
Programming and Algorithms 2

Module Guide & Information

Module Guide & Information

Schedule of Classes

  • Lab Sessions:
  • Monday, 16:00 - 18:00, BSB2-14
  • Wednesday, 09:00 - 11:00, BSB2-14

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand algorithm efficiency in order to select and implement the most appropriate for a given task.
  2. Evaluate patterns and paradigms appropriate for specific tasks.
  3. Develop secure software through the application of standards and secure programming principles.
  4. Create software that requires multi-threading, inter-process communication, memory management and close interaction with the host operating system.
  5. Develop software with a variety of user interfaces.


The module consists of two assessments, and these are:

  1. CW1: Encoding and Decoding a Message Hidden Inside an Image
  2. CW2: Enumerating a System over the Network

In order to pass this module, you will need to achieve a module mark of at-least 40% from the CW1 and CW2 assignments.

CW1: Encoding and Decoding a Message Hidden Inside an Image

The CW1 assignment will be submitted using the TurnItIn platform on the Aula module page.

You are required to submit your work using the TurnItIn platform on Aula. You will be submitting a Microsoft Word document (docx) or a Portable Document Framework file (pdf). Inside the document, you will need to provide the following:

  • The URL of the Git repository stored on the Coventry University Git service.
  • For each source code file of your submission, you will need to provide:
  • a title page, which is the name of the file, i.e. main.py
  • the source-code of the file with syntax highlighting and tabs/spacing intact

Note: Screenshots will not be accepted, and the code must be copied and pasted into the document. A submission example can be found at the following links:

Your source-code will be submitted to a plagiarism checker - so please ensure that any source-code acquired online is appropriately referenced. You are not to push or commit code to the GitHub repository after you have submitted your coursework. Timestamps will be checked, and if any changes made after the submission timestamp will not be marked.

CW2: Enumerating a System over the Network

The CW2 assignment will be submitted using the TurnItIn platform on the Aula module page.

You are required to submit your work using the TurnItIn platform on Aula. You will be submitting a Microsoft Word document (docx) or a Portable Document Framework file (pdf). Inside the document, you will need to provide the following:

  • The URL of the Git repository stored on the Coventry University Git service.
  • For each source code file of your submission, you will need to provide:
  • a title page, which is the name of the file, i.e. main.py
  • the source-code of the file with syntax highlighting and tabs/spacing intact

Note: Screenshots will not be accepted, and the code must be copied and pasted into the document. A submission example can be found at the following links:

Your source-code will be submitted to a plagiarism checker - so please ensure that any source-code acquired online is appropriately referenced. You are not to push or commit code to the GitHub repository after you have submitted your coursework. Timestamps will be checked, and if any changes made after the submission timestamp will not be marked.

Module Evaluation

You will be asked to complete a module questionnaire giving your views on how the module has gone. Please answer as honestly, thoughtfully and fully as you can. The results will be used to guide the future development of the module and help future students.

Reading List

  • Dooley, J.. (2017). Software development, design and coding : With patterns, debugging, unit testing, and refactoring (Second ed.).

Your Education Reps and Forums

Your Students Union runs a system of forums for students to feedback and discuss their courses.
Visit their portal to find out who represents your views and when they meet.

Module Information Descriptor

You can find key information about the module in the Module Information Descriptor. This can be found by searching for the module name or code on the Module Information Directory (MID).