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4061CEM - Programming and Algorithms 1

Sequence Data Types

Dr Ian Cornelius


  • Learning Objectives:
    1. Understand the other sequence data types that are built-in to Python
    2. Demonstrate the ability to use these other sequence data types


  • Last week you were introduced to a couple of sequence data types:
    • Bytes
    • Range
  • This week, you will be introduced to the other two:
    • Lists
    • Tuples

Introduction to Lists

  • Lists are used to store multiple items into a single variable
  • They are considered to be:
    • ordered: the items have a defined order and this order will not change when new items are added to the list
    • changeable: the items of a list are mutable (can be changed), added or removed
    • allowable of duplicates: lists are indexed, and therefore items in a list can be duplicated
  • The size of a list (or the number of items stored in a list) can be determined using the len() function

Creating a List

  • Lists are created by using a set of square brackets ([])
  • Other data types can be type-casted as a list by using its constructor
listExample1 = ["4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"]
listExample2 = list(("4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"))
listExample3 = list("Hello 4061CEM!")

Items of a List

  • The items of a list can be any data type
    • i.e. it can be a mixture of data types such as booleans, strings, lists or integers
listExample1 = ["4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"]
listExample2 = [4061, "Programming and Algorithms", True,
                ["Dr Ian Cornelius", "Mr Terry Richards"]]

Accessing List Items (1)

  • The items in a list can be accessed by referring to its index number inside a set of square brackets ([])
    • Note that the index of a list begins at 0 in Python, other programming languages begin at 1
listExample1 = ["4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"]
listExample2 = [4061, "Programming and Algorithms", True,
                ["Dr Ian Cornelius", "Mr Terry Richards"]]

listExample1[1] = Programming

listExample1[1].upper() = PROGRAMMING

listExample2[3][1] = Mr Terry Richards

Accessing List Items (2)

Negative Indexing

  • When using a negative index, it will access the list from the end
    • i.e. -1 will refer to the last item and -2 the second to last item etc.
listExample1 = ["4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"]

listExample1[-1] = Algorithms

listExample1[-2] = Programming

Accessing List Items (3)

Slicing a List using Positive Indexes i

  • A selection of items in a list can be returned using a slice
    • a slice is a number range using a colon (“:”) between the two numbers
    • i.e. 1:3 represents begin at index 1 and go up to index 3
  • The search will begin at the start value and include it in the returned list
    • it will end at the end value, but will not include it in the returned list
listExample1 = [4061, "Programming and Algorithms", True, "Dr Ian Cornelius"]

listExample1[1:3] = [‘Programming and Algorithms’, True]

Accessing List Items (4)

Slicing a List using Positive Indexes ii

  • By not providing a start value, the range function will always begin at the first index
listExample1 = [4061, "Programming and Algorithms", True, "Dr Ian Cornelius"]

listExample1[:3] = [4061, ‘Programming and Algorithms’, True]

  • If you do not provide an end value, it will return all items from the start index to the end of the list

listExample1[2:] = [True, ‘Dr Ian Cornelius’]

Modifying a List (1)

  • As items are ordered and indexed, they are modifiable; otherwise known as being mutable

Inserting an Item

  • Items can be inserted into the list and not replace pre-existing items at a given index using the insert() function
listExample1 = ["4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"]
listExample1.insert(3, "Dr Ian Cornelius")

listExample1 = [‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming’, ‘Algorithms’, ‘Dr Ian Cornelius’]

  • You can also insert an item at a different index
    • this will move the item at the index to the right by one, and all other items
listExample1.insert(1, "Dr Ian Cornelius")

listExample1 = [‘4061CEM’, ‘Dr Ian Cornelius’, ‘Programming’, ‘Algorithms’]

Modifying a List (2)

Appending an Item

  • Items can be inserted at the end of the list using the append() function
listExample1 = ["4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"]
listExample1.append("Mr Terry Richards")

listExample1 = [‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming’, ‘Algorithms’, ‘Mr Terry Richards’]

Modifying a List (3)

Removing Items from a List i

  • Items can be removed from a list using the remove() function
  • This will search the list for a specific value and then remove it
listExample1 = ["4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"]

listExample1 = [‘4061CEM’, ‘Algorithms’]

Modifying a List (4)

Removing Items from a List ii

  • An item can also be removed from a list by using the pop() function
    • this will remove the item from a list by its index
listExample1 = ["4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"]

listExample1 = [‘4061CEM’, ‘Algorithms’]

