Introduction to C++

Dr Ian Cornelius


Hello (1)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the background and the process of working with C++
  2. Demonstrate the ability to work with C++ using an integrated development environment

Overview of C++

Overview of C++ (1)

  • A cross-platform language and is often used to create high-performance applications
  • Provides programmers with a high level of control over system resources and memory
  • Four major revisions to the language in 2011, 2014, 2017 and 2020
    • a fifth is on the way 2023…
    • referred to as C++11, C++14, C++17 and C++20

Overview of C++ (2)

History of C++

  • Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1983 as an extension to the C programming language
    • development has begun four years prior to release in 1979
    • first known as C with Classes
  • First version of C++ released in 1983, and renamed from C with Classes
  • Major versions released through the years:
    • C++98, C++11, C++14, C++17, and C++20

Overview of C++ (3)

Features of C++

  • C++ is an object-oriented language
  • Declaration of global variables is not allowed
  • Operators new and delete are used for memory allocation and deallocation
  • C++ is machine independent, meaning it is cross-platform compatible

Overview of C++ (4)

Advantages of C++

  • C++ can be used for a wide variety of tasks, such as:
    • General System Applications
    • Video Game Development
    • Applications for Servers
  • A mature language which is clear and consists of a large community
  • Aids developers to create applications with re-usability and readability in mind
  • Known as a mult-paradigm degree

Overview of C++ (5)

Disadvantages of C++

  • Misusing pointers, whereby the system may crash or behave in a weird manner
  • The language can often be complex

Using C++

Using C++ (1)

  • Using modern C++ for this module, C++20
    • although C++23 is on the horizon
    • it is cross-platform and works across all major operating systems
  • Requires an installation of a C++ compiler

Using C++ (2)

macOS, Linux and Windows

  • Typing g++ into the terminal window will call the C++ compiler
    • i.e. g++ file_name.cpp -o file_name
  • You are more than likely going to compile your code using the integrated development environment (IDE)
    • the IDE for this module uses cmake to build your C++ application

Using C++ (3)

Integrated Development Environment

  • Supported IDE: JetBrains CLion
  • Features:
    • Debugging
    • Code Refactoring and Profiling
    • Version Control Integration
    • Compilation of C++ source files
  • Note, you are still expected to learn how to do things via the terminal/command-line
    • especially with the version control tool and source-code compilation

Using C++ (4)

Writing your C++ Code

  • Line 1: starts by including a module for managing input and output
    • enables writing output to the terminal window, e.g. cout
  • Line 3: creates a main function to execute the script
    • this is the entry point of the script
  • Line 4: prints a string using the cout function from the iostream module
#include <iostream>

int main() {
   std::cout << "Hello 5062CEM!\n";
   return 0;

Using C++ (5)

Compiling your C++ Code

  • Requires using the g++ command that was introduced earlier
  • Compilation can be achieved using the following command:
    • $ g++ main.cpp -o main
  • Remember, the dollar ($) character indicates this is a terminal command/script
  • Executing the binary file can be achieved with the following command:
    • $ ./main
#include <iostream>

int main() {
   std::cout << "Hello 5062CEM!\n";
   return 0;
Hello 5062CEM!


Goodbye (1)

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