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Set up helper functions for getting all coins a currency and setting …
…a defaul currency with getting a single detail on a coin.
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oshianor committed Nov 23, 2022
1 parent e42ec4d commit 68adcc6bda890b163f3f29eb9a206dfff85832e4
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import pymongo

class Mongo:
def __init__(self):
url = "mongodb+srv://"
self.client = pymongo.MongoClient(url)

def getClient(self):
print("client", self.client)
return self.client['chatbox']
Binary file not shown.
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Binary file not shown.
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import requests
import json

class Coin:
def __init__(self):
self.coinId = None
self.headers = {
"X-RapidAPI-Key": "eeb1cf1684msh83985ef0f081d92p1754ddjsn6941f32fe3d1",
"X-RapidAPI-Host": ""

def apiAllCoin(self):
# we're getting all the coins
url = ''
querystring = {"referenceCurrencyUuid": "yhjMzLPhuIDl", "timePeriod": "24h",
"tiers[0]": "1", "orderBy": "marketCap", "orderDirection": "desc", "limit": "50", "offset": "0"}
val = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=querystring)
data = json.loads(val.text)
return data

def apiCoin(self):
# we're getting all the coins
url = '' + self.coinId
querystring = {
"referenceCurrencyUuid": "yhjMzLPhuIDl", "timePeriod": "24h"}
val = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, params=querystring)
data = json.loads(val.text)
return data

def getAllCoin(self):
data = self.apiAllCoin()
# print(val.text)
print("Total Coins: ", data["data"]["stats"]["totalCoins"])
for coin in data["data"]["coins"]:
print("\033[1;3mRanking:\033[0m ", coin["rank"])
print("\033[1;3mSymbol:\033[0m ", coin["symbol"])
print("\033[1;3mCoin name:\033[0m ", coin["name"])
print("\033[1;3mBTC Price:\033[0m ", coin["btcPrice"])
print("\033[1;3mMarket Cap:\033[0m ", coin["marketCap"])
print("\033[1;3mPrice:\033[0m ", coin["price"])
print("\033[1;3mImage Link:\033[0m ", coin["iconUrl"])

return True

def getCoin(self, coinName):
data = self.apiAllCoin()

for x in data["data"]["coins"]:
if x["symbol"].lower() == coinName:
self.coinId = x["uuid"]

val = self.apiCoin()
coin = val["data"]["coin"]
print("\033[1;3mUUID:\033[0m ", coin["uuid"])
print("\033[1;3mRanking:\033[0m ", coin["rank"])
print("\033[1;3mSymbol:\033[0m ", coin["symbol"])
print("\033[1;3mCoin name:\033[0m ", coin["name"])
print("\033[1;3mBTC Price:\033[0m ", coin["btcPrice"])
print("\033[1;3mMarket Cap:\033[0m ", coin["marketCap"])
print("\033[1;3mPrice:\033[0m ", coin["price"])
print("\033[1;3mImage Link:\033[0m ", coin["iconUrl"])
print("\033[1;3mNumber Of Exchanges:\033[0m ", coin["numberOfExchanges"])
print("\033[1;3mWebsite:\033[0m ", coin["websiteUrl"])
print("\033[1;3mNumber Of Markets:\033[0m ", coin["numberOfMarkets"])
print("\033[1;3mPrice At:\033[0m ", coin["priceAt"])
print("\033[1;3m24hVolume:\033[0m ", coin["24hVolume"])
print("\033[1;3mFully Diluted Market Cap:\033[0m ", coin["fullyDilutedMarketCap"])
print("\033[1;3mCoin Ranking Url:\033[0m ", coin["coinrankingUrl"])
print("\033[1;3mChange:\033[0m ", coin["change"])

return True

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
import requests
import json

class Currency:
def __init__(self):
self.currencyName = None
self.url = ""
self.headers = {
"X-RapidAPI-Key": "eeb1cf1684msh83985ef0f081d92p1754ddjsn6941f32fe3d1",
"X-RapidAPI-Host": ""
self.querystring = {"limit": "10", "offset": "0"}

def apiAllCurrency(self):
# we're getting all the coins
val = requests.get(self.url, headers=self.headers, params=self.querystring)
data = json.loads(val.text)
return data

def getAllCurrency(self):
data = self.apiAllCurrency()
print("\n data", data)
print("Total Currencies: ", data["data"]["stats"]["total"])
for coin in data["data"]["currencies"]:
print("\033[1;3mUUID:\033[0m ", coin["uuid"])
print("\033[1;3mtype:\033[0m ", coin["type"])
print("\033[1;3mSymbol:\033[0m ", coin["symbol"])
print("\033[1;3mName:\033[0m ", coin["name"])
print("\033[1;3mSign:\033[0m ", coin["sign"])
print("\033[1;3mImage Link:\033[0m ", coin["iconUrl"])

