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Week 6: Lecture Videos

Lecture Sessions

SQLi Introduction, and a login Bypass

SQL Injection, Enumeration

SQL Injection Enumerating Tables

Extra Videos

Slower walkthroughs of the Examples

Login Bypass and SQLi Intro

SQL Enumeration

Introduction to enumeration. Where we know the Database details

Notes on Comments

Getting the Demo machine database up and running and some quick notes on Comments in SQLi

Blind SQL Introduction

Sometimes we get a page that will not list information for us, but still gives us enough info to work out information about the database.

Finding Users with Blind(ish) SQL

Got a page that just gives you a Positive or Negaitive Result. You might still be able to Enumerate some Users

Blind(ish) SQL Leaking Passwords

Another approach we can use with Blind SQL to get password information (if the passwords are not hashed)

Time Based Blind SQL

How we can use timing attacks to get database information

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