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4061CEM - Programming and Algorithms 1


Dr Ian Cornelius


  • Learning Objectives
    1. Understand the purpose of functions in Python
    2. Under the difference between parameters and arguments
    3. Demonstrate the ability to use functions

Introducing Python Functions

  • Functions are a block of reusable code that are used to perform a single action
  • They provide an aspect of modularity to your code and ensures a high-degree of code reuse

Creating a Function

  • Functions in Python begin with the def keyword followed by a function name and brackets (“()”)
  • The code within the function then starts with after the colon (“:”) at the end of the brackets, and is indented once
def function_name():
    print("Hello 4061CEM")

Using a Function

  • Functions can be called using their function name, followed by a set of brackets
    • this is often known as the function caller
def function_name():
    print("Hello 4061CEM")

function_name() –> Hello 4061CEM

Returning a Value from a Function

  • Functions can also return data from inside it using the return statement
  • Useful if you have performed some operations inside a function and need to use the output
def my_sum():
    x = 2
    return 5 + x

my_sum() –> 7

  • You may want to store the returned value from a function in a variable, or print it to the terminal
summed = my_sum()

Empty Functions (1)

  • The purpose of a function is to have some re-usable code, therefore they cannot be empty
    • if you insist on having a function with no code, then you can use the pass statement
def my_function():

Empty Functions (2)

  • Empty functions offers to purpose or use; unless it is a placeholder for future code
    • in this instance, you would want it to raise a warning, such as: NotImplemented
def my_function():
    return NotImplemented

Parameters and Arguments

  • Data can be passed through to a function and these are known as either parameters or arguments
  • Parameter and argument can be used for the same thing
    • simply it is data that is passed into a function
  • But they do have a slightly different meaning:
    • parameter is the variable listed inside the brackets in the function definition
    • argument is the value that is sent to the function

Parameter and Argument Example

  • Parameters/arguments are specified after the declaration of the function name and inside the brackets
    • you are able to add as many parameters/arguments as you want, separating them with a comma (,)
def hello_person(name):
    print("Hello " + name + " and welcome to 4061CEM")

hello_person(“Ian”) –> Hello Ian and welcome to 4061CEM

hello_person(“Terry”) –> Hello Terry and welcome to 4061CEM

hello_person(“Daniel”) –> Hello Daniel and welcome to 4061CEM

Passing Arguments to Functions (1)

  • There are two ways of passing arguments to a function: pass by value or pass by reference

Pass by Value

  • The function creates a copy of the variable passed to it as an argument
    • the actual variable itself is not affected
x = 10
def change_int(x):
    x = 20

Before Function Call: x = 10 [Address = 2313581363728]

Inside Function: x = 20 [Address = 2313581364048]

After Function Call: x = 10 [Address = 2313581363728]

Passing Arguments to Functions (2)

Pass by Reference

  • The actual variable is passed to the called function
    • changes made to the variable inside the function will affect the original value
x = [4, 0, 6, 1]
def change_value(_list):
    _list[1] = -9

Before Function Call: x = [4, 0, 6, 1] [Address = 2313582751296]

Inside Function: _list = [4, -9, 6, 1] [Address = 2313582751296]

After Function Call: x = [4, -9, 6, 1] [Address = 2313582751296]

Number of Arguments

  • When calling a function, it must be called with the correct number of arguments
    • if you have a function with three arguments then you have to call the function with three arguments
def hello_person(name, code):
    print(f"Hello {name} and welcome to {code}!")
hello_person("Ian", "4061CEM")
hello_person("Terry", "4059CEM")

hello_person(“Ian”, “4061CEM”) –> Hello Ian and welcome to 4061CEM!

hello_person(“Terry”, “4059CEM”) –> Hello Terry and welcome to 4059CEM!

Default Parameter Values

  • A function can be called without an argument if a default value has been assigned to the parameter
  • The default value will only be evaluated once and makes a difference when the default value is a mutable object
    • i.e. a list, dictionary or an instance of most classes
def hello_person(name="Ian", code="4061CEM"):
    print(f"Hello {name} and welcome to {code}!")
hello_person(name="Terry", code="4059CEM")

hello_person() –> Hello Ian and welcome to 4061CEM!

hello_person(name=“Terry”, code=“4059CEM”) –> Hello Terry and welcome to 4059CEM!

hello_person(“Daniel”) –> Hello Daniel and welcome to 4061CEM!

Keyword Arguments

  • Keyword arguments are related to the function calls
  • When they are used in a function call, the caller identifies the arguments by its parameter name
    • the notation of using this method is: parameter = value
    • when used in a function call, the order of arguments do not matter
def hello_person(code, name):
    print("Hello " + name + " and welcome to " + code + "!")
hello_person(name="Ian", code="4061CEM")
hello_person(code="4059CEM", name="Terry")

hello_person(name=“Ian”, code=“4061CEM”) –> Hello Ian and welcome to 4061CEM!

hello_person(code=“4059CEM”, name=“Terry”) –> Hello Terry and welcome to 4059CEM!

Arbitrary Arguments

  • When you do not know the number of arguments that will be passed into a function, add an asterisk (*) before the parameter name
  • The function will then receive a tuple of arguments and access the items accordingly
    • the tuple will remain empty if no arguments are passed through
def hello_person(*details):
    print("Hello " + details[0] + " and welcome to " + details[1] + "!")
hello_person("Ian", "4061CEM")
hello_person("Terry", "4059CEM")

hello_person(“Ian”, “4061CEM”) –> Hello Ian and welcome to 4061CEM!

hello_person(“Terry”, “4059CEM”) –> Hello Terry and welcome to 4059CEM!

Arbitrary Keyword Arguments

  • When you do not know the number of keyword arguments that will be passed into a function, add a double asterisk (**) before the parameter name
  • The function will receive a dictionary of arguments and access the items accordingly
def hello_person(**details):
    print("Hello " + details['name'] + " and welcome to " + details['code'] + "!")
hello_person(name="Ian", code="4061CEM")
hello_person(code="4059CEM", name="Terry")

hello_person(name=“Ian”, code=“4061CEM”) –> Hello Ian and welcome to 4061CEM!

hello_person(code=“4059CEM”, name=“Terry”) –> Hello Terry and welcome to 4059CEM!

hello_person(name=“Ian”, code=“4061CEM”) –> Hello Ian and welcome to 4061CEM!

hello_person(code=“4059CEM”, name=“Terry”) –> Hello Terry and welcome to 4059CEM!

Function Annotations

  • Function annotations are optional metadata information about the various data types used by user-defined functions
    • these annotations are stored in the __annotations__ attribute of a function
  • Annotations for a parameter are defined with a colon (:) after the name of the parameter
  • Annotations for a return are defined by a -> followed by the data type
    • this is placed between the list of parameters and the colon denoting the end of the def statement
def my_sum(x: int) -> int:
    return 5 + x

{‘x’: <class ‘int’>, ‘return’: <class ‘int’>}


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