Advanced Data Structures

Dr Ian Cornelius


Hello (1)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the concept of trees and linked-lists and their function as a data structure
  2. Practice and implement the use of trees and linked-lists in work undertaken for lab activities


Trees (1)

What are Trees?

  • Trees are a connected, undirected graph with no cycles (more on this later)
  • Root of a tree is the topmost node, or the start node for traversal
    • if a tree has a root node, it is called a rooted tree
  • Branches of a tree is the path from the root to an end-point; the end-point is known as a leaf
  • Height of a tree is equal to the number of edges
    • that is those that connect the root node to the leaf node that is the furthest away
  • The number of edges (\(E\)) of a tree is equal to the number of nodes (\(N\)) minus one
    • \(E = N - 1\)

Tress (2)

Types of Trees

  • There are various different types of trees:
    1. Balanced and Unbalanced Trees
    2. Rooted Trees
    3. Binary Search Trees

Trees (3)

Balanced and Unbalanced Trees

  • Trees can be either balanced or unbalanced:
    • for a balanced tree, every leaf is around the same distance away from the root as any other leaf
    • for an unbalanced tree, one or more leaves are much further away from the root than any other leaf
  • A balanced tree does not need to have the same number of nodes in the left and right subtrees
    • each branch (from root to leaf) must have the same height

Trees (4)

Rooted Trees

  • Rooted trees are trees with one node that has been designated as the root
  • The root node is commonly situated at the start (above all the other nodes)
    • branches descend to the leaf nodes
  • Nodes are connected in a parent-child relationship
  • A parent node is a node that comes directly before another adjacent node
    • the adjacent node is considered to be its child
  • Nodes can have any number of children
  • A leaf is a node that does not consist of any children

Trees (5)

Binary Search Trees (BST)

  • A binary tree is a tree that is rooted and every node has at most two children
  • A binary search tree is a special implementation of a rooted binary tree
    • ordered on a way to optimise searching
  • Nodes of this tree type are ordered ascending (low to high):
    • the nodes on the left subtree have values that are lower than the root
    • the nodes on the right subtree have values that are higher than the root

Trees (6)

Methodology of a BST

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Trees (7)

Efficiency of a BST

  • Time complexity is dependent upon the balance of the tree
  • A balanced tree in its:
    • best case will have a time complexity of \(O(1)\)
    • worst case will be \(O(log n)\), where \(n\) is the number of nodes in the tree
  • An unbalanced tree in its:
    • best case will have a time complexity of \(O(1)\)
    • worst case will be \(O(n)\), where \(n\) is the number of nodes in the tree

Trees (8)

Traversing a BST

  • Processing the data of a tree often requires traversing
    • traversing is concerned with systematically visiting every node
  • A tree can be traversed left to right, or right to left; depending on the application
  • Traversing in a particular order will specify a point in the traversal at which the node contents are processed
    • processed in this instance is where we print the value of the nodes
  • When a node content has been processed, it is classified as visited
    • each node can be visited several times during traversal
    • it is only on one of the visits the nodes contents are processed
  • There are three common algorithms for tree traversal:
    1. Pre-order
    2. Post-order
    3. In-order

Trees (9)

Traversing a BST: Pre-Order

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Visited Nodes

Trees (10)

Traversing a BST: Post-Order

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Visited Nodes

Trees (11)

Traversing a BST: In-Order

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Visited Nodes

Linked Lists

Linked Lists (1)

What are Linked Lists?

  • Linked Lists are an ordered collection of objects
    • they are referred to as a linear data structure
  • They differ from lists in the manner of how they store elements in the memory
  • A normal list in Python will use a contiguous memory block
    • this will store the data element itself, and solely the data element
  • Linked Lists store references to the next node
    • as well as the data element itself
    • note, reference refers to a memory address in this instance
  • Variety type of linked lists, such as:
    • singly
    • doubly
    • circular

Linked Lists (2)

Structure of a Linked List

  • Each element of a linked list is referred to as a node
  • Every node has two different fields:
    1. data: contains the value that is stored in the node
    2. next: contains the reference to the next node on the list
  • The first node is referred to as the head
    • is used as the starting point for any iteration through the list
  • The last node of the list must have its next reference pointing to None
    • this will determine the end of the list

Node Data

Linked Lists (3)

Queues and Stacks

  • These differ in the process of retrieving the elements
  • Queues will use a first-in and first-out approach, known as FIFO
  • Stacks use a last-in and fist-out approach, known as LIFO

Linked Lists (4)

Queues (FIFO)

  • Queues consist of two references to the nodes in a list
    • head: points to a node in the list which is the top/first node
    • tail: points to a node in the list which is the last node
  • The first node inserted into the list will be the first one to be retrieved
  • Appending new elements to the list goes on the rear (the end)
  • Retrieving elements will be taken from the front of the queue

Linked Lists (5)

Queue Walkthrough

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Linked Lists (6)

Stacks (LIFO)

  • Stacks consist of a single reference to the nodes in a list
    • top: points to a node in the list which is the first node
  • The last node inserted into the list will be the first one to be retrieved
  • Appending new elements to the list goes on the top (the start)
  • Retrieving elements will also be taken from the front of the queue

Linked Lists (7)

Stack Walkthrough

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Linked Lists (8)

Retrieving Elements

  • Accessing a particular element is different for a list compared to a linked list
    • lists can be performed in constant time, \(O(1)\), when knowing which element you want to access
    • linked lists take longer, and is performed in \(O(n)\)
      • required to traverse the whole list to find the element
  • Searching for a specific element in either is dependent upon the size of the list
    • therefore, the time complexity is \(O(n)\)
    • you are required to iterate through the entire list to find the element

Linked Lists (9)

Inserting Elements

  • Inserting elements to a list can be done using:
    • prepend() - insert an element at the beginning of a list
    • append() - insert an element at the end of a list
  • Prepending or appending elements at the beginning or end of a list is done in constant time

Linked Lists (10)

Removing Elements

  • Removing elements from a list can be done using either:
    • remove() - removes an element from the beginning of a list
    • pop() - removes an element from the end of a list

Linked Lists (11)

Time Complexity

  • Linked lists are always constant in their time complexity when it comes to inserting and deleting elements
  • They have a performance advantage when implementing a queue
    • elements inserted and removed at the beginning of a list
  • However, linked lists have the same performance when implementing a stack
    • elements are inserted and removed at the end of the list


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