Before you attempt this activity, it is best that you review lecture video one from week nine. You can find the video and slides on the module page.
For this activity you will be using the integrated development environment recommended by the module leader. If you need to set up your development environment, it is recommended that you check out the instructions from activity four of week one.
Are You Struggling?
If you have trouble with any of the tasks or want to check your answers are correct, then please make yourself known to a member of staff.
From the task last week, where you implemented the Bubble Sort algorithm; you are now tasked with writing a test using unit testing. The list of numbers you are required to sort are:
[4, 8, 2, 10, 1, 3, 0]
Building upon the test you have implemented in Task 1, you are now tasked with automating this further. Instead of inserting a manual list, you are expected to generate a random list, and ensure that this is sorted appropriately.
For this task you may want to use the module called random to automate the generation of a list. Read the documentation on the suggested module for more information.
Building upon the task from last week when you implemented the Jump Search algorithm; you are now tasked with writing a test to ensure that the function works appropriately. To ensure this task is completed correctly, you need to meet the following conditions: