Development Environment Guides

Installing Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA

Installing Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA

As part of the programming module you study on the course, you are required to interact with the Python programming language. This interaction will be undertaken using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), which will be installed within the Linux-based operating system.

In this guide, you shall be taken through the journey of installing the Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA IDE and how it will interact with the Linux (Debian-based) operating system for any module that may make use of the IDE.

Preliminary Information

There is an expectation that you will have a JetBrains educational license. The IDE that is recommended by this course, is the JetBrains suite of applications. The JetBrains suite is payware, and as such they do not come for free. However, as students at this university you are able to obtain a free educational license. To obtain your free license, follow the instructions at the following URL:

JetBrains Educational License

Downloading and Installing the Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA IDE

The JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA application is an IDE and is relatively useful for the course you are studying as it provides a means to develop applications (or reports) for a variety of different languages.

Downloading the IDE is relatively straight forward, you can use a single command. Before you can execute the command, you will need to open the Terminal window. To do this, you can either use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl + Alt + T or search for Terminal in the Application screen as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Figure 1. Searching for Terminal in the Application Screen.

In the terminal window, you can proceed with downloading the IDE file by entering the following command:

$ wget -O idea.tar.gz

This will begin the process of downloading the IntelliJ IDEA installation files from the JetBrains server. The outcome of this command should be similar to that of the terminal window shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2

Figure 2. Downloading the IntelliJ IDEA installation files from the JetBrains server.

Once the files have been downloaded, they are stored in a compressed archive (.tar.gz). This will require uncompressing to an appropriate area of your Linux system. Uncompressing an archive can be achieved using the tar command. However, before uncompressing the archive, you are required to decide which directory to uncompress the archive to. For the purpose of this guide, the archive will be uncompressed to the /opt directory.

The opt directory is a root-privileged only directory, as such you are required to use the sudo command to escalate privileges on the machine. To uncompress the archive to the opt directory, the following command can be used:

$ sudo tar xvf idea.tar.gz -C /opt

The -C flag is used to denote which directory you would like the contents of the compressed archived to be extracted to. When the command is executed, you will be asked for the password of your user account. In this instance, you will want to enter the password you would normally use to log in to the system. Note, that when you enter the password it may come across as if you are not entering anything; this is normal, and continue entering the password as usual and then push the Enter key. This will begin extracting the contents of the archive, as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3

Figure 3. Extracting the IntelliJ IDEA archive to the `opt` directory.

To confirm whether the files have been extracted to the opt directory, the following command can be executed in the terminal window:

$ ls /opt

The outcome of this command should list the folders and files that are located in the /opt directory. In this instance, you should see something similar to the output shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4

Figure 4. The contents of the `opt` directory.

Before you can begin using the IntelliJ IDEA IDE, there are a couple of things we need to do:

  1. Rename the IntelliJ IDEA directory in /opt.
  2. Add a shortcut to the IntelliJ IDEA binary to the Application screen.

Renaming the IntelliJ IDEA Directory

The first step is relatively straight forward; to rename a directory you can simply move the contents of the folder to another folder with the new name. This can be achieved with using the mv command:

$ sudo mv /opt/idea-IU-231.8109.175 /opt/intellij

The command above is essentially renaming the idea-IU-231.8109.175 directory to intellij, omitting the version number 231.8109.175. Remember, that the sudo command is also being used as the opt directory is a root-privileged only directory, thus any changes made to this directory needs root/administrator access.

To confirm whether the changes have been successfully applied, you can list the contents of the /opt directory using the ls command:

$ ls /opt

The outcome from this command can be seen in Figure 5, and you can observe that the old idea-IU-231.8109.175 directory has been renamed to intellij.

Figure 5

Figure 5. The contents of the `opt` directory with the `clion` directory renamed.

Adding the IntelliJ IDEA Binary to the Application Screen

The next step is to add the CLion binary to the Application screen so it can be easily accessible for you, instead of having to run a command when you want to access the IDE. To achieve this, a file needs to be created in the directory /usr/share/applications. Once again, this directory requires root-privileges and as such the sudo command will be required. In this directory, you are required to create a file called IntelliJ.desktop and this can be achieved using the nano command:

$ sudo nano /usr/share/applications/IntelliJ.desktop

The nano command will open a text-editor in the terminal window, in which you will be able to type (or paste) content into the newly created file IntelliJ.desktop. The contents of this file should be the following:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate

The terminal window should look similar to that of the one shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6

Figure 6. The contents of the `IntelliJ.desktop` file.