Modifying a List (5)

Removing Items from a List iii

  • An item can also be removed from a list by referring to its index in square brackets ([]) and using the del keyword
listExample1 = ["4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"]
del listExample1[1]

listExample1 = [‘4061CEM’, ‘Algorithms’]

Modifying a List (6)

Clearing a List

  • A list can be cleared of all its items, but still reserve its memory location by using the clear() function
  • This will empty the contents of a list and leave it empty, symbolised by just the square brackets ([])
listExample1 = ["4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"]

listExample1 = []

Merging a List (1)

  • There are various methods of merging two lists together: concatenation or extension

Concatenating a List

  • The items of a list can be concatenated with the items of another list using the + operator
listExample1 = ["4061CEM", "Programming and Algorithms 1", "Dr Ian Cornelius"]
listExample2 = ["4059CEM", "Legal and Ethical Foundations", "Mr Terry Richards"]
mergedListExample1 = listExample1 + listExample2

mergedListExample1 = [‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming and Algorithms 1’, ‘Dr Ian Cornelius’, ‘4059CEM’, ‘Legal and Ethical Foundations’, ‘Mr Terry Richards’]

Merging a List (2)

Extending a List

  • The items of a list can be merged with the items of another list using the extend() function
listExample1 = ["4061CEM", "Programming and Algorithms 1", "Dr Ian Cornelius"]
listExample2 = ["4059CEM", "Legal and Ethical Foundations", "Mr Terry Richards"]

listExample1 = [‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming and Algorithms 1’, ‘Dr Ian Cornelius’, ‘4059CEM’, ‘Legal and Ethical Foundations’, ‘Mr Terry Richards’]

Copying a List

  • The method of copying a list by using list2 = list1 is incorrect
    • this method creates a reference to list1 and not an actual copy; therefore any changes made in list1 will occur in list2
  • The correct process of copying a list can be achieved by the copy() function or the list() constructor itself
listExample1 = ["4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms"]
copyListExample1 = listExample1.copy()
copyListExample2 = list(listExample1)

copyListExample1 = [‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming’, ‘Algorithms’]

copyListExample2 = [‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming’, ‘Algorithms’]

Introduction to Tuples

  • Tuples are used to store multiple items into a single variable
  • They are considered to be:
    • ordered: the items have a defined order and this order will not change
    • unchangeable: the items of a tuple are immutable; they cannot be changed, added or removed
    • allowable of duplicates: tuples are indexed, and therefore items in a list can be duplicated
  • The size of a tuples (or the number of items stored in a tuple) can be determined using the len() function

Creating a Tuple

  • Tuples are created by using a set of brackets (())
  • Other data types can be type-casted as a tuple by using its constructor
tupleExample1 = ("4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms")
tupleExample2 = tuple("Hello 4061CEM")

tupleExample1 = (‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming’, ‘Algorithms’)

tupleExample2 = (‘H’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘l’, ‘o’, ’ ‘, ’4’, ‘0’, ‘6’, ‘1’, ‘C’, ‘E’, ‘M’)

Items of a Tuple

  • The items of a tuple can be any data type
    • i.e. it can be a mixture of data types such as booleans, strings, tuples or integers
tupleExample1 = ("4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms")
tupleExample2 = (4061, "Programming and Algorithms", True,
                    ("Dr Ian Cornelius", "Mr Terry Richards"))

tupleExample1 = (‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming’, ‘Algorithms’)

tupleExample2 = (4061, ‘Programming and Algorithms’, True, (‘Dr Ian Cornelius’, ‘Mr Terry Richards’))

Accessing Tuple Items (1)

  • The items in a tuple can be accessed by referring to its index number inside a set of square brackets ([])
    • Note that the index of a tuple begins at 0 in Python, other programming languages begin at 1
tupleExample1 = ("4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms")

tupleExample1[1] = Programming

tupleExample1[2] = Algorithms

Accessing Tuple Items (2)

Negative Indexing

  • When using a negative index, it will access the tuple from the end
    • i.e. -1 will refer to the last item and -2 the second to last item etc.
tupleExample1 = ("4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms")

tupleExample1[-1] = Algorithms

tupleExample1[-2] = Programming

Accessing Tuple Items (3)

