\x65\\x6e\\x74\\x4f\\x70\\x65\\x6e\\x28\\x29':
#found a virus
print("!!!!! Virus found in file" + p)
thisFileInfected = True
elif b == b'\\x41\\x75\\x74\\x6f\\x4f\\x70\\x65\\x6e\\x0a':
#found a virus
print('!!!!! Virus found in file' + p)
thisFileInfected = True
if thisFileInfected == False:
print(p + " appears to be clean")
print('Scanning of EXCEL files ended ')
The following code makes sure that deletes all the converted word and excel documents to executables before checking the actual executables.
This helps us avoid checking a file twice for viruses.
directory = "uploadfolder"
files_in_directory = os.listdir(directory)
filtered_files = [file for file in files_in_directory if file.endswith(".docx.exe")]
filtered_excel_files = [file for file in files_in_directory if file.endswith(".xlsx.exe")]
for file in filtered_files:
path_to_file = os.path.join(directory, file)
for file in filtered_excel_files:
path_to_file = os.path.join(directory,file)
print('Scanning executable Files')
programs = glob.glob("uploadfolder/*.exe")
for p in programs:
b = b''
thisFileInfected = False
file = open(p , "rb")
byte =
b = b + byte
while byte:
byte =
b = b + byte
if b == b'\\x53\\x75\\x62\\x44\\x6f\\x63\\x75\\x6d\\x65\\x6e\\x74\\x4f\\x70\\x65\\x6e\\x28\\x29':
#found a virus
print("!!!!! Virus found in file" + p)
thisFileInfected = True
elif b == b'\\x41\\x75\\x74\\x6f\\x45\\x78\\x65\\x63\\x28\\x29':
#found a virus
print('!!!!! Virus found in file' + p)
thisFileInfected = True
elif b == b'\\x41\\x75\\x74\\x6f\\x4f\\x70\\x65\\x6e\\x0a':
#found a virus
print('!!!!! Virus found in file' + p)
thisFileInfected = True
if thisFileInfected == False:
print(p + " appears to be clean")
print('Scanning of executable files ended ')