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Week 1: Module Introduction.

Hi Folks,

Welcome to our first week of 245CT (Ethical Hacking 1).

This week we will take it nice and easy, introducing the key topics the module will cover, and getting you started with the setup you will need for the rest of the module.

Topics for the Week

  • Welcome to the Module
  • Description of Coursework
  • What is Ethical Hacking?
  • The Pentest Process
  • Security Concepts: CIA Triangle and the 3 Pillars

Lab Tasks

  • Getting a Home Lab Setup
  • Getting Started, and hardware test: A Simple CTF event
  • Linux Trainer

Question of the Week

Question: What is Ethical Hacking? #WhatIsEh

There are lots of different views on what ethical hacking can be.

With a spectrum of those who focus purely on the offensive (red-team) stuff, to those incident response (blue-team) specialists. While each extreme is a fascinating topic area, having a broad range of skills is useful for your future careers.

The question for this week is what is your view on the topic, what does it mean to be an Ethical Hacker?
What sorts of skills do think are needed? What sort of things are you most interested in learning about?

Use the feed on aula and the tag #WhatIsEh to discuss

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