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; Assembly code for a simple True or False game for football
; the game prints some questions on the screen
; As an array of the guesses over the time
; Has comparison of the guess with the actual letter thinking of
section .data
introduction db "introduction to this simple quiz about football", 10 ;introduction message for game
introductionLen equ $-introduction ; calculate thec introduction message length
instructions db "Use captial T and F to answer the questions", 10
instructionslen equ $-instructions
statementmsg db "The answer you provide is correct.", 10 ;Message that the guess is correct
statementlen equ $-statementmsg ;Calculate the length of the message
statement2msg db "The answer you provide is correct.", 10 ;Message that the guess is correct
statement2len equ $-statement2msg ;Calculate the length of the message
notstatementmsg db "The answer you provide is incorrect:", 10 ;Message that the guess is incorrect
notstatementlen equ $-notstatementmsg ;Calculate the length of the message
notstatement2msg db "The answer you provide is incorrect:", 10 ;Message that the guess is incorrect
notstatement2len equ $-notstatementmsg ;Calculate the length of the message
character1input db "character 1 enter your answer:",10 ;Display message asking character 1 to enter the answer
character1inputlen equ $-character1input
character2input db "character 2 enter your answer:",10 ;Display message asking character 2 to enter the answer
character2inputlen equ $-character2input
draw db "It was a draw for both characters.",10 ;
drawlen equ $-draw
winner db "The winner is:",10
winnerlen equ $-winner
character1winner db "character 1 is the winner",10
character1winnerlen equ $-character1winner
character2winner db "character 2 is the winner",10
character2winnerlen equ $-character2winner
call done
ques db " Questioun 1: Is Moscow is a capital of Russia?", 10 ; Message displaying the quess
queslen equ $-ques ; Used for calcualating the length of the quess
ques1 db " Questioun 2: Is Kyiv is a capital of Ukraine?", 10
ques1len equ $-ques1
ques2 db " Questioun 3: Do UK have 5 capital cities?", 10
ques2len equ $-ques2
ques3 db " Questioun 4: Do Unites States of America have 50 States? ",10
ques3len equ $-ques3
ques4 db " Questioun 5: Do India have 22 states? ",10
ques4len equ $-ques4
ques5 db " Questioun 6: Is Kyiv is a capital of Ukraine?? ",10
ques5len equ $-ques5
ques6 db " Questioun 7: Do India have 22 states? ",10
ques6len equ $-ques6
ques7 db " Questioun 8: Is Kyiv is a capital of Ukraine? Do India have 22 states? ",10
ques7len equ $-ques7
ques8 db " Questioun 9: Do India have 22 states? ",10
ques8len equ $-ques8
ques9 db " Questioun 10: Do India have 22 states? ",10
ques9len equ $-ques9
ques10 db " Is Kyiv is a capital of Ukraine?? ",10
ques10len equ $-ques10
expl db " this is zero", 10 ;
expllen equ $-expl ;
expl1 db " this is expl first ", 10 ;
expl1len equ $-expl1 ;
expl2 db " t this is expla econd ", 10 ;
expl2len equ $-expl2 ;
expl3 db " this is explain third ", 10 ;
expl3len equ $-expl3 ;
expl4 db " th this is explai fourth ", 10 ;
expl4len equ $-expl4 ;
expl5 db " th this is explai fifth ", 10 ;
expl5len equ $-expl5 ;
expl6 db " th this is explai six ", 10 ;
expl6len equ $-expl6 ;
expl7 db " th this is explaint seven ", 10 ;
expl7len equ $-expl7 ;
expl8 db " this is a explation eigth ", 10 ;
expl8len equ $-expl8 ;
expl9 db " thi this is nine expl ", 10 ;
expl9len equ $-expl9 ;
letterMessage db "The correct answer is:" ; Message explaining what the correct answer is.
