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Easy Challenge Walkthrough


Our first stage is recon, lets see what we can find out about the page itself.


While some people like to use tools like Burp for this, I still like to do my initial stuff by hand, so fire up the view source window.

Its pretty bare, no links to anything interesting on the site, and the only content of interest is this form

<form method="post">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="nameEntry">Your Name</label>
    <input class="form-control" id="nameEntry" name="name" placeholder="Name">
  <div class="form-group">
    <label for="whichKing">King to bring the Gift</label>
    <select class="form-control" id="whichKing" name="king">
      <option value="Balthazar">Balthazar</option>
      <option value="Melichor">Melichor</option>
      <option value="Gaspar">Gaspar</option>
  <div class="form-group">
    <!-- Whats the Equivalent of a Christmas Easter Egg, A Bolo Rei? -->
    <label for="presentList">Gift Requests</label>
    <textarea class="form-control" id="presentList" rows="3" name="gift"></textarea>
  <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Submit</button>

So this tells us some idea of the data that gets sent when we submit the form.
There is also something about an Easter egg, which we can come back to later.

Gobuster / Robots.txt

Before we start poking the site we also look to see if there are any other pages that we can get to. First (as we live in hope, not pure CTF land) we take a look at ROBOTS.txt which lets us know there is a debug page the devs don't want Google finding

User-Agent: *
Disallow: /debug

Running gobuster with a common word list also identifies this debug page

The Debug Page

Shows us the source code for the flask application itself. How nice of the dev's...

We can see from the way that the template is built, its likely to be vulnerable to SSTI, rather than have any substitution within the template itself, the dev uses the string replace() function. This should let us inject template objects of our own.

errorPage = """
{% extends 'base.html' %}
{% block content %}
<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
ERROR:  WHO is not a King
{% endblock content %}

This pages gets rendered when there is an error in the King that gets selected. If the user somehow manages to submit a King that the app doesn't know about, the error message gets shown.

Recon Summary

It looks like we have all of the pieces of our vulnerability puzzle in place.

We make a POST request to the index / to submit our form, and gives us an idea of the parameters that are sent.

  • The users name
  • A King (from a select)
  • A Request for gifts.

If the King is not one of the ones the system knows about, it renders a template with a possible SSTI in it.

Initial Exploitation

Next we want to test if our expected issue is correct. To do this we want to send something like {{ 1 + 1 }} as a payload. If the site is vulnerable to SSTI, it should render out as 2.

However we have a couple of speed bumps on the way to do this.

  • The King is limited to the values in the forms <select> that limits our possible payloads.
  • Form submission is a POST request, so its not trivial to change the form by mangling the query string.

There are a couple of solutions to this:

Using NSA level hacking tools

For the first we are going to fire up the NSA level hacking tool that is the inspect element window that comes in all modern web browsers. Its a really useful tool for monkeying around with the source code of a page on the fly, so should let us change the value sent. We simply change one of the Kings in the select to be our payload value = {{ 1+1 }}

Pro Level Hacking

Which then renders the error page with our Injected payload of 3


Using Python

While buggering about with the inspector, or burp works, we could also use Python. The requests library lets us send and receive data from websites, and is my preferred approach, because it saves me wearing my mouse out.

We write a simple script

import requests
URL = ""
data = {"king": "{{ 4+4 }}"}
r =, data)
print (r.text)

And we get Code Execution in the Response.

<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
ERROR:  8 is not a King

Getting the Flag

Now we know the site is vulnerable to SSTI, its time to get a flag.

We could try to go down the shell route, or we can just try to read the flag file from the system. (I didn't try the shell, to be honest I find the whole python reverse shell thing a torturous process).

So our first question is how do we get RCE within Flask / Jinja. (Note: I have a longer post planned for this, so we will just cover the basics here)

It turns out our issue stems from some of the global variables that are available in all templates. As (almost) everything in Python is an Object, it turns our we can make use of these to find the functionality we need.

For example, we can access any global variables available to the the application object with the following payload

{{ request['application']['__globals__'] }}"

Now as the application is a Python object these globals also include things like any classes it knows about and this includes not only Flask related stuff, but Python's builtin functions.

Now there is a load of useful stuff here, and we can start chaining together statements to get the result we want.

For example, one of the builtin function is open() which will allow us to read the contents of a file. Lets make use of that to try and get the flag.

{{ request['application']['__globals__']['__builtins__'].open('flag.txt').read() }}

Which gives us the output (and the flag)

<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">\nERROR:  CUEH{S1mpl3_SSTI_With0ut_Filters}\n is not a King\n</div>

Now obviously, this relies the flag being in a place we can guess flag.txt and readable by the user running the flask application. For instance we can use the same approach to read the /etc/passwd file, but not /etc/shadow

In the hard example we will see how we can solve some of these problems.

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