Graphical User Interfaces

Using Python tkinter

Dr Ian Cornelius


Hello (1)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the concept of GUI and their purpose in Python
  2. Demonstrate knowledge on how to use GUI widgets in a body of work

Graphical User Interfaces

Graphical User Interfaces (1)

  • Graphical User Interfaces is often abbreviated to GUI
  • Helps a user to interact with the software through the use of visual indicators
  • To-date you have created applications that are procedural in pattern
    • i.e. it follows a series of steps in a pre-determined pattern
  • GUIs are different to Command-Line Interfaces (CLI)
    • a CLI will perform a series of tasks in a pre-determined order
    • a GUI will wait for a series of inputs from the user
      • any tasks performed are in control by the user
graph LR;
    id0(start) --> id1((S1)) --> id2((S2)) --> id3((S3)) --> id4(end);

Graphical User Interfaces (2)

Event Driven Programming

  • Event driven programming is where a program reacts to events
  • An event has some sort of action that is associated to it
    • the order and frequency of an event is unpredictable
  • Event driven programming does not have a predefined sequence of actions to be performed
    • nor does it have a pre-defined end
graph LR;
    id0(start) --> id1((S1)) <--> id2((S2)) <--> id3((S3));
    id1((S1)) <--> id5((S4));
    id5((S4)) <--> id2((S2));
    id3((S3)) --> id4(end);
    id2((S2)) --> id4(end);
    id5((S4)) --> id4(end);

Graphical User Interfaces (3)

GUI Programming

  • GUIs consist of the following structure:
    • a selection of icons and widgets displayed to the user, organised inside a window
    • functions that will process user and application events
    • association of user events with specific functions
    • an infinite conditional statement to process user events
  • Python does not support GUI or event driven programming natively
  • GUIs are implemented using an additional library
    • i.e. tkinter, PySide, and wxPython

Full List of Additional GUI Libraries

tkinter Module

tkinter Module (1)

  • For this module, you will be introduced to tkinter
    • a GUI module that is pre-installed with Python
    • an abbreviation for TK Inteface
  • Requires loading the library/module tkinter to be used
import tkinter
  • tkinter is a platform independent package that consists of a variety of GUI elements
    • e.g. button, label, menu, frame etc.
    • the GUI elements are often referred to as widgets
  • Provides an object-oriented interface to the GUI toolkit

tkinter Module (2)

tkinter Widgets i

  • The module consists of 15 widgets to aid in building a GUI
Widget Description
Button Displays a button in your application.
Canvas Enables you to draw shapes, such as lines, circles and rectangles.
Check Button Can be used to display a number of options as a checkboxes. The user is able to select multiple options at a time.
Entry Displays an input field for a single line of text. Allows a user to enter data.
Frame This is a container, and is where all other widgets will be organised.
List Box Provides a list of options to a user.

tkinter Module (3)

tkinter Widgets ii

Widget Description
Menu Provides a method to display various commands to the user. The commands themself are stored in a Menu Button.
Menu Button Used to create a menu in your application.
Message Displays an input field to display multi-line text.
Radio Button Displays a number of options to the user as a radio button. The user can only select one option at a time.

tkinter Module (4)

tkinter Widgets iii

Widget Description
Scale Used to display a slider to the user.
Scrollbar Provides scrolling capability to various widgets, i.e. list-boxes and messages.
Text Can be used for the user to insert multi-lines of text to the user.

tkinter Module (5)

tkinter Widgets iv

Widget Description
Top Level Used to provide a separate window container.
Spin Box Displays a fixed number of values to the user for selection.
Paned Window A container that may contain any number of panes that are arranged horizontally or vertically.
Label Frame A simple container that acts as a spacer or container for complex layouts.
Message Box Enables the developer to display messages to the user.

tkinter Module (6)

Widget Attributes i

  • Each widget will consist of an attribute
    • an attribute is an underlying method/function of a widgets instance
  • There are a standard list of attributes available for each widget:
    1. Dimensions
    2. Colours
    3. Fonts
    4. Anchors
    5. Relief Styles
    6. Bitmaps

tkinter Module (7)

Widget Attributes ii


  • A variety of dimensions for a widget can be described using different units
    • a dimension could be: length, width, height etc.
  • If a dimension of a widget is set as an integer, it is assumed to be in pixels
  • A particular measurement type can be set by using a string literal
Measurement Type Example
Centimeter "1c"
Inch "1i"
Millimeter "10mm"

tkinter Module (8)

Widget Attributes iii


  • Specifying colours can be achieved in one of two ways:
    1. Use a string to specify the red, green and blue (RGB) values in hexadecimal
    2. Use a locally defined color name
Method 1: Hexadecimal Values
  • Strings are used to define the red, green and blue (RGB) values in a hexadecimal format
    • #rgb four bits per colour, i.e. #fff is white
    • #rrggbb eight bits per colour, i.e. #000000 is black
    • #rrrgggbbb twelve bits per colour, i.e. #000fff000 is green
Method 2: Defined Colour Name
  • Locally defined names for a colour can be used
    • i.e. 'white', 'black', 'red', 'green'

tkinter Module (9)

Widget Attributes iv


  • Specifying a font can be done in one of two ways
Method 1: Tuple Format
  • Tuples can be used to store the font family, size and formatting style
# 0                 # 1         # 2
('Helvetica',       '16',       'bold underline')
Index Definition
0 Defines to the font family
1 Defines the font size
2 Defines to the formatting of the text

tkinter Module (10)

Widget Attributes v

Fonts continued

Method 2: Font Objects
  • Font objects can be created using the tkFont module
  • Use the constructor of the Font class and a variety of options to change the formatting
Option Definition
family Defines the font family to be used as a string
size Defines the font size
weight bold for bold formatting, normal for standard formatting
slant italic for italic formatting, roman for standard formatting
underline 1 for underline formatting, 0 for no underline
overstrike 1 for overline formatting, 0 for no over-strike
  • An example:
import tkFont
font1 = tkFont.Font(family='Helvetica', size=16, weight='bold', underline=1)

tkinter Module (11)

Widget Attributes vi


  • Anchors are constants to control where items are positioned relative to their context
    • i.e. an anchor can specify where a widget is located inside a frame
  • The constants are given as a compass point
    • i.e. north is top and west is left

tkinter Module (12)

Widget Attributes vii

Relief Styles

  • Provides a simulated three-dimensional effect around the outside of a widget
  • The width of the borders are dependant upon the borderwidth option

tkinter Module (13)

Widget Attributes viii


  • Bitmaps can be used to add icons to buttons etc.
Bitmap Value Icon Bitmap Value Icon
error gray75
gray50 gray25
gray12 hourglass
info questhead
question warning
  • Your own bitmap icons can also be used, using the file extension .xbm
  • Instead of using a string from the table above, provide a string with the following:
    • @ symbol
    • path to the bitmap file


Goodbye (1)

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