def setCurrency(self, currencyName):
data = self.apiAllCoin()

print("set all currency all currency")
# coinId
for currency in data["data"]["coins"]:
if currency["symbol"].lower() == currencyName:
self.currencyName = currency["uuid"]
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
from logic.coin import Coin
from logic.currency import Currency
import time

class Help:

funcList = [
{"action": "get all currency", "details": "This gives you details about all the currency we support"}, {
"action": "set currency [currency symbol]", "details": "You can use this command to set a default currency to your account profile eg 'set currency usd'"},
{"action": "get all coin",
"details": "You can get all the coins we currently support"},
{"action": "get coin [coin symbol]",
"details": "This gives you information about the specific coin eg 'get coin bitcoin'"}

def howItWorks(self):
"\n \033[1;3mPlease read the following steps to guide you on how this platform works \033[0m")
# time.sleep(2)
"\033[1;3mWe've created a shortcut list of commands you can input to get up to speed fast \033[0m\n")
# time.sleep(2)
"\033[1;3mPlease enter the following command below to get started. Goodluck...\033[0m \n")
for x in self.funcList:
print("* \033[1;3m" + x["action"] + "\033[0m")

def callFunc(self):


# get an action from the user
action = input("Please enter your command to get started: ")

# split the command and convert it to lower case
cmd = action.lower().split()

# if we want the program to continue
cund = False

# So we're
newCoin = Coin()
newCurrency = Currency()
if cmd[0] == "get":
if cmd[1] == "all":
if cmd[2] == "coin":
cund = newCoin.getAllCoin()
elif cmd[2] == "currency":
cund = newCurrency.getAllCurrency()
"The command you provided isn't recornized. Review \033[1;3m how it works \033[0m for better understanding.")
print("Enter \033[1;3mExit\033[0m to quit the program")
if cmd[1] == "coin":
cund = newCoin.getCoin(cmd[2])
elif (["set", "currency"] and cmd) == cmd and len(cmd) == 3:
cund = newCurrency.setCurrency(cmd[2])
elif cmd[0] == "exit":
"The command you provided isn't recornized. Review \033[1;3m how it works \033[0m for better understanding.")
print("Enter \033[1;3mExit\033[0m to quit the program")

if cund:
@@ -1,20 +1,39 @@
from data.user import User
from model.user import User
from database.mongo import Mongo

class Welcome:

def welcomeUser(self):
client = Mongo()
db = client.getClient()

print("Welcome to crypto chat-box.\n")
print("Where we make it easier for you to access realtime prices from your favourite coin")
print("To enable your experience smooth, We've created a helper function to help do this faster with a shortcut.\n")

# get the user name
name = self.provideName()
# get the email address
email = self.provideEmail()
# newUser = User(name, email)
userModel = db["account"]

# first we need to find the account if it present
# we'll use their email address
userExist = userModel.find_one({"email": email})

print("\nThank you for providing your name. We just need one last thing from you.")
# print(userExist)
# check if a user was found
if userExist:
print("Welcome " + userExist["name"].capitalize() +
" back to crypto chat-box.\n")
print("\nThank you for providing your Email. We just need one last thing from you.")
# get the user name
name = self.provideName()
print("Thank you for completing your onboarding.. " + name.capitalize())
userModel.insert_one({"email": email, "name": name,
"currencyName": "USD", "currencyID": "yhjMzLPhuIDl"})

# get the mobile number
phoneNumber = self.providePhoneNumber()
newUser = User(name, phoneNumber)
return True

def provideName(self):
name = str(input("how can we address you. Please provide your name: \n"))
@@ -23,9 +42,9 @@ class Welcome:
return name

def providePhoneNumber(self):
phoneNumber = str(input("Please provide your mobile number: \n"))
if phoneNumber == "":
print("To proceed, you must provide your mobile number.")
return phoneNumber
def provideEmail(self):
email = str(input("Please provide your email address: \n"))
if email == "":
print("To proceed, you must provide your email address.")
return email
@@ -1,9 +1,28 @@
from logic.welcome import Welcome
from import Help
from database.mongo import Mongo
import time

def main():
newWelcome = Welcome()
# Welcome the user and get their private information

proceed = False
newWelcome = Welcome()
# Welcome the user and get their private information
proceed = newWelcome.welcomeUser()

# check if we've completed the task for
# welcoming the user then proceed to the next task
if not proceed:
print("We're sorry but we're going to have to terminate this process becuase we couldn't onboard you. \n")
print("Please try again. \n")

newHelp = Help()

if __name__ == "__main__":
Binary file not shown.
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class User:
def __init__(self, name, email): = name = email

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