Graph Theory

Dr Ian Cornelius


Hello (1)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the concept of graphs and their purpose as a data structure
  2. Demonstrate and implement their knowledge of graphs

Graph Theory

Graph Theory (1)

What are Graphs?

  • Graphs are the basis for a large amount of programming
  • They are essentially a set of nodes with connections between them
  • You may think of them as Lists: The Next Generation
    • imagine a linked list, where any element of data can have as many next elements and as many parents as needed

Graph Theory (2)

Use-cases for Graphs

  • Graphs can be useful for:
    1. Map analysis, route finding, path planning
    2. Ranking search results
    3. Analysing related data such as social networks
    4. Compiler optimisation
    5. Constraint satisfaction
      • i.e. timetabling
    6. Physics simulations
      • i.e. games
    7. Social connections
    8. Decision-making
      • i.e. goal-oriented action planning and strategies

Graph Theory (3)

Facebook: The Social Graph

  • Draws an edge between you and the people, places and things you interact with online
  • Whenever you like something on Facebook, it becomes an edge
    • This edge is a connection between you and other people, places or things
  • Your photos, events and pages are connected with other information

Graph Theory (4)

Formal Terminology of Graphs

  • Graphs are a collection of nodes that have links between them
  • There are some terminologies you need to remember:
    • nodes are called vertices
    • links (connections between nodes) are called edges (or sometimes arcs)
      • an edge is an incident if it connects to another vertex
    • connected vertices are called adjacent or neighbours
    • a vertices degree is a number of edges that incident on it

Types of Graphs

Types of Graphs (1)

  • There are many types of graphs:
    1. Undirected
    2. Directed
    3. Vertex Labelled
    4. Cyclic
    5. Weighted
    6. Connected
    7. Disconnected
    8. Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

Types of Graphs (2)

Undirected Graphs

  • Edges can be traversed in either direction
  • The vertices can be imagined as junctions on a road network
    • the edges are a two-way road between junctions
    • i.e. you can travel from node A to node B and then travel back from node B to node A

Types of Graphs (3)

Directed Graphs

  • Each edge is directional and does not imply the inverse
  • The vertices can be imagined as junctions on a road network
    • the edges are a one-way roads between junctions
    • i.e. we can travel from node A to node C but we cannot travel back to node A

Types of Graphs (4)

Vertex Labelled

  • The data used to identify each node is not the only information that is important about that node
    • i.e. it may also have a colour assigned to it that affects the algorithm decision or choice
  • The nodes can be imagined as roundabouts or slip-roads on a road network
    • i.e. a red node is a heavily congested roundabout and should be bypassed

Types of Graphs (5)


  • Consists of at least one cycle
    • i.e. there is a path that exists from a single node that can lead back to itself
  • Imagine our road network again; it is a roundabout where there is a vertex for each junction

Types of Graphs (6)


  • Parameters along edges or at nodes are interval data and can be summed and/or compared
  • This is similar to vertex labelled but more versatile
  • Thinking about the road network example, the weight of our graph edges could be according to the speed limit
    • it could mean the algorithm would favour faster roads over a slower road in route planning

Types of Graphs (7)


  • There is an edge between every pair of nodes in a graph

Types of Graphs (8)


  • There is a node that does not have any connection to a node in the graph
    • the red node makes our graph disconnected

Types of Graphs (9)

Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)

  • Links in these graphs have a direction and there are no cycles
  • It consists of vertices and edges, where each edge is directed from one vertex to another
    • they follow the directions of the other nodes and never form a closed loop
  • It Can be visualised like a river system heading out to sea
    • it may fork and join at parts, but it always does so going downstream

Degrees, In-degrees and Out-degrees

Degrees, In-degrees and Out-degrees (1)

  • Recap: Degrees count the number of edges connected to a node
  • Three types of degrees for a graph:
    1. degree
    2. in-degree
    3. out-degree

Degrees, In-degrees and Out-degrees (2)

Undirected Graphs

  • Concerned with only counting the total number of connections for a node
    • in this instance, the degree
Vertex Degree

Degrees, In-degrees and Out-degrees (3)

Directed Graphs

  • Concerned with counting:
    • the total number of connections, known as the degree
    • the number of incoming connections, known as the in-degree
    • the number of outgoing connections, known as the out-degree
Vertex Degree In-Degree Out-Degree