To save the contents of the file, press the following key combination on the keyboard, Ctrl + X. This will then create a shortcut to the IntelliJ IDEA binary on the Application screen. You can now search for the IDE in the Applicationscreen, by clicking on the grid of dots in the bottom left-hand corner and searching for IntelliJ, as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7

Figure 7. Searching for JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA in the Application screen.

To open the IDE click on the icon in the Application screen. Before the main IDE window is opened, the CLion user agreement will be shown, click on the checkbox to agree to the user agreement and click the Continue button. Another window will be presented, asking whether you want to share your data, click on the Don't Send button.

Once the relevant user agreements and data sharing processes have been completed the IntelliJ IDEA application will begin to load.

Activation of the IDE

On the first instance of following this guide, and the IDE has been installed and loaded, it will ask for you to activate your software. In order to do this, you need to click on the Log In to Jetbrains Account... button. This will open an internet browser window, whereby you will need to sign-in with your JetBrains account you created earlier.

Once you have logged in to your account, the internet browser will close automatically, and you should now see an Activate button appear. Click on this button and your IDE will be activated, and you should be presented with an application window similar to the one shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8

Figure 8. The Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA application.

Installing the Python Plugin

Before you can begin using the IDE for providing solutions for the programming module using the Python programming language, you are required to install a plugin for the IntelliJ IDEA IDE. Once the IDE has loaded, you will be met with a splash screen similar to the one shown in Figure 8. On the splash screen, you will see a button labelled Plugins on the left-hand side of the splash screen, click on this button. The screen will change to present you with a Marketplace of various plugins that can be installed, as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9

Figure 9. The plugin Marketplace of the JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA IDE.

In the screenshot, you can see that the Marketplace tab is active with a blue line underneath the label Marketplace. Directly below this is a search box, and in this box you need to enter the term Python, and a list of options will pop-up similar to the ones shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10

Figure 10. The Python plugin for the JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA IDE.

The first option returned should be labelled just Python with the author being JetBrains s.r.o. This is the plugin that is required to be installed, therefore you can click on the green button labelled Install. This will begin the installation process of the Python plugin for the IDE.

Once it has been successfully installed, you will be met once again with a green button, but this time labelled Restart IDE, click this button and the IDE will be restarted. Once the IDE has restarted, we can begin with the creation of a new Python project.

Creating a Python Project

In this section of the guide, we shall begin the process of creating a new Python project. Once the IDE has loaded, you will be met with a splash screen similar to the one shown in Figure 8. On the splash screen, you will see a button labelled New Project, click on this button. A new window will pop up with a variety of different options, as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11

Figure 11. Creating an empty project using the IntelliJ IDEA IDE.

You can see in the new window, I have selected the New Project option on the left hand-side. Once this item has been selected, you will then be asked to provide a name of the project and the location where you would like to save the project folder. In this instance, I have chosen to call my project empty_project and the location has stayed as the default location: /home/ian/IdeaProjects.

On the same screen, you can see an option to create a Git repository, you can leave this option unchecked. There are also options to select the type of programming language that will be used. If you have installed the Python plugin correctly, an option for Python should be presented. Ensure that this option is selected, as you will be wanting to create a Python project.

With the Python language selected, you will then be met with some additional options to create an Environment. In this instance, you will want to select the New option, and then directly below that you will want to select the Virtualenv environment type. Virtual environments are a great method of keeping your system Python's interpreter separate to any individual projects you are working upon.

Once these settings have been applied, and are similar to the ones shown in Figure 11, you can proceed and click on the Create button. This will begin the process of creating the new Python project.


That is the end of this guide on setting up the JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA IDE and configuring it to interact with the Linux operating system. If you have followed all the necessary steps correctly, you should have a fully functional IDE which will enable you to complete any necessary programming-based activities you will participate with on this course.

Mistakes or Problems?

If you have spotted any errors or issues within this tutorial, you can e-mail Dr Ian Cornelius. Ensure to include in your message a description of the error/issue and a possible resolution. Also do not forget to include a URL to the page with the issue/error.