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4061CEM - Programming and Algorithms 1

Algorithms and Big-O Notation

Dr Ian Cornelius


  • Learning Objectives
    1. Understand what an algorithm is and the purpose of Big-O notation
    2. Demonstrate the ability to use algorithms and Big-O notation

Introduction to Algorithms

  • An algorithm is a procedure or formula to solve a problem
    • they are based on a performing a sequence of steps/actions
  • This could be a function that does a particular job each time it is called
  • An algorithm will have a well-defined set of steps and provide an output
    • eventually, after n steps it will terminate
  • They can be written in either pseudocode or displayed as a flow chart

Computer Program vs. Algorithms

  • An algorithm is a self-contained, step-by-step set of operations
    • they are performed to solve a specific problem or a class of problems
  • A computer program is a sequence of instructions
    • they comply to the rules of a specific programming language
    • they are written to perform a specific task with a computer
    • may contain multiple algorithms

Defining an Algorithm

  • Algorithms consist of:
    • a problem: defined to be a real-world problem
    • an algorithm: a defined step-by-step process designed for the problem
    • inputs: algorithm is provided necessary and desired inputs
    • a processing unit: inputs are processed to produce a desired output
    • output: the outcome of the algorithm

Example of an Algorithm

  • Sorting cards by their respective colour

    1. Pick up all the cards
    2. Pick a card from your hand and look at the colour
    3. If there is a pile of cards with that colour already, add it to that pile
    4. If there is not a pile of cards with that colour, make a new pile for this colour
    5. If there is a card still in your hand, go back to the second step
    6. If there are no cards in your hand, then the cards are sorted, and you are done
  • The above example is readable by a human

  • For a machine to understand it would require functions and nested if statements and control statements


  • Pseudocode is a language used to describe algorithms
  • Written in a high-level method so anyone can read it and understand it
  • Language similar to programming code will be used
    • therefore, it feels natural whilst developers read it

Pseudocode for Card Sorting

  FOR i <- 0 to length(CARDS)
    IF CARDS[i] == COLORS[i]
      COLORS[i] <- COLORS[i] + 1
      COLORS[i] = 1 

Flow Diagram of Card Sorting

  • Flow diagrams are great for visualising the steps of an algorithm
  • Easy to visualise what is happening at each step

Characteristics of an Algorithm

  • An algorithm will consist of the following characteristics:
    • some sort of input
    • a collection of results, known as an output
    • instructions should be unambiguous and easy to understand
    • the algorithm should be finite and conclude to something
    • it should be effective
    • the algorithm should language agnostic

Writing an Algorithm

  • When writing an algorithm, keep these ideologies in mind:
    • an algorithm is a step-by-step process
    • try and go-back to a step if a loop or condition fails
    • jump between statements if certain conditions are met
    • use the break keyword to stop and terminate the process when the condition is met

Big-O Notation

  • Used to describe the performance or complexity of an algorithm
    • describes the worst-case scenario
    • also describes the execution time or space used
      • i.e. memory or disk usage

Growth Rate of Complexity

O Complexity Growth Rate
O(1) constant fast
O(log n) logarithmic
O(n) linear time
O(n log n) log linear
O(n2) quadratic
O(n3) cubic
O(2n) exponential
O(n!) factorial slow

Examples of Big-O Notation (1)


  • Will always execute in the same time (or space)
def equal_to_one(_list):
    if _list[0] == 1:
        return True


  • Performance will grow linearly and in direct proportion of input data
def contains_number(_list, _number):
    for x in _list:
        if x == _number:
            return True
            return False

Examples of Big-O Notation (2)


  • Performance is directly proportional to the squared size of the input data
  • Most common with algorithms that have nested iterations
    • deeper nested iterations will result in O(N3), O(N4) etc.
def contains_duplicates(_list):
    for i in range(len(_list)):
        for j in range (len(_list)):
            if i == j:
            if list[i] == list[j]:
                return True
    return False

Examples of Big-O Notation (3)


  • Denotes an algorithm where the growth doubles with each addition to the input
    • growth curve is considered to be exponential
def fibonacci(number):
    if number <= 1: return number
    return fibonacci(number - 2) + fibonacci(number - 1)

Calculating the Big-O Value of an Algorithm (1)

  1. Break the algorithm into individual operations
  2. Calculation the Big-O of each operation
  3. Add up the Big-O of each operation together
  4. Remove the constants
  5. Find the highest-order term
    • this will be what we consider to be the Big-O of the algorithm

Calculating the Big-O Value of an Algorithm (2)


  1. Break the algorithm into individual operations
  2. Calculation the Big-O of each operation
  3. Add up the Big-O of each operation together
  4. Remove the constants
  5. Find the highest-order term
    • this will be what we consider to be the Big-O of the algorithm
def add(x, y):
    total = x + y
    return total


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