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4061CEM - Programming and Algorithms 1

More about Strings

Dr Ian Cornelius


  • Learning Objectives:
    1. Understand the extra functionality of strings in Python
    2. Demonstrate the ability to use strings and their extra functions


  • Last week you were introduced to the string data type
  • You learnt how to declare variable that consists of a string
    • i.e. using a double (") quote, single (') quote or three double (""") or three single (''') quotes

More String Stuff! (1)

Strings are a Sequence

  • Strings in Python are considered to be an array of bytes that represent unicode characters
    • this is because Python does not have a character data type
  • Therefore, each element of a string can be accessed by its index number
stringExample1 = "Hello 4061CEM"

stringExample1[1] = e

More String Stuff! (2)

String Length

  • As aforementioned, a string is a sequence of characters you can find out the length of a string
    • i.e. how many characters are in the string
  • You can find out the length of a string by using the len() function
stringExample1 = "Hello 4061CEM"
len('Hello World')

len(stringExample1) = 13

len(‘Hello World’) = 11

More String Stuff! (3)

Finding a Substring

  • You have been introduced to membership operators, and these can be used to check for substrings inside a string
  • This is achieved using the in keyword
    • you can also check whether a character or phrase is not in the string itself
    • this is achieved using a combination of the not and in keywords (not in)
stringExample1 = "Hello 4061CEM"
"4061CEM" in stringExample1
"4063" in stringExample1
"4063" not in stringExample1

“4061CEM” in stringExample1 = True

“4063” in stringExample1 = False

“4063” not in stringExample1 = True

Modifying Strings (1)

  • Python consists of built-in methods that can be used to modify strings


  • Strings can be converted to all uppercase styling using the upper() method
    • the method is called directly on the variable or string itself
stringExample1 = "hello 4061cem"
"hello 4061cem".upper()

stringExample1.upper() = HELLO 4061CEM

“hello 4061cem”.upper() = HELLO 4061CEM

Modifying Strings (2)


  • Strings can be converted to all lowercase styling using the lower() method
    • the method is called directly on the variable or string itself
stringExample1 = "HELLO 4061CEM"
"hElLo 4061CeM".lower()

stringExample1.lower() = hello 4061cem

“hElLo 4061CeM”.lower() = hello 4061cem

Modifying Strings (3)

White-space Removal

  • Strings can be modified to remove white-space that may exist at the beginning or end of the string using the strip() method
    • the method is called directly on the variable or string itself
stringExample1 = " Hello 4061CEM "
" hello 4061cem ".strip()

stringExample1.strip() = Hello 4061CEM

” Hello 4061CEM “.strip() = hello 4061cem

Modifying Strings (4)

Replacing a Substring

  • You can replace a substring in a string using the replace() keyword
    • the method is called directly on the variable or string itself
stringExample1 = "Hello 4061CEM"
stringExample1.replace("4061", "4059")
"Hello 4061CEM".replace("4061", "4063")

stringExample1.replace(“4061”, “4059”) = Hello 4059CEM

“Hello 4061CEM”.replace(“4061”, “4063”) = Hello 4063CEM

Modifying Strings (5)

Merging Strings

  • Strings can be merged/joined/concatenated using the + operator
  • Unlike integers where it would sum the two variables, in a string it will join or concatenate the two variables together
stringExample1 = "4061"
stringExample2 = "CEM"
print("Welcome to " + stringExample1 + stringExample2)

Welcome to 4061CEM print(“Welcome to” + stringExample1 + stringExample2) = Welcome to 4061CEM

Modifying Strings (6)

Merging Strings and Other Data Types i

  • Merging strings together with a number cannot be achieved using the + operator
  • However, it can be done using the format() method
    • the method will take passed arguments and format them into placeholders denoted by curly braces (“{}”)
intExample1 = 4061
stringExample1 = "CEM"
"{}{}".format(intExample1, stringExample1)

“{}{}”.format(intExample1, stringExample1) = 4061CEM

Modifying Strings (7)

Merging Strings and Other Data Types ii

  • You can also position arguments into a placeholder by using an index number
intExample1 = 4061
stringExample1 = "CEM"
stringExample2 = "Programming and Algorithms 1"
"{}{}: {}".format(intExample1, stringExample2, stringExample1)
"{0}{2}: {1}".format(intExample1, stringExample2, stringExample1)

“{}{}: {}”.format(intExample1, stringExample2, stringExample1) =

		 4061Programming and Algorithms 1: CEM

“{0}{2}: {1}”.format(intExample1, stringExample2, stringExample1) =

		 4061CEM: Programming and Algorithms 1

Formatting a String

  • This uses the f character at the beginning of a string declaration
  • Inside this string, variables can be used when enclosed by curly braces ({})
name = "Ian Cornelius"
age = 33
f"Hello {name} it is nice to meet you!"
f"Hello {name} it is nice to meet you! Your age is: {age}."

f”Hello {name} it is nice to meet you!” =

		 Hello Ian Cornelius it is nice to meet you!

f”Hello {name} it is nice to meet you! Your age is: {age}.” =

		 Hello Ian Cornelius it is nice to meet you! Your age is: 33.

Escape Characters

  • There are some characters that are considered illegal when being used in a string
    • i.e. strings created with a double quote (") will not allow another double quote inside it
  • To use illegal characters in a string, you can escape them using the backslash symbol (\)
stringExample1 = "Hello 4061CEM, this is the "best" course."
# This will throw an error
stringExample2 = "Hello 4061CEM, this is the \"best\" course."
# This will not throw an error as the second set of double quotes have been escaped
stringExample3 = "Hello 4061CEM, this is the 'best' course."
stringExample4 = 'Hello 4061CEM, this is the "best" course.'


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