Threading in C++

Dr Ian Cornelius


Hello (1)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the concept of threading in C++
  2. Demonstrate their knowledge on the use of threading in C++


Threading (1)

  • Recap:
    • Thread refers to a basic unit of CPU utilisation
      • a separate process that has its own instructions and data
      • it may also represent a process that is part of a parallel program
        • although it may also represent an independent program
    • They share their code, data and other operating system resources with other threads belonging to the same process
    • A traditional process will have a single thread of control
      • if a process has multiple threads of control, then it has the ability to perform more than one task at a time
  • Threading on C++ uses the following libraries:
    • thread: cross-platform compatible, limited functionality
    • pthread.h: Linux and MacOS compatible

thread Library

thread Library (1)

Creating a Thread

  • The thread library is required and can be imported using the #include declaration
  • The function thread() is used to create a thread
#include <thread>
std::thread(func, arg);
  • Accepts two parameters:
    • func: the function that will be threaded
    • arg: the arguments that need to be passed through to the threaded function
  • The join() function is used to wait for a thread to finish
    • must be called exactly one for each thread
    • must be called before a thread is destroyed

thread Library (2)

Example: Creating and Terminating a Thread

#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
void threaded_function(const std::string& text) {
    std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << "[Thread ID: " << std::this_thread::get_id() << "] " << text;
int main() {
    std::thread t = std::thread(threaded_function, "Threading is fun in 5062CEM!");
    std::thread t2 = std::thread(threaded_function, "Threading is also fun in 5069CEM!");
    return 0;

[Thread ID: 140511885125312] Threading is also fun in 5069CEM!

[Thread ID: 140511893518016] Threading is fun in 5062CEM!

thread Library (3)

this_thread Namespace

  • The namespace this_thread can be used access properties for a given thread
    • get_id(): returns the ID of the running thread
    • sleep_until(): sleeps for a given amount of time using time_point
    • sleep_for(): sleeps for a given amount of time using duration

thread Library (4)

Killing a Thread

  • There is no official method of killing a thread using the thread library
  • If necessary, the developer will provide their own solution

pthread Library

pthread Library (1)

Creating a Thread

  • The pthread.h library is required and can be imported using the #include declaration
  • The function pthread_create() is used to create a thread
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_create(thread, attr, start_routine, arg);
  • Accepts four parameters:
    • thread: an opaque and unique identifier for a new thread returned by the subroutine
    • attr: an opaque attribute object that can be used to set the thread attributes
    • start_routine: the C++ routine that will execute the thread once it has been created
    • arg: a single argument that may be passed to the start_routine
  • Terminating a thread is achieved by calling the pthread_exit() function
    • often called when the thread has completed its work
    • used when the thread is no longer required to exist
#include <pthread.h>
  • Accepts a single parameter:
    • status: normally provided a nullptr

pthread Library (2)

Example: Creating and Terminating a Thread

#include <iostream>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <mutex>
#define NUM_THREADS 2
struct arg_struct {
    char* arg1;
void* threaded_function(void* arguments) {
    auto* args = (struct arg_struct*) arguments;
    static std::mutex lock;
    std::lock_guard guard{lock};
    std::cout << "[Thread ID: " << pthread_self() << "] " << args->arg1 << std::endl;
int main() {
    pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS];
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
        arg_struct args{"Threading with 5062CEM is fun!"};
        pthread_create(&threads[i], nullptr, threaded_function, (void*) &args);
    return 0;
[Thread ID: 139934411257536] Threading with 5062CEM is fun!
[Thread ID: 139934402864832] Threading with 5062CEM is fun!

pthread Library (3)

Joining Threads

  • Joining multiple threads together is achieved with the pthread_join() function
  • Call the thread until the thread terminates
pthread_join(threadId, returnStatus);
  • Accepts two parameters:
    • threadId: the ID of the thread to be joined
    • returnStatus: a pointer to the location of the threads exit status

pthread Library (4)

Example: Joining Threads

  • The attribute state for joining needs to be declared
  • Threads can be joined together using the pthread_join()
#include <iostream>
#include <mutex>
#include <pthread.h>
#define NUM_THREADS 4
void* threaded_function(void* id) {
    static std::mutex lock;
    std::lock_guard guard{lock};
    std::cout << "Hello from Thread ID -> " << (long) id << std::endl;
int main() {
    pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS];
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
        std::cout << "Creating Thread -> " << i << std::endl;
        int thread = pthread_create(&threads[i], &attr, threaded_function, (void*) i);
        pthread_join(thread, nullptr);
    return 0;
Creating Thread -> 0
Creating Thread -> 1
Creating Thread -> 2
Creating Thread -> 3
Hello from Thread ID -> 1
Hello from Thread ID -> 3
Hello from Thread ID -> 2
Hello from Thread ID -> 0

pthread Library (5)

Detaching Threads

  • Detaching threads from each other is achieved with the pthread_detach() function
pthread_detach(threadId, returnStatus);
  • Accepts one parameter:
    • thread: the unique ID of the thread to be joined


Goodbye (1)

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