Classes in C++

Dr Ian Cornelius


Hello (1)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand how to use classes in C++
  2. Demonstrate the ability to use classes in C++

Headers and Source Files

Headers and Source Files (1)

  • C++ classes are split into two files:
    • header file, with a .h file extension
    • source file, with a .cpp file extension
  • Header file consists of the class definitions and function headers
  • Source file consists of the implementation of the functions
  • If the class implementation does not change, then the class will not need to be recompiled
    • only classes that change will be recompiled

Header and Source Files (2)

Header Files i

  • These are files that end with the .h file extension
  • Contains the declaration of the following:
    • variables
    • function headers
  • These files are referenced to in the C++ implementation source file using #include
    • i.e. #include "myfile.h"
  • The files for a header are plain-text and contain rules for defining syntax
  • Header files are useful for the following reasons:
    1. Speeds up compilation
    2. Keeps the code organised
    3. Allows for the separation of the interface from the implementation

Header and Source Files (3)

Header Files ii

  • Header files can cause complex errors
  • Generally when multiple header declarations from other files are included in the same file
    • this will raise a compiler error
    • it can be avoided by using header guards
  • Preprocessing on compilation will check for header guards and their unique name
    • if the header is repeatedly included in the same file, then the contents will be ignored

Header and Source Files (4)

Source Files

  • These are files that end with the .cpp file extension
  • Known to be the implementation file
    • contains the implementation of the functions declared in the header file
  • Source files help split the interface from the implementation

Header and Source Files (5)

Example: Header File

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

class ExampleClass {
  int intExample1;
  char get_char();
  string say_hello(int tmpInt);
  char charExample1;


Example: Source File

#include "myfile.h"

std::string say_hello(int tmpExample) {
  return "Hello " + std::to_string(tmpExample);

char get_char() {
  return charExample1;


Classes (1)

Recap: Classes

  • Recap:
  • Classes provide a structure for the objects
  • They are used for defining:
    • a set of properties, represented by variables
    • the behaviour, which is represented by functions
  Dog <|-- GermanShepherd : extends
  Dog <|-- GoldenRetriever : extends

Classes (2)

  • Creating classes in C++ is different to Python

  • Source code is split between two files:

    • header (.h)
    • source (.cpp)
  • The header contains information about the variables and functions

  • The source contains the actual implementation of the functions

  • Classes will be defined using the class keyword followed by a name

  • The body of a class is defined inside a set of curly brackets ({}) and terminated by a semicolon (;)

class Student {

Classes (3)

Access Specifiers

  • Access specifiers control how members of a class are accessed
  • There are three access specifiers in C++:
    • public: members are accessible outside the class
    • private: members cannot be accessed (or viewed) outside the class
    • protected: members cannot be accessed outside the class; but can be accessed with inheritance
class Lecturer {
    std::string name;
    int age;
    std::string dateOfBirth;

Classes (4)

Creating an Object i

  • Recap:
    • Objects are instances that are created from a class
    • Objects created from classes will be referred as instance(s)
      • the process of creating an object from a class is instantiation
    • Objects will have a property
      • a set of values that are associated with a real-world entity
    • For example:
      • Class: Dog
      • Objects: German Shepherd, Golden Retriever
  Dog <|-- GermanShepherd : extends
  Dog <|-- GoldenRetriever : extends

Classes (5)

Creating an Object ii

  • An object can be created from the class by calling upon the class name
    • followed by the name of the variable, i.e. Lectuer lecturer1;
#include <iostream>
class Lecturer {
    std::string name;
    int age;
int main() {
  Lecturer lecturer1;
  Lecturer lecturer2; = "Ian Cornelius"; = "Terry Richards";
  std::cout << " -> " << << std::endl;
  std::cout << " -> " << << std::endl;
  return 0;
} -> Ian Cornelius -> Terry Richards

Classes (6)

Class Constructors

  • Recap:
    • Constructors are a special type of function and is called automatically when an object is created
    • They have the same name as the class and do not return a type
class Lecturer {
    Lecturer() {

Classes (7)

