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Requests: Challenges

Here are some "self study" challenge for dealing with requests.

Complete each challenge to get a flag, which you can submit on zaphod

Requests Challenges

Modifying Request Parameters

Being able to change the request headers sent to the server can be useful to change behaviour.


For this task you need to modify the Request Headers at challenges/setUA

Change the request type, and the User agent to the values on the VM.


Sometimes its good to take a closer look at the responses sent back


Take a look at the Request and Response chain for the /challenge/theResponse page


Its also good to use Automation to scrape pages and deal with them. For example dealing with form submissions and CSRF tokens


Try using something like python requests to complete /challenge/automation

Session Based Challenges

Manually Setting Cookies

We might need to fiddle with more than just a Client side cookie values


In challenges/cookieChallenge Try to set the correct cookie value to get Admin

Flask Client Side Cookies

Client side cookie approach has some advantages. However, it relies on a the secret key being truly secret.

In Flask, if we can leak the key in some way, then we could use it to add our own data to the session cookie.


In challenges/sessionChallenge Using the key provided in the Challenge VM. Modify the session to set the Admin token.

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