
Programming and Algorithms 2

Building Graphical User Interfaces (GUI)

Building Graphical User Interfaces (GUI)

For this activity, you will need to be using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). The recommended IDE for this module is JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA for Python and JetBrains CLion for C++. You can follow instructions at the following page to set up your development environment:

Setting up your Development Environment

For this task, you will want to create a basic user interface that consists of a label with the string: "Hello 5062CEM!".

For this task, you will want to build upon the work in task one and add a button underneath the label. When the user clicks this button the text in the label should change to "Goodbye!".

For this task, you will continue building upon your user interface. In this instance, you will want to add an input entity to the left of the button to allow the user to insert their name. When the user then clicks on the button a string should be presented welcoming the name of the person.

For this task you will want to revisit your work from the previous week. You will need to create a graphical user interface that can interact with the RESTful API you implemented in Week 6 - RESTful Interfaces - Task 1.

You should create a new window/interface for each RESTful endpoint that was created. For example, if you have an endpoint for creating a resource of some sort, then a form should be developed to capture the required information. Upon submitting the form, the data inserted should be sent to the server and stored appropriately.

Important: This task must be undertaken in Python using the tkinter module. It will interface with the Flask URL endpoints, and make using of the socket module.

If you are struggling with this lab activity, you may want to get some additional support. You can speak to the module leader/team in the room of when the lab week is active, or you can visit the Additional Support page for more information on how you can get extra support.