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4061CEM - Programming and Algorithms 1

Mapping Data Types

Dr Ian Cornelius


  • Learning Objectives:
    1. Understand the mapping data types that are built-in to Python
    2. Demonstrate the ability to use these mapping data types

Introduction to Dictionaries

  • Dictionaries are used to store multiple items into a single variable
    • they are stored as a key:value pair
  • They are considered to be:
    • ordered: the items have a defined order and this order will not change when new items are added to the dictionary
    • changeable: the items of a dictionary are mutable (can be changed), added or removed
    • no duplicates allowed: dictionaries are unable to have the same key twice
  • The size of a dictionary (or the number of items stored in a dictionary) can be determined using the len() function

Creating a Dictionary

  • Dictionaries are created by using a set of curly braces ({})
  • The dict() constructor can also be used to create a dictionary data type
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"
dictExample2 = dict({
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"
dictExample3 = {"code": "4061CEM", "title": "Programming and Algorithms", "leader": "Ian Cornelius"}

Data Types of Items in a Dictionary (1)

  • The items of a dictionary can be any data type
    • i.e. it can be a mixture of data types such as booleans, strings or integers
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"
dictExample2 = {
    "code": 4061,
    "faculty": "CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius",
    "running": True

Data Types of Items in a Dictionary (2)

  • Dictionaries can also store other dictionaries inside themselves
dictExample3 = {
    "code": 4061,
    "faculty": "CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius",
    "running": True,
    "resources": {
        "book1": {
            "author": "Heineman, G.T., Pollice, G. and Selkow, S.",
            "title": "Algorithms in a nutshell: A practical guide.",
            "year": "2016"

Accessing Dictionary Items (1)

  • The items in a dictionary can be accessed by referring to its key inside a set of square brackets ([])
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"

dictExample1[“code”] = 4061CEM

Accessing Dictionary Items (2)

dictExample1 = {
    "code": 4061,
    "faculty": "CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius",
    "running": True,
    "resources": {
        "book1": {
            "author": "Heineman, G.T., Pollice, G. and Selkow, S.",
            "title": "Algorithms in a nutshell: A practical guide.",
            "year": "2016"

dictExample1[“resources”][“book1”][“author”] = Heineman, G.T., Pollice, G. and Selkow, S.

Accessing Dictionary Items (3)

  • The items in a dictionary can also be accessed by using the get() function, and a key
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"

dictExample1.get(“code”) = 4061CEM

dictExample1.get(“leader”) = Ian Cornelius

Accessing Dictionary Items (4)

List of Dictionary Keys

  • A list of keys that are present in a dictionary can be retrieved using the keys() function
  • The list of keys can be considered to be a view of the dictionary
    • therefore, any changes made to the dictionary will be rectified in the list of keys
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"

dictExample1.keys() = dict_keys([‘code’, ‘title’, ‘leader’])

Accessing Dictionary Items (5)

List of Dictionary Values

  • A list of values that are present in the dictionary can be retrieved using the values() function
  • The list of values can be considered to be a view of the dictionary
    • therefore, any changes made to the dictionary will be rectified in the list of values
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"

dictExample1.values() = dict_values([‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming and Algorithms’, ‘Ian Cornelius’])

Accessing Dictionary Items (6)

List of Dictionary Items

  • A tuple of items that are present in the dictionary can be retrieved using the items() function
    • Each tuple returned is the key and value that is present in the dictionary
  • The tuple of items can be considered to be a view of the dictionary
    • Therefore, any changes made to the dictionary will be rectified in the tuple of items
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"

dictExample1.items() = dict_items([(‘code’, ‘4061CEM’), (‘title’, ‘Programming and Algorithms’), (‘leader’, ‘Ian Cornelius’)])

Modifying a Dictionary (1)

  • As items are ordered and indexed, they are modifiable; otherwise known as being mutable

Adding an Item i

  • Adding an item to the dictionary can be done using the update() function
    • when using this method, you must provide a key:value pair in the function
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"
dictExample1.update({"running": True})

dictExample1.items() = dict_items([(‘code’, ‘4061CEM’), (‘title’, ‘Programming and Algorithms’), (‘leader’, ‘Ian Cornelius’), (‘running’, True)])

Modifying a Dictionary (2)

Adding an Item ii

  • The same key:value pair can be added using the square brackets ([]) notation
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"
dictExample1["running"] = True

dictExample1.items() = dict_items([(‘code’, ‘4061CEM’), (‘title’, ‘Programming and Algorithms’), (‘leader’, ‘Ian Cornelius’), (‘running’, True)])

Modifying a Dictionary (4)

Removing Items from a Dictionary i

  • Items can be removed from a dictionary using the pop() function
    • this will remove the item from the list using its key
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"

[Before] dictExample1.keys() = dict_keys([‘code’, ‘title’, ‘leader’])

[After] dictExample1.keys() = dict_keys([‘code’, ‘leader’])

Modifying a Dictionary (5)

Removing Items from a Dictionary ii

  • An item can also be removed from a list by using the popitem() function
    • this will remove the last inserted item
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"

[Before] dictExample1.keys() = dict_keys([‘code’, ‘title’, ‘leader’])

[After] dictExample1.keys() = dict_keys([‘code’, ‘title’])

Modifying a Dictionary (6)

Removing Items from a Dictionary iii

  • An item can also be removed from a dictionary by its key using the del keyword
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"
del dictExample1["title"]

[Before] dictExample1.keys() = dict_keys([‘code’, ‘title’, ‘leader’])

[After] dictExample1.keys() = dict_keys([‘code’, ‘leader’])

Modifying a Dictionary (7)

Clearing a Dictionary

  • A dictionary can be cleared of all its items, but still reserve its memory location by using the clear() function
    • this will empty the contents of a dictionary and leave it empty, symbolised by just the curly brackets ({})
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"

[Before] dictExample1.keys() = dict_keys([‘code’, ‘title’, ‘leader’])

[After] dictExample1 = {}

Modifying a Dictionary (8)

Deleting a Dictionary

  • The entire dictionary can be deleted and removed from the memory using the del keyword
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"
del dictExample1

Copying a Dictionary

  • The method of copying a dictionary by using dict2 = dict1 is incorrect
    • this method creates a reference to dict1 and not an actual copy; therefore any changes made in dict1 will occur in dict2
  • The correct process of copying a list can be achieved by the copy() function or the dict() constructor itself
dictExample1 = {
    "code": "4061CEM",
    "title": "Programming and Algorithms",
    "leader": "Ian Cornelius"
copyDictExample1 = dictExample1.copy()
copyDictExample2 = dict(dictExample1)


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