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The test is now ready:

Attempt the Test Now

  • The test will be on campus only, not on online.
  • Once you start the test you will get 1 hour to complete it.
  • You do the test during usual timetabled lab session on Thursday 26th October, 2023.

Also, to be clear, this is the only assessment that contributes to your coursework mark, which is worth 50% of the module mark.

The test covers the first 5 weeks (Models of Computation: DFA, NFA, PDA, CFG), assessing learning outcomes 1 and 2.

Week Theme Lecture
1 Introduction Problems!
2 Models of Computation DFAs & NFA
3 Models of Computation NFA equiv. DFA & Regular Expressions
4 Models of Computation Limits of the Regular Languages, Grammars
5 Models of Computation Context-Free Languages (CFLs) [PDAs/CFGs]

Practice test

The Practice Test is now available.

Attempt the Practice Test

You can attempt it multiple times, but I recommend you only attempt it every other day or so after reviewing the weak areas you discovered on your previous attempt.


Memorising answers to the practice test is of very little value.

Video feedback

Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Policy​

Please ensure that you are familiar with the university guidance on Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct.