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4061CEM - Programming and Algorithms 1

Set Data Types

Dr Ian Cornelius


  • Learning Objectives:
    1. Understand the set data types that are built-in to Python
    2. Demonstrate the ability to use these set data types

Introduction to Sets

  • Sets are used to store multiple items into a single variable
  • They are considered to be:
    • unordered: the items do not have a defined order and they can appear in a different order each time they are used
    • changeable: the items of a set are mutable, meaning that items can be added or removed
    • no duplicates allowed: duplicates are not allowed as a set is unordered
  • The size of a set (or the number of items stored in a set) can be determined using the len() function

Creating a Set

  • Sets are created by using a set of curly braces ({})
  • Other data types can be type-casted as a set by using its constructor
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"}
setExample2 = set(["4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"])

setExample1 = {‘Algorithms’, ‘Programming’, ‘4061CEM’}

setExample2 = {‘Algorithms’, ‘Programming’, ‘4061CEM’}

Items of a Set

  • The items of a set can be any data type
    • i.e. it can be a mixture of data types such as booleans, strings or integers
  • However, the list, tuple and set data types cannot be hashed or used inside of a set
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"}
setExample2 = {4061, "Programming and Algorithms", True}

setExample1 = {‘Algorithms’, ‘Programming’, ‘4061CEM’}

setExample2 = {‘Programming and Algorithms’, 4061, True}

Accessing Set Items

  • Items cannot be accessed in a set by referring to it via an index
  • Instead, items can be accessed using a for loop

Modifying a Set (1)

  • Sets are considered to be mutable, and as such we are able to add and remove items to them

Adding an Item

  • Items can be added into the set using the add() function
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"}
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"}

setExample1 = {‘Algorithms’, ‘Programming’, ‘Dr Ian Cornelius’, ‘4061CEM’}

Modifying a Set (2)

Removing Items from a Set i

  • Items can be removed from a set using the remove() function
    • this will search the set for a specific value and then remove it
  • If the item does not exist, an error will be thrown
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"}

[Before] setExample1 = {‘Algorithms’, ‘Programming’, ‘4061CEM’}

[After] setExample1 = {‘Algorithms’, ‘4061CEM’}

Modifying a Set (3)

Removing Items from a Set ii

  • Items can also be removed from a set using the pop() function
  • This will only remove the last item from the set
    • but you will not know which item will be removed, as the items in a set can constantly change index
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"}

[Before] setExample1 = {‘Algorithms’, ‘Programming’, ‘4061CEM’}

[After] setExample1 = {‘Programming’, ‘4061CEM’}

Modifying a Set (4)

Removing Items from a Set iii

  • Items can also be removed from a set using the discard() function
    • this will search the set for a specific value and then remove it
  • If the item does not exist an error *will not** be thrown
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"}

[Before] setExample1 = {‘Algorithms’, ‘Programming’, ‘4061CEM’}

[After] setExample1 = {‘Algorithms’, ‘4061CEM’}

Modifying a Set (5)

Clearing a Set

  • A set can be cleared of all its items, but still reserve its memory location by using the clear() function
    • this will empty the contents of a set and leave it empty, symbolised by the curly brackets ({}) or the set() constructor
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"}

[Before] setExample1 = {‘Algorithms’, ‘Programming’, ‘4061CEM’}

[After] setExample1 = set()

Modifying a Set (6)

Deleting a Set

  • The entire set can be deleted and removed from the memory using the del keyword
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"}
del setExample1

Merging a Set (1)

  • There are various methods of merging two sets together
    • update() and union()

Updating a Set

  • The items of a set can be updated with the items of another set using the update() function
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming and Algorithms 1", "Dr Ian Cornelius"}
setExample2 = {"4059CEM", "Legal and Ethical Foundations", "Mr Terry Richards"}

[Before] setExample1 = {‘Programming and Algorithms 1’, ‘4061CEM’, ‘Dr Ian Cornelius’}

[After] setExample1 = {‘Legal and Ethical Foundations’, ‘Dr Ian Cornelius’, ‘Programming and Algorithms 1’, ‘4061CEM’, ‘Mr Terry Richards’, ‘4059CEM’}

Merging a Set (2)

Unionising a Set

  • The items of a set can be unionised with the items of another set using the union() function
    • this method will return a new set with both sets merged
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming and Algorithms 1", "Dr Ian Cornelius"}
setExample2 = {"4059CEM", "Legal and Ethical Foundations", "Mr Terry Richards"}
mergedSetExample1 = setExample1.union(setExample2)

mergedSetExample1 = {‘Legal and Ethical Foundations’, ‘Dr Ian Cornelius’, ‘Programming and Algorithms 1’, ‘4061CEM’, ‘Mr Terry Richards’, ‘4059CEM’}

Merging a Set (3)

Intersection of a Set i

  • The items that only exist in both sets can be kept using the intersection_update() function
    • this will update the set it is called upon with only the duplicate values, removing any unique values
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming and Algorithms 1", "Dr Ian Cornelius"}
setExample2 = {"4059CEM", "Legal and Ethical Foundations", "Mr Terry Richards", "Dr Ian Cornelius"}

[Before] setExample1 = {‘Programming and Algorithms 1’, ‘4061CEM’, ‘Dr Ian Cornelius’}

[After] setExample1 = {‘Dr Ian Cornelius’}

Merging a Set (4)

Intersection of a Set ii

  • The items that only exist in both sets can be kept using the intersection() function
    • this method will create a new set with only the duplicated values
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming and Algorithms 1", "Dr Ian Cornelius"}
setExample2 = {"4059CEM", "Legal and Ethical Foundations", "Mr Terry Richards", "Dr Ian Cornelius"}
mergedSetExample1 = setExample1.intersection(setExample2)

mergedSetExample1 = {‘Dr Ian Cornelius’}

Merging a Set (5)

Symmetric Difference of a Set i

  • The items that do not exist in both sets can be kept using the symmetric_difference_update() function
    • this will update the set it has been called upon with only the unique values, removing any duplicate values
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming and Algorithms 1", "Dr Ian Cornelius"}
setExample2 = {"4059CEM", "Legal and Ethical Foundations", "Mr Terry Richards", "Dr Ian Cornelius"}

[Before] setExample1 = {‘Programming and Algorithms 1’, ‘4061CEM’, ‘Dr Ian Cornelius’}

[After] setExample1 = {‘Legal and Ethical Foundations’, ‘Programming and Algorithms 1’, ‘4059CEM’, ‘4061CEM’, ‘Mr Terry Richards’}

Merging a Set (6)

Symmetric Difference of a Set (ii)

  • The items that do not exist in both sets can be kept using the symmetric_difference() function
    • this method will create a new set with only the unique values
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming and Algorithms 1", "Dr Ian Cornelius"}
setExample2 = {"4059CEM", "Legal and Ethical Foundations", "Mr Terry Richards", "Dr Ian Cornelius"}
mergedSetExample1 = setExample1.symmetric_difference(setExample2)

mergedSetExample1 = {‘Legal and Ethical Foundations’, ‘Programming and Algorithms 1’, ‘4059CEM’, ‘4061CEM’, ‘Mr Terry Richards’}

Copying a Set

  • The method of copying a set by using set2 = set1 is incorrect
    • this method creates a reference to set1 and not an actual copy; therefore, any changes made in set1 will occur in set2
  • The correct process of copying a set can be achieved by the copy() function or the set() constructor itself
setExample1 = {"4061CEM", "Programming and Algorithms 1", "Dr Ian Cornelius"}
copySetExample1 = setExample1.copy()
copySetExample2 = set(setExample1)


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