Slicing a Tuple using Positive Indexes i

  • A selection of items in a tuple can be returned using a slice
    • a slice is a number range using a colon (“:”) between the two numbers
    • i.e. 1:3 represents begin at index 1 and go up to index 3
  • The search will begin at the start value and include it in the returned tuple
    • it will end at the end value, but will not include it in the returned tuple
tupleExample1 = (4061, "Programming and Algorithms", True, "Dr Ian Cornelius")

tupleExample1[1:3] = (‘Programming and Algorithms’, True)

Accessing Tuple Items (4)

Slicing a Tuple using Positive Indexes ii

  • By not providing a start value, the range function will always begin at the first index
tupleExample1 = (4061, "Programming and Algorithms", True, "Dr Ian Cornelius")

tupleExample1[:3] = (4061, ‘Programming and Algorithms’, True)

  • By not providing an end value, the range function will always terminate at the last index

tupleExample1[2:] = (True, ‘Dr Ian Cornelius’)

Modifying a Tuple (1)

  • The items of a tuple cannot be changed once they have been created, commonly referred to as immutable
  • There is a workaround to changing the items in a tuple:
    1. Convert the tuple to a list
    2. Make the changes as required to the list
    3. Convert the list back to a tuple
tupleExample1 = ("4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms")
listExample1 = list(tupleExample1)
listExample1.append("Ian Cornelius")
tupleExample1 = tuple(listExample1)

[Before] tupleExample1 = (‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming’, ‘Algorithms’)

[After] tupleExample1 = (‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming’, ‘Algorithms’, ‘Ian Cornelius’)

Modifying a Tuple (2)

Deleting a Tuple

  • The entire tuple can be deleted and removed from the memory using the del keyword
tupleExample1 = ("4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms")
del tupleExample1

Merging a Tuple

  • The items of a tuple can be concatenated with the items of another tuple using the addition (“+”) operator
tupleExample1 = ("4061CEM", "Programming and Algorithms 1", "Dr Ian Cornelius")
tupleExample2 = ("4059CEM", "Legal and Ethical Foundations", "Mr Terry Richards")
mergedTupleExample1 = tupleExample1 + tupleExample2

mergedTupleExample1 = (‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming and Algorithms 1’, ‘Dr Ian Cornelius’, ‘4059CEM’, ‘Legal and Ethical Foundations’, ‘Mr Terry Richards’)

Multiplying a Tuple

  • The items of a tuple can be multiplied to duplicate them, this can be achieved using the multiplying (“*”) operator
tupleExample1 = ("4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms")
tupleExample2 = tupleExample1 * 3

tupleExample2 = (‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming’, ‘Algorithms’, ‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming’, ‘Algorithms’, ‘4061CEM’, ‘Programming’, ‘Algorithms’)

Packing and Unpacking a Tuple (1)

  • Placing items within a tuple is known as packing
  • The items of a tuple can be extracted to their own variable with a process known as unpacking
tupleExample1 = ("4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms")
(module_code, title1, title2) = tupleExample1

module_code = 4061CEM

title1 = Programming

title2 = Algorithms

Packing and Unpacking a Tuple (2)

  • When unpacking you must match the number of variables to the number of items in the tuple
  • If you have fewer variables than the number of items in the tuple; adding * to the variable name will assign remaining items in the tuple to a list
tupleExample1 = ("4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms")
(module_code, *title) = tupleExample1

module_code = 4061CEM

title = [‘Programming’, ‘Algorithms’]

Packing and Unpacking a Tuple (3)

  • If you add the * to a variable that is not last, then Python will assign values to a list for that variable until the number of values left match the number of variables left
tupleExample1 = ("4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms", "1", "Dr Ian Cornelius", True)
(module_code, *title, leader, running) = tupleExample1

module_code = 4061CEM

*title = [‘Programming’, ‘Algorithms’, ‘1’]

leader = Dr Ian Cornelius

running = True

Common Built-in Data Type Methods

  • Lists and Tuples have some common methods that are built-in directly to them:
    • count and index


  • The count() method will return the number of times a specified value will occur in the list or tuple
listExample1 = ["4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms", "Algorithms", "algorithms"]

listExample1.count(‘Algorithms’) = 2


  • The index() method will search the list for a specified value and return its index in the list or tuple
tupleExample1 = ("4061CEM", "Programming", "Algorithms")

tupleExample1.index(“Programming”) = 1


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