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Module Guide

Aims and Summary

In this module students will study the theoretical and practical aspects of penetration testing and security audit. Common tools and techniques will be explored, with a focus on building a good understanding of the underlying theoretical concepts of systems exploitation. Currently standard tools, techniques and frameworks will be explored while building a good understanding of underlying concepts through ground-up development and exploration.

Learning Outcomes

The intended learning outcomes are that, on this module, the student should be able to:

  1. Use appropriate tools to discover the structure of a network, the services running on it, and identify and classify potential security flaws
  2. Demonstrate understanding of the core theoretical concepts that lead to insecurity in computer systems, and how there can be used to exploit and mitigate threats identified in a computer system or network
  3. Discuss common penetration testing methodologies, vulnerability risk rating systems and how they relate to the security audit process


  • Laboratory: 26
  • Lecture: 13


A rough guide to the weekly topics is below:

Week Topic
1 Intro, What is Pentesting
2 Pentest Process and Assessing Vulns
3 Shells and Talking to Servers
4 Recon - NMAP and Friends
5 Recon on the Server
6 Permissions and Privesc
8 Putting It together XSS -> Exploit
9 Putting It together SSTI -> Exploit
10 Overflows Intro
11 Kernel Exploits
12 Revision / Coursework
13 Revision / Coursework


This module is assessed through 100% coursework.

To pass the module you must get a score of 40% or greater.

Component Component Type Credits Learning Outcomes Attempts Allowed
Cw1 Applied Core 10 1, 2, 3
Cw2 Applied Core 10 1, 2, 3

CW 1: Security Audit

CW1: A security audit of a given host (or set of hosts), demonstrating discovery, exploitation and mitigation of vulnerabilities discussed during module

CW2: Practical Assessment

CW2: Practical assessment - Penetration test report (up to 1500 words), describing the security audit, showing vulnerabilities identified, exploitation process and suggestions for mitigating any vulnerabilities found