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4061CEM - Programming and Algorithms 1


Dr Ian Cornelius


  • Learning Objectives
    1. Understand the concept of testing and how to test your code
    2. Demonstrate your knowledge of testing your code

Introduction to Testing

  • You may find yourself already having tested your code, this is exploratory testing
    • running your application for the first time and checking the features
  • This form of testing is typically done without a plan
  • No matter how well your application has been designed and coded, there will be some defects
  • Testing is concerned with running your application with the intent of finding faults
  • A successful test is one deemed to have found errors, not one that does not find any errors

Manual or Automated Testing?

1. Manual Testing

  • Make a list of the following:
    • all features the application has
    • the different types of input accepted
    • any expected results
  • Everytime a change is made to your code, you can go through the list
  • Fairly tedious, and not much fun

2. Automated Testing

  • Execution of a test plan consisting of:
    • parts of the application you want to test
    • the order in which they are to be tested
    • any expected responses from functions
  • The execution is performed by a script and not by yourself
  • Python has a collection of tools and libraries to assist in automated testing
    • i.e. pytest and unittest

Integration Testing

  • Integration tests look at the following:
    • interfaces between components
    • interactions between various parts of the system
    • file systems and hardware or interfaces between these systems
  • This sort of testing is often performed after unit testing (more on that later)
  • An integration test will interaction between two components and not the individual component functionality
    • think of it as if you are testing how a class interacts with another class
  • You can consider performance testing to also be a part of this type of testing

Approaches to Integration Testing (1)

  • There are two approaches to integration testing:
    1. Big Bang
    2. Incremental
      • Top-Down
      • Bottom-Up
      • Sandwich

Approaches to Integration Testing (2)

Big Bang

  • All components and modules are integrated at once
  • The unionising of different modules is then tested as a whole entity
  • This approach will save time on testing and execution of the tests
  • Test cases and their outcomes must be recorded correctly to ensure a robust test suite is performed
  • Advantages:
    • the whole system is tested and requires minor planning
    • consists of completed and checked modules (unit testing)
    • often has no demand for urgent build fixings
  • Disadvantages:
    • hard for modules and components to be separated if a bug has been detected
    • has a high risk to miss crucial issues when testing the whole system
    • failures often occur more frequently due to the simultaneous checking of numerous modules
    • one mistake can influence the results of the whole testing

Approaches to Integration Testing (2)

Incremental i

  • Each element of the system is tested individually using unit tests
  • Modules are then integrated incrementally and tested to ensure they interact correctly
  • Primary focus of this test is to ensure that the interface and integrated links between modules work correctly
  • The process is repeated until modules are combined and tested successfully
  • Approaches towards this type of testing are:
    • Top-Down
    • Bottom-Up
    • Sandwich

Approaches to Integration Testing (3)

Incremental ii


  • Testing starts at the top and works towards the bottom
    • i.e. start with the central module to a sub-module
  • Advantages:
    • provides early exposure to defects in the architecture
    • outlines the working of an application as a whole at an early stage
  • Disadvantages:
    • important modules are tested later on in the cycle
    • can be quite challenging to write the test condition

Approaches to Integration Testing (4)

Incremental iii


  • Testing starts at the bottom and works towards the top
    • i.e. modules on the bottom layer are integrated and tested first, sequentially adding modules as integration moves up
  • Advantages:
    • easier to create test-conditions
    • testing of critical modules’ comes at an early stage, helps in an early discovery of errors
    • interface defects are detected at an earlier stage
  • Disadvantages:
    • design defects are caught at a later stage
    • there is no working application until the last module is built

Approaches to Integration Testing (5)

Incremental iv


  • Considered to be a hybrid of top-down and bottom-up incremental testing
  • Middle layers are identified and a bottom-up and top-down testing approach is applied
    • the chosen middle layer is determined heuristically, i.e. selecting a layer with minial use of stubs and drivers
  • Advantages:
    • beneficial for larger projects that has subprojects
    • top-down and bottom-up testing are run simultaneously
  • Disadvantages:
    • before unification of modules, subsystems and interfaces are not tested thoroughly
    • not advised for systems that are highly inter-dependent with each other

