Pointers and References in C++

Dr Ian Cornelius


Hello (1)

Learning Outcomes

  1. Understand the concept of pointers and references and their purpose in C++
  2. Understand how to manage memory in C++


Pointers (1)

  • Pointers hold the address for a declared variable
  • The asterisk (*) after int means pointer to
  • Pointers are intended to map directly to addressing mechanisms of the machine
  • There are three ways of declaring a pointer variable:
    1. int * pIntExample1
    2. int *pIntExample1
    3. int* pIntExample1 - preferred method
int intExample1 = 32;
int* pIntExample1 = &intExample1;
#include <iostream>
int intExample1 = 32;
int* pIntExample1 = &intExample1;
int main() {
  std::cout << "intExample1 -> " << intExample1 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "&pIntExample1 -> " << &pIntExample1 << std::endl;
  return 0;
intExample1 -> 32
&pIntExample1 -> 0x5556c43fe018

Pointers (3)

Variables and Memory i

  • Variables are stored in the memory and visualised as a series of unique addressed boxes
  • The operating system will pick an unused memory location, e.g. 0x1234
    • there must be enough space available to store the variable
      • e.g. four bytes for an int
  • intExample1 is the name of the reserved memory location
int intExample1 = 32;
int* pIntExample1 = &intExample1;
#include <iostream>
int intExample1 = 32;
int* pIntExample1 = &intExample1;
int main() {
  std::cout << "intExample1 -> " << intExample1 << std::endl;
  std::cout << "&pIntExample1 -> " << &pIntExample1 << std::endl;
  return 0;
intExample1 -> 32
&pIntExample1 -> 0x5577552b5018

Pointers (4)

Variables and Memory ii

  • Array elements are stored sequentially in a contiguous block of memory
    • larger objects may span multiple blocks, i.e. arrays, classes, and floats
#include <iostream>
int arrayExample1[4] = {5, 0, 6, 2};
int main() {
  for(int &element : arrayExample1) {
    std::cout << "element -> " << element << " [Address: " << &element << "]" << std::endl;
  return 0;
element -> 5 [Address: 0x55e34c89f010]
element -> 0 [Address: 0x55e34c89f014]
element -> 6 [Address: 0x55e34c89f018]
element -> 2 [Address: 0x55e34c89f01c]

Pointers (5)

Null Pointers

  • Pointers can also point to a null object
    • can be achieved with the nullptr keyword
  • nullptr can be assigned to any pointer type, but not to built-in data types
  • There is only one nullptr and can be used for every pointer type
int* pIntExample1 = nullptr;
double* pDoubleExample1 = nullptr;
int intExample1 = nullptr; // Throws an error as intExmaple1 is not a pointer

Pointers (6)

Pointers into Arrays i

  • Pointers and arrays are closely related in C++
  • The name of an array can be used as a pointer to its initial element
    • requesting an element address before the initial or beyond size of an array should be avoided
  • Create an array, arrayExample1 containing four values
    • pointer1 is a pointer to the initial element
    • pointer2 is a pointer to the initial element (in a different syntax)
    • pointer3 is a pointer to a different element in the array
    • pointer4 is a pointer to a memory address beyond the last element
int arrayExample1[4] = {5, 0, 6, 2};
int* pointer1 = arrayExample1;
int* pointer2 = &arrayExample1[0];
#include <iostream>
int arrayExample1[4] = {5, 0, 6, 2};
int main() {
  int* pointer1 = arrayExample1;
  std::cout << "pointer1 -> " << pointer1 << std::endl;
  int* pointer2 = &arrayExample1[0];
  std::cout << "pointer2 -> " << pointer2 << std::endl;
  return 0;
pointer1 -> 0x55fce58ad010
pointer2 -> 0x55fce58ad010
int arrayExample1[4] = {5, 0, 6, 2};
int* pointer3 = arrayExample1+2;
int* pointer4 = arrayExample1+6;
#include <iostream>
int arrayExample1[4] = {5, 0, 6, 2};
int main() {
  int* pointer3 = arrayExample1+2;
  std::cout << "pointer3 -> " << pointer3 << std::endl;
  int* pointer4 = arrayExample1+6;
  std::cout << "pointer4 -> " << pointer4 << std::endl;
  return 0;
pointer3 -> 0x560882c44018
pointer4 -> 0x560882c44028

Pointers (7)

Pointers into Arrays ii

  • Arrays can be iterated through using a pointer
  • Often chosen by developers based on aesthetic or logical reasoning
  • There is no performance gain over the usual method

Iterating using a Pointer

#include <iostream>
char arrayExample1[] = {'5', '0', '6', '2'};
int main() {
  for(char* pointer = arrayExample1; *pointer != 0; pointer++) {
      std::cout << "*pointer -> " << *pointer << std::endl;
  return 0;
*pointer -> 5
*pointer -> 0
*pointer -> 6
*pointer -> 2

Iterating Normally

#include <iostream>
char arrayExample1[] = {'5', '0', '6', '2'};
int main() {
  for(char &element : arrayExample1) {
      std::cout << "element -> " << element << std::endl;
  return 0;
element -> 5
element -> 0
element -> 6
element -> 2