Representation of Graphs

Representation of Graphs (1)

Mathematical Notation

  • The elements of a graph can be represented in different methods:
    • vertices with integers (or any unique value)
    • edges as a pair of vertices, i.e. (1, 0)
  • A graph G will consist of a set of vertices V and a set of edges E
    • represented as G = (V, E)
  • n and m can be used to represent the number of vertices and edges
    • think n for node if you find it difficult to remember which way around these go
  • G = (V, E), where,
    • V = [A, B, C, D, E]
    • E = [(A,B), (B,D), (C,D), (C,E), (D,E)]
  • Final form:
    • \(G = ([A, B, C, D, E], [(A,B), (B,D), (C,D), (C,E), (D,E)])\)

Representation of Graphs (2)

Programming Methodology

  • When it comes to representing a graph in programming, there are two ways of implementing a graph:
    1. Adjacency Matrices
    2. Adjacency Lists

Representation of Graphs (3)

Adjacency Matrices

  • A two-dimensional matrix of boolean values
    • the value of a cell (i, j) is true if the vertices are connected
  • Adjacency matrices are symmetrical along the diagonal for undirected graphs
  • However, for directed graphs a connection (1, 2) does not imply a connection between (2, 1)
  • Adjacency matrix requires \(O(n^2)\) space, where \(n\) is the number of vertices
  • Code Representation:
aGraph = [
  [False, True, False, False, False],
  [True, False, False, True, False],
  [False, False, False, True, True], 
  [False, True, True, False, True],
  [False, False, True, True, False]
  • Tabular Representation:
  A B C D E
A   T      
B T     T  
C       T T
D   T T   T
E     T T  

Representation of Graphs (4)

Adjacency List

  • Each vertex contains a list of vertices that it is connected to the other
    • often stored as a dictionary in Python
  • Adjacency lists requires up to \(O(n+m)\) space
    • where \(n\) is the number of nodes in our graph and \(m\) is the number of edges
  • Code Representation:
aGraph = {
  "A": ['B'],
  "B": ['A', 'D'],
  "C": ['D', 'E'],
  "D": ['B', 'C', 'E'],
  "E": ['C', 'D']
  • Tabular Representation:
Vertex Adjacency List
B A, D
C E, D
D B, C, E
E C, D

Representation of Graphs (5)

Recap: Weighted Graphs

  • It is sometimes useful to store a number with each edge
    • this will change the way the graphs are represented
  • The adjacency matrix is now numerical instead of boolean
  • Unconnected nodes can be given a default value, such as infinity (\(∞\)) for shortest path finding
  • The adjacency list must sture edges as pairs, including the connection and the weight
    • For example, a tuple could easily be represented using a simple struct with two variables
      • int neighbour and float weighting
      • i.e. (0, 5.0)

Representation of Graphs (6)

Adjacency Matrix — Weighted

  • For a weighted adjacency matrix, boolean values are replaced with numbers
    • i.e. the cost of traversing from one node to another
  • Note: That if your weightings are positive floating point values
    • may benefit you by making the False values a negative number, i.e. -1, rather than checking for == 0.0f
  • Code Representation:
aGraph = [
  [-1, 5, -1, -1, -1],
  [5, -1, -1, 7, -1],
  [-1, -1, -1, 4, 8], 
  [-1, 7, 4, -1, 3],
  [-1, -1, 8, 3, -1]
  • Tabular Representation:
  A B C D E
A   5      
B 5     7  
C       4 8
D   7 4   3
E     8 3  

Representation of Graphs (7)

Adjacency List — Weighted

  • For a weighted adjacency lists, connected nodes have an associated weight provided next to them
    • i.e. a number provided in brackets
  • Code Representation:
aGraph = {
  "A": [('B',5)],
  "B": [('A',5), ('D',7)],
  "C": [('D',4), ('E',8)],
  "D": [('B',7), ('C',4), ('E',3)],
  "E": [('C',8), ('D',3)]
  • Tabular Representation:
Node Adjacency List
A B(5)
B A(5), D(7)
C E(4), D(8)
D B(7), C(4), E(3)
E C(8), D(3)


Goodbye (1)

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