letterMessageLen equ $-letterMessage ; Used for calculating the length of the Message
cr db 10 ;for creating a new line same as endl in C++
score dq 0 ; Used for storing score of character 1
score2 dq 0 ; Used for storing score of character 2
print_my_score db "character 1 score is :" ; Displaying score of character 1
print_my_scorelen equ $ -print_my_score
print_my_score2 db "character 2 score is :" ; Displaying score of character 2
print_my_score2len equ $ -print_my_score2
;The array use to direct to the quess
global listques
dq ques
dq ques1
dq ques2; the pointer to the quess are stored in 8 bytes
dq ques3
dq ques4
dq ques5
dq ques6
dq ques7
dq ques8
dq ques9
dq ques10
;The array use to point to the quess lengths
dq queslen
dq ques1len
dq ques2len ; the pointer to the quess lengths are stored in 8 bytes
dq ques3len
dq ques4len
dq ques5len
dq ques6len
dq ques7len
dq ques8len
dq ques9len
dq ques10len
;the array used for storing the correct answers of the given quess
global listAnswers
dq 'T' ; the answer letters are stores in 8 bytes to aid the comparison that is why we are using the data type dq
dq 'T'
dq 'F'
dq 'T'
dq 'F'
dq 'F'
dq 'F'
dq 'F'
dq 'F'
dq 'F'
global listexpl
dq expl
dq expl1
dq expl2
dq expl3
dq expl4
dq expl5
dq expl6
dq expl7
dq expl8
dq expl9
dq expllen
dq expl1len
dq expl2len
dq expl3len
dq expl4len
dq expl5len
dq expl6len
dq expl7len
dq expl8len
dq expl9len
dq 0 ; where we store each of the answers one at a time
section .bss
guess resq 1 ; variable to store the character 1 character guess
guess2 resq 1 ; variable to store the character 2 character guess
printScoreBss resb 1
printScore2Bss resb 1
section .text
global _start ;must be declared for linker (ld)
call displayintroduction
call newLine
mov rax,10 ;number of answers and so possible quess
mov rbx,0 ;RBX will store the answer currently being entered
mov rcx, listAnswers ;RCX will point to the current element in array to be guessed
mov rdi, listques
mov r9, listquesLen
mov r10, lestexpl
mov r8, listexpllen
;Main function which will call other functions
mov rbx, [rcx] ; put the current answer being entered in rbx
mov [letter],rbx ; move rbx into a variable letter that stores the current correct answer
push rax ; push rax on stack
push rcx ; push rax on stack
call displayques ; call subroutine to display the ques
call newLine ; call for going on a new line
call input1 ; call to subroutine to display message asking character 1 to eneter the answe
call reading ; call subroutine to get the character 1 guess and compare the guess with the correct answer stored in the array
call newLine ; call for going on a new line
call input2 ; call to subroutine to display message asking character w to eneter the answer
call reading2 ; call subroutine to get the character 2 guess and compare the guess with the correct answer stored in the array
call newLine ; call for going on a new line
call displayletterMessage ; call subroutine to display the message for the correct answer
call newLine
call display ; call subroutine to print the correct answer
call newLine
call displayScore
call displayScore2
call newLine
call displayexpl
call newLine
pop rcx ; get back from stack
pop rax ; get back from stack
add rdi,8 ;move pointer to next element in the essay. As 8 bits for each letter move on by 8
add r9,8
add r10,8
add r8,8
add rcx,8
dec rax ;decrement counter by one so going down
jnz top ;if counter not 0, then loop again
call displayScore
call displayScore2
call newLine
call dislplaywinner
call comparecharacter
call done ; call subroutine to end program
;Display function
mov edx,1 ;message length
mov ecx, letter ;message to write the correct answer
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;call kernel
mov eax, [score] ;move the incValue variable in eax
add eax, 48 ; convert the integer into ascii value to print
mov [printScoreBss], eax ; put the value into the printIncValue variable
; write the incremented statement to screen.
mov eax, 4 ; system call the screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, print_my_score; print inc message
mov edx, print_my_scorelen; length of message
int 80h ; interrupt
; write the incremented value to screen.
mov eax, 4 ; system call the screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, printScoreBss; print value
mov edx, 1; One byte is size
int 80h ; interrupt
; write the news line to screen. Same as endl in C++
mov eax, 4 ; system call the screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, cr; newline
mov edx, 1; One byte is the size of newline
int 80h ; interrupt
mov eax, [score2] ;move the incValue variable in eax
add eax, 48 ; convert the integer into ascii value to print
mov [printScore2Bss], eax ; put the value into the printIncValue variable
; write the incremented statement to screen.
mov eax, 4 ; system call the screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, print_my_score2; print inc message
mov edx, print_my_score2len; length of message
int 80h ; interrupt2
; write the incremented value to screen.