References (1)

  • Reference variables are an alias, another name for a variable that exists
  • Once initialised, either the variable name or reference name can be used to refer to the variable
  • References are often confused with pointers, but have three differences:
    • you cannot have a null reference
    • once initialised to an object, it cannot be changed to refer to another object
    • references must be initialised when created
  • References are often used for:
    • function argument lists
    • function return values

References (2)

Creating a Reference

  • References are initialised using the ampersand (&) character
  • The first int declaration is a new object being created
  • The second int declaration (with the &) is the reference object
    • this will refer to the memory address of intExample1
#include <iostream>
int main() {
  int intExample1 = 32;
  int& rIntExample1 = intExample1;
  std::cout << "intExample1 -> " << intExample1 << "  [Address: " << &intExample1 << "]" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "rIntExample1 -> " << rIntExample1 << " [Address: " << &rIntExample1 << "]" << std::endl;
  return 0;
intExample1 -> 32  [Address: 0x7ffc9877cf8c]
rIntExample1 -> 32 [Address: 0x7ffc9877cf8c]

References (3)

Pass by Reference

  • The swap() function consists of two parameters
    • each refers to the address location
#include <iostream>
void swap(int &x, int &y) {
  int tmpX;
  tmpX = x;
  x = y;
  y = tmpX;
int main() {
  int intExample1 = 5;
  int intExample2 = 10;
  std::cout << "[Before] intExample1 -> " << intExample1 << "  [Address: " << &intExample1 << "]" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "[Before] intExample2 -> " << intExample2 << " [Address: " << &intExample2 << "]" << std::endl << std::endl;
  swap(intExample1, intExample2);
  std::cout << "[After]  intExample1 -> " << intExample1 << " [Address: " << &intExample1 << "]" << std::endl;
  std::cout << "[After]  intExample2 -> " << intExample2 << "  [Address: " << &intExample2 << "]" << std::endl;
  return 0;
[Before] intExample1 -> 5  [Address: 0x7ffd36ff8250]
[Before] intExample2 -> 10 [Address: 0x7ffd36ff8254]

[After]  intExample1 -> 10 [Address: 0x7ffd36ff8250]
[After]  intExample2 -> 5  [Address: 0x7ffd36ff8254]

References (4)

Return as Reference from a Function

  • C++ functions can return a reference, similar to how they can return pointers
  • When returning a reference, it returns an implicit pointer to the return value
    • take care not to return a reference outside the scope of an array
#include <iostream>
int arrayExample1[4] = {5, 0, 6, 2};
int arrayLength = sizeof(arrayExample1) / sizeof(int);
int& set_value(int i) {
  return arrayExample1[i];
int main() {
  for(int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
    std::cout << "[Before] arrayExample1[" << i << "] -> " << arrayExample1[i] << std::endl;
  set_value(1) = -9;
  for(int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
    if(i == 0) {
      std::cout << std::endl << "[After] arrayExample1[" << i << "] -> " << arrayExample1[i] << std::endl;    
    } else {
      std::cout << "[After] arrayExample1[" << i << "] -> " << arrayExample1[i] << std::endl;
  return 0;
[Before] arrayExample1[0] -> 5
[Before] arrayExample1[1] -> 0
[Before] arrayExample1[2] -> 6
[Before] arrayExample1[3] -> 2

[After] arrayExample1[0] -> 5
[After] arrayExample1[1] -> -9
[After] arrayExample1[2] -> 6
[After] arrayExample1[3] -> 2

Memory Management

Memory Management (1)

  • C++ has the feature of allocating the memory of variable at run time
    • this is known as dynamic memory allocation
  • Python automatically manages the memories that are allocated to variables
    • whereas C++ does not
  • Therefore, you will be required to deallocate the dynamically allocated memory manually
    • dynamically allocated memory is deallocated manually when the variable has no further use
  • Allocation and deallocation of memory can be achieved using new and delete keywords, respectively
  • Memory in C++ is divided into two parts:
    1. stack
    2. heap

Memory Management (2)

Allocation of Memory

  • Memory allocation is achieved using the new keyword
int* pIntExample1 = new int;
*pIntExample1 = 32;
#include <iostream>
int main() {
  int* pIntExample1 = new int;
  *pIntExample1 = 32;
  std::cout << "pIntExample1 -> " << *pIntExample1 << " [Address: " << pIntExample1 << "]" << std::endl;
  return 0;
pIntExample1 -> 32 [Address: 0x55be05d432b0]
  • Memory has been dynamically allocated for int using the new keyword
  • Pointers have been used to aid in memory allocation
    • the new keyword returns the address of the memory location
    • in case of an array the new keyword returns the address of the first element

Memory Management (3)

Deallocation of Memory

  • Deallocating the memory is achieved using the delete keyword
#include <iostream>
int main() {
  int* pIntExample1 = new int;
  *pIntExample1 = 32;
  std::cout << "pIntExample1 -> " << *pIntExample1 << " [Address: " << pIntExample1 << "]" << std::endl;
  delete pIntExample1; // Deletes the variable and reserved memory
  return 0;
pIntExample1 -> 32 [Address: 0x562ec2cc92b0]


Goodbye (1)

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