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Module Guide

Aims and Summary

This module introduces students to the concepts of different types of network and computer attack vectors. Currently standard tools, techniques and frameworks will be explored while building a good understanding of underlying concepts through ground-up development and exploration. The process of conducting a professional penetration test will be studied.

Learning Outcomes

The intended learning outcomes are that, on this module, the student should be able to:

  1. Describe and demonstrate the aspects of penetration testing and vulnerability assessment relating to technical implementation, common practices, legality and ethics
  2. Identify, describe and compare a range of different types of digital security threat and indicate how they are exploited and mitigated
  3. Use appropriate tools to discover the structure of a network and the characteristics of the devices connected to it


A rough guide to the weekly topics is below:

Week Topic Description
1 Introduction Introduction to Module, reminder about Linux
2 Reconnaissance Passive Reconnaissance, Network Reconnaissance
3 Recon / Privilege-Esc Active Reconnaissance, Basic Privilege Escalation
4 Web Exploits Introduction to Web Technologies, and the OWSAP top 10
5 Web Explore the OWASP top 10, including XSS, Injection, File Uploads, RCE, etc.
6 Web Continue Web
7 Web Continue Web
8 Web Continue Web
9 Binary Exploitation Introduction to Buffer Overflows
10 Binary Exploitation More advanced Buffer overflows
11 Law and Ethics
12 Revision (And Skills Test)
13 Revision (And Skills Test)


This module is assessed through 100% coursework.

To pass the module you must get a score of 40% or greater.


These dates are currently just the start of the week they are handed in, When the timetable gets sorted, I will update with the actual date.

Element Description Mark Hand-in Date
1 Phase Test 20% Week 4 (8/2/2021)
2 Pen-Test Report 40% Week 8 (⅓/2021)
3 Practical Pen-Test 40% Week 12 (5/4/2021)
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