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# Reference: Database Using Python Pandas
# Reference: Miscellaneous operating system interfaces
import pandas as pd # to manipulate data in .csv format
import os # to create directories and check their existence
class DatabaseManager:
Method: checkDatabaseExists.
Checks if the .csv files that contain user and subscription data exist in the script folder.
If they do not exist:
- Creates a ./data folder
- Creates two Pandas Dataframes that will contain user and subscription data.
- Saves the Dataframes in two separate .csv files inside the ./data folder
def checkDatabaseExists(self):
# creates data folder if it doesn't exist
if not os.path.exists("./data"):
print("Creating data folder...")
# database files
files = ["users.csv", 'subscriptions.csv'] # Declare a list of strings with the names of the files it wants to use
for file in files:
# checks if files exist, otherwise it creates them
if not os.path.exists(f"./data/{file}"):
print(f"{file} Not Exists")
print(f"Creating {file}...")
if 'users' in file:
# Creates the Pandas Dataframe and saves it in the users.csv file
df = pd.DataFrame({
"name": [],
"username": [],
"password": [],
# saves the dataframe into users.csv
df.to_csv("./data/users.csv", index=False)
elif 'subscriptions' in file:
# Creates the Pandas Dataframe and saves it in the subscriptions.csv file
df = pd.DataFrame({
"username": [],
"email": [],
"business": [],
"finance": [],
"computer": [],
"games": [],
"entertainment": [],
"music": [],
"currentAffairs": [],
"health": [],
"lifestyle": [],
"sports": [],
"culture": [],
"religion": [],
# saves the dataframe into subscriptions.csv
df.to_csv("./data/subscriptions.csv", index=False)
Method: getUsersDF
- Calls the checkDatabaseExists method
- Reads and returns the dataframe containing the user data
def getUsersDF(self):
df = pd.read_csv("./data/users.csv")
return df
Method: getSubscriptionsDF
- Calls the checkDatabaseExists method
- Reads and returns the dataframe containing the subscriptions data
def getSubscriptionsDF(self):
df = pd.read_csv("./data/subscriptions.csv")
return df
Method: printSubscriptions
- Calls the getSubscriptionsDF method
- Prints the subscriptions table
def printSubscriptions(self):
Method: deleteUser
Param: username
- Checks if username is contained in the users.csv table
- Delete the username records from files
- Saves the changes made
def deleteUser(self, uname):
dfSub = self.getSubscriptionsDF()
dfUsers = self.getUsersDF()
if dfSub['username'].str.contains(uname).any(): # if username exists in any record
# print("Username found in database")
# Deletes the row from the dfSub table that contains 'uname' in the username field.
# With inplace = True the table is modified without creating a copy
dfSub.drop(dfSub[dfSub['username'] == uname].index, inplace=True)
# Deletes the row from the dfUsers table that contains 'uname' in the username field.
dfUsers.drop(dfUsers[dfUsers['username'] == uname].index, inplace=True)
# saves the new .csv files
dfSub.to_csv("./data/subscriptions.csv", index=False)
dfUsers.to_csv("./data/users.csv", index=False)
print(f"User {uname} deleted successfully")
else: # if user is not found
print("username not found")
Method: getSubscriptionsFor
Param: username
- Returns the Dataframe record that contains the entered username and all its subscriptions
def getSubscriptionsFor(self,uname):
df = self.getSubscriptionsDF()
data = df[df['username'] == uname]
return data
Method: getSubscriptionsCategories
- Returns the columns of the subscriptions table starting from the third
def getSubscriptionsCategories(self):
return self.getSubscriptionsDF().columns[2:]
Method: subscribeUserToCategory
- Inserts the 'y' character in the column indicated by the category parameter
- Save the dataframe in the appropriate file.
def subscribeUserToCategory(self,uname,category):
df = self.getSubscriptionsDF() # # gets the subscriptions dataframe
df.loc[df.username == uname, category] = 'y'# property that allows to locate the desired cell
# Inserts the 'y' character in the column indicated by the category parameter
self.__saveSubscriptionsDF(df) # calls the function to save the file (to_csv)
print(f"{uname} successfully subscribed to {category}")
Method: unsubscribeUserFromCategory
- Inserts the 'n' character in the column indicated by the category parameter
- Save the dataframe in the appropriate file.
def unsubscribeUserFromCategory(self, uname, category):
df = self.getSubscriptionsDF() # gets the subscriptions dataframe
df.loc[df.username == uname, category] = 'n' # property that allows to locate the desired cell
# Inserts the 'n' character in the column indicated by the category parameter
print("you unsubscribed successfully from this category")
def __saveSubscriptionsDF(self,df):
df.to_csv("./data/subscriptions.csv", index=False)
def __saveUsersDF(self,df):
df.to_csv("./data/users.csv", index=False)
Method: unsubscribefromAll
- Inserts the character 'n' in all columns of the row referring to the user.
- Save the dataframe in the appropriate file.
def unsubscribeFromAll(self, uname):
df = self.getSubscriptionsDF() # gets the subscriptions dataframe
for category in self.getSubscriptionsCategories(): # for each column in the table
df.loc[df.username == uname, category] = 'n' # property that allows to locate the desired cell
# Inserts the 'n' character in the column indicated by the category parameter
self.__saveSubscriptionsDF(df) # saves changes
print("you unsubscribed successfully from all news categories")
Method: userExists
Param: uname
- Checks if the entered username is contained in at least one record of the table
def userExists(self,uname):
df = self.getUsersDF()
return df['username'].str.contains(uname).any()
# any () is used to determine if there is at least one element where the contains () condition is true
Method: regUser
Param: uname , name, email, password
- Checks if the username entered is contained in at least one record of the table
- Creates the dictionaries related to the users table and to the subscriptions table
- Sets initial values
- Inserts the two records with the user's data and his subscriptions using the append() method
- Save the two csv files
def regUser(self, uname,name, email,password):
if not self.userExists(uname):
# Creates the dictionary that represents the record with the user data (it will go into the DFUsers table)
udata = {
"username": uname,
"name": name,
"password": password,
# Creates the dictionary that represents the record with the subscriptions data (it will go into the DFSubscriptions table)
sdata = {
"username": uname,
"email": email,
"business": 'n',
"finance": 'n',
"computer": 'n',
"games": 'n',
"entertainment": 'n',
"music": 'n',
"currentAffairs": 'n',
"health": 'n',
"lifestyle": 'n',
"sports": 'n',
"culture": 'n',
"religion": 'n',
dfUsers = self.getUsersDF() # It takes a reference to the DFUsers table
dfSub = self.getSubscriptionsDF() # It takes a reference to the DFSubscriptions table
# Inserts the user data records by using the append() method
dfUsers = dfUsers.append(udata, ignore_index=True)
self.__saveUsersDF(dfUsers) #salva
# # Inserts the subscriptions data records by using the append() method
dfSub = dfSub.append(sdata, ignore_index=True)
self.__saveSubscriptionsDF(dfSub) #salva
# output if everything completes
print("You are successfully registed but not subscribed to any list. Please, login to your account to select any subscription.")
print("Username already exists")