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4061CEM - Programming and Algorithms 1

Classes and Objects

Dr Ian Cornelius


  • Learning Objectives
    1. Understand what a class and object is
    2. Demonstrate the ability to use classes/objects

Introduction to Classes

  • Classes provide a structure for the objects
  • They are used for defining:
    • a set of properties, represented by variables
    • the behaviour, which are represented by functions
  • Objects created from classes will be referred as instance(s)
    • the process of creating an object from a class is instantiation
  • Objects will have a property
    • a set of values that are associated to a real-world entity
  • For example:
    • Class: Dog
    • Objects: German Shepherd, Golden Retriever

Class Example

  • This is a class diagram, it shows the variables and functions of a class
  • + and - symbols declare whether a variable or function is public or private
  • Top half denotes all the variables of a class
  • Bottom half denotes all the methods/functions of a class

Classes in Python (1)

Creating a Class

  • Classes will be defined using the class keyword followed by the name you want to give it
class Student:
    name = "Ian"

Creating an Object

  • An object can be created from the class by calling upon the class name
    • we first create a variable for this class object
    • then we call the class name followed by brackets
student1 = Student()
  • The variable name can then be accessed
    • by calling the variable name at the end of the object = Ian

Using Class Constructors

  • All classes consist of an in-built function which is used to execute code when it is being initiated
    • this is the function known as __init__()
  • This initialiser can be used to assign values to an objects properties,
    • or other operations that are necessary to perform when an object is in the process of being created
  • __init__() is called automatically each time the class has been used to create a new object
class Student:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age
student1 = Student("Ian", 33)
student2 = Student("Terry", 1) = Ian

student1.age = 33 = Terry

student2.age = 1

Class Functions

  • Classes can also consist of functions, and these will belong to the object that is created
class Student:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age
    def greeting(self):
        return "Hello " + + " and welcome to 4061CEM!"
student1 = Student("Ian", 33)

student1.greeting() = Hello Ian and welcome to 4061CEM!

Modifying an Objects Properties (1)

  • Objects can be modified by accessing the variables directly
    • this is not a very good method of doing this
class Student:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age
student1 = Student("Ian", 33)
student1.age = -1

[Before] student1.age = 33

[After] student1.age = -1

Modifying an Objects Properties (2)

  • A better way of modifying a classes variable is by creating a function
class Student:
    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age
    def change_age(self, new_age):
        self.age = new_age
student1 = Student("Ian", 33)

[Before] student1.age = 33

[After] student1.age = -1

Modifying an Objects Properties (3)

  • Variables and functions can be private inside a class
  • This is achieved by adding two underscores (‘__’) to the beginning of the variable name
class Student:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.__name = name
        self.__age = age
    def change_age(self, new_age):
        self.__age = new_age
    def get_age(self):
        return self.__age
student1 = Student("Ian", 33)

[Before] student1.get_age() = 33

[After] student1.get_age() = -1

Modifying an Objects Properties (4)

  • Objects can be deleted by using the del keyword
del student1

Pass Keyword

  • Classes cannot be empty, but if you require a class to be empty you can use the pass keyword
class Student:

Inheritance with Classes

  • Inheritance allows you to define a class that will inherit all the functions and properties from another class
  • There are two important terminologies to know:
    • parent class which is the class from which another class is being inherited from
    • child class which is the class that is inherited from the parent class

Creating a Parent Class

  • Any class you create in Python can be a parent class
    • the syntax is the same as creating any other class
class Student:
    def __init__(self, name, age):
        self.__name = name
        self.__age = age
    def change_age(self, new_age):
        self.__age = new_age
    def get_age(self):
        return self.__age
    def get_name(self):
        return self.__name
    def greeting(self):
        return f"Hello {self.__name} and welcome to 4061CEM!"
student1 = Student("Ian", 33)

student1.get_name() = Ian

student1.get_age() = 33

student1.greeting() = Hello Ian and welcome to 4061CEM!

Creating a Child Class

  • A child class is created by passing through the parent class as parameter when creating the child class
    • the child class will inherit all properties and functions of the parent class
class Person(Student):
person1 = Person("Ian", 33)

person1.get_name() = Ian

person1.greeting() = Hello Ian and welcome to 4061CEM!

Modifying a Child Class (1)

  • When adding an __init__ function to the child class, it will no longer inherit the __init__ function from the parent class
  • To keep the variables from the parent class, we need to call the __init__ function from the parent class
class Person(Student):
    def __init__(self, name, age, location):
        Student.__init__(self, name, age)
        self.location = location
person1 = Person("Ian", 33, "Coventry")

person1.get_name() = Ian

person1.location = Coventry

Modifying a Child Class (2)

  • The same process can be achieved using the super() function, instead of using the parent classes name
class Person(Student):
    def __init__(self, name, age, location):
        super().__init__(name, age)
        self.location = location
person1 = Person("Ian", 33, "Coventry")

person1.get_name() = Ian

person1.location = Coventry

Adding a Function to a Child Class

  • Functions can be added to the child class in the same manner
    • let’s add a function to greet the person and acknowledge where they have come from
class Person(Student):
    def __init__(self, name, age, location):
        super().__init__(name, age)
        self.location = location
    def greeting(self):
        return f"Hello {self.get_name()} and welcome to 4061CEM from {self.location}!"
person1 = Person("Ian", 33, "Coventry")

person1.greeting() = Hello Ian and welcome to 4061CEM from Coventry!


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