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4061CEM - Programming and Algorithms 1

Conditional Statements

Dr Ian Cornelius


  • Learning Objectives
    1. Understand what a conditional statement is
    2. Demonstrate the ability to use conditional statements


  • You were introduced to comparison operators previously
  • These operators are used with conditional statements to ensure certain conditions have been met
  • Recap on the comparison operators:
Symbol Explanation
== The Same
!= Not the Same
> Greater Than
>= Greater Than or Equal To
< Less Than
<= Less Than or Equal To !

Introduction to Conditional Statements

  • A basic decision statement which is done using a selection structure
  • The decision will be described to the interpreter by a conditional statement
    • whereby a result can only be True or False
  • Python allows the following:
    • if statements
    • if ... else ... statement
    • if ... elif ... else statement
    • Nested if ... else ... statements

If Statements (1)

  • Often referred to as a decision-making statement
  • Used to control the flow of execution for statements and to test an expression
    • tests logically whether a condition is True or False
if variable == value:

If Statements (2)

x = 1
if x == 1:


If … Else Statements (1)

  • Known as an alternative execution, whereby there are two possibilities
    • the condition statement determines which of the two statements gets executed
  • The else is used as the ultimate result for a test expression
    • this result is only met if all other statements are False
if variable == value:

If … Else Statements (2)

def is_equal(x):
    if x == 1:
        return True
        return False

is_equal(1) –> True

is_equal(“Hello”) –> False

Else-If Statements (1)

  • elif is a keyword in Python to replace the else if conditions from other languages
  • The condition allows for two or more possibilities, known as a chained conditional
if variable > value:
elif variable < value:

Else-If Statements (2)

  • The first check is to determine whether x is equal to 1
    • x == 1 the check passes
    • (True, "x is 1") is returned
def is_equal(x, y):
    if x == 1:
        return True, "x is 1"
    elif y == 2:
        return True, "y is 2"
        return False, "x is not 1 and y is not 2"
is_equal(x=1, y=3)

is_equal(x=1, y=3) –> (True, ‘x is 1’)

Else-If Statements (3)

  • The first check is to determine whether x is equal to 1
    • x == 2, the check fails, move onto the next check
  • The second check is actioned, and checks whether y is equal to 2
    • y == 2, the check passes
    • (True, "y is 2") is returned
def is_equal(x, y):
    if x == 1:
        return True, "x is 1"
    elif y == 2:
        return True, "y is 2"
        return False, "x is not 1 and y is not 2"
is_equal(x=2, y=2)

is_equal(x=2, y=2) –> (True, ‘y is 2’)

Else-If Statements (3)

  • The first check is to determine whether x is equal to 1
    • x == 2, the check fails, move onto the next check
  • The second check is actioned, and checks whether y is equal to 2
    • y == 3, the check fails, move onto the next check
  • As both checks have failed, the final case is reached
    • (False, "x is not 1 and y is not 2") is returned
def is_equal(x, y):
    if x == 1:
        return True, "x is 1"
    elif y == 2:
        return True, "y is 2"
        return False, "x is not 1 and y is not 2"
is_equal(x=2, y=3)

is_equal(x=2, y=3) –> (False, ‘x is not 1 and y is not 2’)

Nested If … Else Statements (1)

  • if ... else statements can be written inside each other
    • this is known as nesting
if variable == value:
    if variable == value:
    elif variable == value:
elif variable != value:

Nested If … Else Statements (2)

  • The first check is to determine whether x is equal to 1
    • x == 1, the check passes, move onto the next check
  • The nested if statement is now actioned and a second check is performed on whether y is equal to 2
    • y == 3, the check fails, move onto the next check
  • The third check is actioned and checks whether y is equal to 4
    • y == 3, the check fails, move onto the next check
  • The final case is reached
    • (False, "x is 1 and y is not 2 or 4") is returned
def is_equal(x, y):
    if x == 1:
        if y == 2:
            return True, "x is 1 and y is 2"
        elif y == 4:
            return True, "x is 1 and y is 4"
            return False, "x is 1 but y is not 2 or 4"
        return "False", "x is not 1"
is_equal(x=1, y=3)

is_equal(x=1, y=3) –> (False, ‘x is 1 but y is not 2 or 4’)

Nested If … Else Statements (2)

  • The first check is to determine whether x is equal to 1
    • x == 2, the check fails, move onto the next check
  • The nested if statement does not execute and the final case is reached
    • ("False", "x is not 1") is returned
def is_equal(x, y):
    if x == 1:
        if y == 2:
            return True, "x is 1 and y is 2"
        elif y == 4:
            return True, "x is 1 and y is 4"
            return False, "x is 1 but y is not 2 or 4"
        return "False", "x is not 1"
is_equal(x=2, y=3)

is_equal(x=2, y=3) –> (‘False’, ‘x is not 1’)

Nested If … Else Statements (3)

  • The first check is to determine whether x is equal to 1
    • x == 1, the check passes, move onto the next check
  • The nested if statement is now actioned and a second check is performed on whether y is equal to 2
    • y == 2, the check passes
    • (True, "x is 1 and y is 2") is returned
def is_equal(x, y):
    if x == 1:
        if y == 2:
            return True, "x is 1 and y is 2"
        elif y == 4:
            return True, "x is 1 and y is 4"
            return False, "x is 1 but y is not 2 or 4"
        return "False", "x is not 1"
is_equal(x=1, y=2)

is_equal(x=1, y=2) –> (True, ‘x is 1 and y is 2’)

Nested If … Else Statements (4)

  • The first check is to determine whether x is equal to 1
    • x == 1, the check passes, move onto the next check
  • The nested if statement is now actioned and a second check is performed on whether y is equal to 2
    • y == 4, the check fails, move onto the next check
  • The third check is actioned and checks whether y is equal to 4
    • y == 4, the check passes
    • (True, "x is 1 and y is 4") is returned
def is_equal(x, y):
    if x == 1:
        if y == 2:
            return True, "x is 1 and y is 2"
        elif y == 4:
            return True, "x is 1 and y is 4"
            return False, "x is 1 but y is not 2 or 4"
        return "False", "x is not 1"
is_equal(x=1, y=4)

is_equal(x=1, y=4) –> (True, ‘x is 1 and y is 4’)

Nested If … Else Statements (5)

  • The first check is to determine whether x is equal to 1
    • x == 1, the check passes, move onto the next check
  • The nested if statement is now actioned and a second check is performed on whether y is equal to 2
    • y == 5, the check fails, move onto the next check
  • The third check is actioned and a check is performed on whether y is equal to 4
    • y == 5, the check fails, move onto the next check
  • The final case is reached
    • (False, "x is 1 but y is not 2 or 4") is returned
def is_equal(x, y):
    if x == 1:
        if y == 2:
            return True, "x is 1 and y is 2"
        elif y == 4:
            return True, "x is 1 and y is 4"
            return False, "x is 1 but y is not 2 or 4"
        return "False", "x is not 1"
is_equal(x=1, y=5)

is_equal(x=1, y=5) –> (False, ‘x is 1 but y is not 2 or 4’)


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