Performing an Integration Test

  • Performing an integration test can be done by following the collection of steps below:
    1. Prepare the integration test plan
    2. Design the test scenarios, cases and scripts
    3. Execute the test cases and follow-up with a report on the defects
    4. Tracking and re-testing of the defects
    5. Repeat steps three and four

Unit Testing

  • Unit testing looks at the individual units/components of an application
  • The purpose is to validate each unit of an application performs correctly
  • Mainly concerned with the following:
    • highlight the working and failing parts of an application
    • checking the input values and accuracy of the output data
    • optimisation of algorithms and performance
  • Advantages:
    • each part of an application is tested individually
    • all components of an application is tested at least once
    • errors can be picked up earlier, and thus resolved earlier
    • the scope of testing is smaller, and thus easier to fix the errors

Performing a Unit Test

  • Performing a unit test can be done by following the collection of steps below:
    1. Keep the unit tests small and fast
    2. Automate the tests to reduce turn-around
    3. Ensure the tests are simple to run
    4. Measure the outcome of the tests
    5. Fix any tests that fail immediately
    6. Keep testing at a unit level
    7. Name the tests appropriately
    8. Cover the boundary cases
    9. Provide a method of randomly generating data

Example of a Simple Test in Python

  • Unit test for checking the sum() function would require checking the output of sum() against a known output
    • i.e. check that the sum of numbers 4, 5 and 6 is equal to 15
assert sum([4, 5, 6]) == 15, "Should be 15"
  • The above code will not display anything, as it satisfies to be True
  • However, if we change the input for sum() to [2, 3, 4] we get a different result
assert sum([2, 3, 4]) == 15, "Should be 15"
  • An AssertionError is thrown with the message "Should be 15"
  • You can put this code into a Python file called and this will become a test case

Unit Testing in Python

  • The unittest module contains both a testing framework and test runner
  • However, there are some important requirements when writing and executing unit tests:
    • tests are put into classes as methods
    • a series of special assertion functions are used instead of the built-in assert statement

Assertion Functions

Method Equivalent Reverse
assertEquals(a, b) a == b assertNotEqual(a, b)
assertTrue(x) bool(x) is True n/a
assertFalse(x) bool(x) is False n/a
assertIs(a, b) a is b assertIsNot()
assertIsNone(x) x is None assertIsNotNone()
assertIn(a, b) a in b assertNotIn()
assertIsInstance(a, b) isInstance(a, b) assertNotIsInstance()

How to Create a Unit Test

  • You will create test methods to test each function in your application
    • it is best to prefix these test methods with test_ followed by the name of the function you are testing
import unittest
class TestCases(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_sum(self):
        self.assertEqual(sum([4, 5, 6]), 15, 'Should be 15')
  • Note, that in this example I am using an in-built Python method
    • if you are using your own method from a different class/file you need to import it

Structuring a Unit Test

  • Before you delve into writing your tests, consider the following questions:
    1. what do you want to test?
    2. are you writing a unit test or integration test?
  • The structure of your test should loosely resemble:
    • create a set of inputs
    • execute the code that is being tested, and capture the output
    • compare the output with the expected result

Writing an Assertion

  • The last step to writing a test is validation of the output against the expected result, known as an assertion
  • When it comes to writing an assertion, there are some best practices you should be following:
    • ensure the tests are repeatable
    • run the test multiple times to ensure you get the same output everytime
    • assert the results that relate to the input data

Writing and Executing Unit Test

  • Demonstration of Unit Testing in Python
    • Refer to the pre-recorded video for a demonstration

What are Side Effects?

  • Sometimes your code may not return a value from the function
  • It may be the case that something will be altered outside the function
    • i.e. an attribute of a class, a file or a value in a database
  • These are known as side effects, and should be considered before being included in the list of assertions
  • If a unit of code has a lot of side effects, you are breaking the single responsibility principle

Single Responsibility Principle

  • A programming principle that states the following:
    • Every module, class or function should have responsibility over a single part of a programs functionality
  • For example, consider a function that compiles and prints a report:
    1. the content of the report could change
    2. the formatting of the report could also change
  • These two aspects should be split into separate classes or functions
  • Enables code to be designed in a way it is repeatable and simple for testing


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