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import sqlite3
from os import path
from urllib.request import urlopen
#creates a file and database for the given filename
def CreateDatabase (filename):
#checks if file already exists
if not path.exists(filename):
#creates connection to the file
connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
#creates cursor and executes SQL command to create the Ammo table inside the file
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Ammo (Name TEXT,
Penetration INTEGER,
ArmourDamageChance INTEGER,
AccuracyChange INTEGER,
RecoilChange INTEGER,
FragmentChance TEXT,
RicochetChance TEXT,
LightBleedChance INTEGER,
HeavyBleedChance INTEGER,
Velocity INTEGER,
SpecialEffects TEXT)""")
#closes the connection to the file
#displays all the data in the database for the given file
def DisplayDatabase (filename):
#connects to the given file
connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
#creates a cursor and executes SQL command and select all of the data inside the table
cursor = connection.cursor()
filedata = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM Ammo ORDER BY Name")
content = filedata.fetchall()
#loops through and prints each row
for i in range(len(content)):
#closes the connection to the file
#adds a row to the database given the file, name of the ammol and list of all the relevant data
def AddRow(filename, ammoName, ammoData):
#connects to the given file
connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
#creates a cursor and executes SQL command to insert the given data into the table as a new row
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO Ammo VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
(ammoName, ammoData[0], ammoData[1], ammoData[2], ammoData[3], ammoData[4],
ammoData[5], ammoData[6], ammoData[7], ammoData[8], ammoData[9], ammoData[10]))
#closes the connection to the file
#Selects data cell for the given ammo name
def SelectCell(filename, chosenCol, sortVal):
#connects to the given file
connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
#creates a cursor and executes SQL command to select the chosen data for a given ammo name
cursor = connection.cursor()
filedata = cursor.execute("SELECT " + chosenCol + " FROM Ammo WHERE Name = ('" + sortVal + "')")
data = filedata.fetchall()[0][0]
#closes the connection to the file
return data
#Selects column and orders it by the given input
def SelectColumn(filename, chosenCol, orderCol):
#connects to the given file
connection = sqlite3.connect(filename)
#creates a cursor and executes SQL command to select all the data in a chosen column ordered by another given column
cursor = connection.cursor()
filedata = cursor.execute("SELECT Name, " + chosenCol + " FROM Ammo ORDER BY " + orderCol + " DESC")
content = filedata.fetchall()
#displays the desired column
for i in range(len(content)):
#closes the connection to the file
#returns the html of the table for the given url
def GetWebData(ammoType):
ammoType = ammoType.replace(" ", "_")
#uses the ammo type to generate a url
url = "" + ammoType
webPage = urlopen(url)
#reads the webpage and returns it as html
htmlBytes =
html = htmlBytes.decode("utf-8")
#finds the index for the start and end of the html for the ammo table
startIndex = html.find("<tbody>")
endIndex = html.find("</tbody>")
#extracts and returns the html for just the table
webData = html[startIndex:endIndex]
return webData
#finds the name of the ammo in the given html text
def ExtractName(htmlRow):
#finds title within the given html
nameStart = htmlRow.find("title") + len("title=")
ammoName = htmlRow[nameStart:]
#gets rid of all the unwanted parts of the title
splitRow = ammoName.split(">")
ammoName = splitRow[0].replace('"', "")
ammoName = TidyUp(ammoName)
#returns the ammo name
return ammoName
#finds all the data for the given html row in the table
def ExtractDetails(htmlRow):
#splits each row by the columns
rowData = htmlRow.split("<td")
ammoDetails = []
#loops through each cell in the row and appends it to the end of the ammoDetails list
for i in range(1, 12):
data = rowData[i]
if "data-sort" in data:
data = data.split(">")[1][0]
#returns the list of details found for the given row
return ammoDetails
#gets rid of all the unnecessary text around the desired data
def TidyUp(string):
string = string.replace("&quot;", '"')
string = string.replace("</td", "")
string = string.replace("\n", "")
string = string.replace('<font color="red">', "")
string = string.replace('<font color="green">', "")
string = string.replace("</font>", "")
string = string.replace("<br /", " ")
string = string.replace(">", "")
if "Overpressure" in string:
string = "Overpressure"
if string == "":
string = 0
return string
filename = "ammoTable.db"
#list of all the ammo types that need web scraping
ammoTypes = ["7.62x25mm Tokarev", "9x18mm Makarov", "9x19mm Parabellum", "9x21mm Gyurza", ".45 ACP",
"4.6x30mm HK", "5.7x28mm FN",
"5.45x39mm", "5.56x45mm NATO", ".300 Blackout", "7.62x51mm NATO", "7.62x54mmR", ".338 Lapua Magnum", "9x39mm", ".366 TKM", "12.7x55mm STs-130",
"40x46 mm"]
#loops throught the list of ammo types
for i in range(len(ammoTypes) - 1):
webData = GetWebData(ammoTypes[i])
#splits the html by each row in the table
splitData = webData.split("<tr>")
#loops through each row in the table
for i in range(3, len(splitData)):
row = splitData[i]
rowName = ExtractName(row)
rowData = ExtractDetails(row)
#AddRow(filename, rowName, rowData)
#debug - displays all the data in the database
#debug - displays the damage for a given ammo name
print(SelectCell(filename, "Damage", "12/70 RIP"))
#debug - displays all the data in the Name column and orders it by the corresponding Damage
SelectColumn(filename, "Damage", "Damage")