Default Constructors

  • Constructors with no parameters are known as a default constructor
  • A class Lecturer has been created
    • the default constructor sets the name and age of the lecturer
  • An object is created and the variable name is accessed
    • the name of the lecturer is returned
    • the age of the lecturer cannot be accessed as it is private
#include <iostream>
class Lecturer {
    std::string name;
    Lecturer() {
      name = "Ian Cornelius";
      age = 34;
    int age;
int main() {
  Lecturer lecturer1;
  std::cout << " -> " << << std::endl;
  return 0;
} -> Ian Cornelius

Classes (8)

Parameterised Constructors

  • Constructors with parameters are known as a parameterised constructor
  • A class Lecturer has been created
    • the parameterised constructor sets the name and age of the lecturer
  • The variable name is accessed
    • the name of the lecturer is returned
    • the age of the lecturer cannot be accessed as it is private
#include <iostream>
class Lecturer {
    std::string name;
    Lecturer(std::string _name, int _age) {
      name = _name;
      age = _age;
    int age;
int main() {
  Lecturer lecturer1("Ian Cornelius", 34);
  Lecturer lecturer2("Terry Richards", -1);
  std::cout << " -> " << << std::endl;
  std::cout << " -> " << << std::endl;
  return 0;
} -> Ian Cornelius -> Terry Richards

Classes (9)

Class Functions

  • Classes can also consist of functions, and they will belong to the object that is created
  • A class Lecturer has been created
    • the parameterised constructor sets the name and age of the student
  • The function greeting() is accessed on the lecturer1 object
#include <iostream>
class Lecturer {
    std::string name;
    Lecturer(std::string _name, int _age) {
      name = _name;
      age = _age;
    std::string greeting() {
      return "Hello " + name + ", and welcome to 5062CEM!";
    int age;
int main() {
  Lecturer lecturer1("Ian Cornelius", 34);
  std::cout << "lecturer1.greeting() -> " << lecturer1.greeting() << std::endl;
  return 0;
lecturer1.greeting() -> Hello Ian Cornelius, and welcome to 5062CEM!

Classes (10)

Accessing and Modifying Private Members i

  • The variable age in this class is private
  • There is no method of accessing this variable outside the class
    • therefore, a method of accessing and modifying this variable is required
  • It can be achieved by creating a function inside the class
class Lecturer {
    std::string name;
    Lecturer(std::string _name, int _age) {
      name = _name;
      age = _age;
    int age;

Classes (11)

Accessing and Modifying Private Members ii

  • A class Lecturer has been created
    • the parameterised constructor sets the name and age of the student
  • The function get_age() is accessed on the lecturer1 object
    • access the private variable to return the age of the student
  • The function change_age() is accessed on the lecturer object
    • changes the private variable to a new age
#include <iostream>
class Lecturer {
    std::string name;
    Lecturer(std::string _name, int _age) {
      name = _name;
      age = _age;
    int get_age() {
      return age;
    void change_age(int _age) {
      age = _age;
    int age;
int main() {
  Lecturer lecturer1("Ian Cornelius", 34);
  std::cout << "lecturer1.get_age() -> " << lecturer1.get_age() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "lecturer1.get_age() -> " << lecturer1.get_age() << std::endl;
  return 0;
lecturer1.get_age() -> 34
lecturer1.get_age() -> -9

Classes (12)

Class Inheritance i

  • Recap:
  • Inheritance allows you to define a class that will inherit all the functions and properties from another class
  • There are two important terminologies to know:
    • parent class which is the class from which another class is being inherited from
    • child class which is the class that is inherited from the parent class
  • Inheriting a class in C++ can be achieved with the colon (:) character
class childClass : accessSpecifier parentClass {

Classes (13)

Creating a Parent and Child Class

  • Any class you create in C++ can be a parent class
    • the syntax is the same as creating any other class
  • A child class is created by include the parent class after the colon when creating the child class
    • the child class will inherit all properties and functions of the parent class
#include <iostream>
// Parent Class
class Person {
    std::string name;
    Person(std::string _name, int _age) {
      name = _name;
      age = _age;
    int age;
// Child Class
class Lecturer : public Person {
    using Person::Person;
    int get_age() {
      return age;
    void change_age(int _age) {
      age = _age;
int main() {
  Lecturer lecturer1("Ian Cornelius", 34);
  std::cout << " -> " << << std::endl;
  std::cout << "lecturer1.get_age() -> " << lecturer1.get_age() << std::endl;
  return 0;
} -> Ian Cornelius
lecturer1.get_age() -> 34


Goodbye (1)

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