mov eax, 4 ; system call the screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, printScore2Bss; print value
mov edx, 1; One byte is size
int 80h ; interrupt
; write the news line to screen. Same as endl in C++
mov eax, 4 ; system call the screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, cr; newline
mov edx, 1; One byte is the size of newline
int 80h ; interrupt
;function to read the input of character 1 and do comparison with the answer
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, guess ; move user guess into ecx
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter using 1 byte
int 80h ; invoke the kernel to get the user's guess
mov rax, [guess] ; move guess by user into rax
cmp rax, [letter] ; compare correct answer with what in rax
je statement ; if guess of character 1 was correct jump to same function
call Notstatement ; if the guess of character 1 is incorrect then go to Notstatement function
ret ; return to the main section
;function to read the input of character 2 and do comparison with the answer
mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard
mov ebx, 2; stdin
mov ecx, guess2 ; move user guess into ecx
mov edx, 1 ; As single letter using 1 byte
int 80h ; invoke the kernel to get the user's guess
mov rax, [guess2] ; move guess by user into rax
cmp rax, [letter] ; compare correct answer with what in rax
je statement2 ; if guess of character 2 was correct jump to statement function
call Notstatement ; if the guess character 2 is incorrect then go to Notstatement function
ret ; return to the main section
;function to display message that the character answer was not correct answer
mov ecx,notstatementmsg ; Not statement message
mov edx,notstatementlen ; length of statement message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 80h ; invoke the kernel to display message
mov eax, 3 ; read to clear the keyboard buffer
mov ebx, 2 ; stdin
mov ecx, guess ; Clear the key press from the user input so it does not messy up loop
mov edx, 1 ; As single character using 1 byte
int 80h ; invoke the kernel to take the enter key press to clear the keyboard buffer
ret ; return to main code
; function to display message that answer was correct for character 1
mov ecx,statementmsg ; statement message
mov edx, statementlen ; length of same message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 80h ; invoke the kernel to display message
mov eax, 3 ; read to clear the keyboard buffer
mov ebx, 2 ; stdin
mov ecx, guess ; Clear the key press from the user input so it does not messy up loop
mov edx, 1 ; As single character using 1 byte
int 80h ; invoke the kernel to take the enter key press to clear the keyboard buffer
inc byte [score]
mov eax, [score]
; function to display message that answer was correct for character 2
mov ecx,statement2msg ; statement message
mov edx, statement2len ; length of same message
mov ebx,1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax,4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 80h ; invoke the kernel to display message
mov eax, 3 ; read to clear the keyboard buffer
mov ebx, 2 ; stdin
mov ecx, guess2 ; Clear the key press from the user input so it does not messy up loop
mov edx, 1 ; As single character using 1 byte
int 80h ; invoke the kernel to take the enter key press to clear the keyboard buffer
inc byte [score2]
mov eax, [score2]
ret ; return to main code
; Function to create a New line
mov eax,4 ; Put 4 in eax register into which is system
;call for write (sys_write)
mov ebx,1 ; Put 1 in ebx register which is the standard
; output to the screen
mov ecx, cr ; Put the newline value into ecx register
mov edx, 1 ; Put the length of the newline value into edx
; register
int 80h ; Call the kernel with interrupt to check the
; registers and perform the action of moving to
; the next line like endl in c++
ret ; return to previous position in code
;Function to display introduction to game message
mov edx,introductionLen ;message length
mov ecx, introduction ;message to write
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to print the message
call newLine
mov edx,instructionslen
mov ecx,instructions
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to print the message
ret ;return to the main section
;Funciton to display message asking character 1 to enter the answer.
mov edx, character1inputlen
mov ecx, character1input
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to print the message
ret ;return to the main section
;Funciton to display message asking character 2 to enter the answer.
mov edx, character2inputlen
mov ecx, character2input
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to print the message
ret ;return to the main section
mov edx, winnerlen
mov ecx, winner
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to print the message
comparecharacter :
;mov eax, 3 ; read from keyboard using system call SYS_READ
;mov ebx, 2; stdin
;mov ecx, score ; Move the character entered by the user into variable guess
;mov edx, 4 ; As four letters length is 4 bytes
;syscall ; Invoke the kernel to get the user input
;xor rax,rax
;xor rbx,rbx
mov eax, [score] ; move the value in the variable guess into register eax
mov ebx, [score2]
cmp eax, ebx ; compare correct answer with what is in eax (the guess by the user)
je drawcharacter
jg character1 ; if value in eax (the guess by the user) and variable answer (the correct answer) are the same jump to same subroutine
call character2
call done
;call character 2wins ; go to notSame subroutine if not same
mov eax, 4 ; system call the screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, draw;
mov edx, drawlen; length of message
int 80h ; interrupt2
mov eax, 4 ; system call the screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, character1winner; print inc message
mov edx, character1winnerlen; length of message
int 80h ; interrupt2
mov eax, 4 ; system call the screen
mov ebx, 1 ; standard out
mov ecx, character2winner; print inc message
mov edx, character2winnerlen; length of message
int 80h ; interrupt2
;Function for displaying quess to the character.
mov edx, [r9] ;quesLen message length
mov ecx, [rdi] ;ques message to write
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;invoke the kernel to print the message
int 0x80 ;call kernel
ret ;return to the main section
;Function for displaying quess to the character.
mov edx, [r8] ;quesLen message length
mov ecx, [r10] ;ques message to write
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;invoke the kernel to print the message
int 0x80 ;call kernel
ret ;return to the main section
; Function to display the correct answer sentence
mov edx, letterMessageLen ;message length
mov ecx, letterMessage ;message to write
mov ebx, 1 ;file descriptor (stdout)
mov eax, 4 ;system call number (sys_write)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to print the message
ret ; return to the main section
; Function to end the program
mov eax, 1 ;system call number (sys_exit)
int 0x80 ;invoke the kernel to end the program