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from word2number.w2n import word_to_num #converts full english words into numbers -> font:
import re #necessary to know if there are certain caracters into one string -> font:
import inflect #allows to convert number into words -> font:
""" recevies the full sentence and change it in order to be compatible with the following operations. Calls others functions depeding on the operations needed."""
def entre(sentence):
acum = []
num = 0
if "plus" in sentence:
sentence = sentence.replace("plus", "+")
if "minus" in sentence:
sentence = sentence.replace("minus", "-")
if "times" in sentence:
sentence = sentence.replace("times", "*")
if "divided by" in sentence:
sentence = sentence.replace("divided by", "/")
if "power" in sentence:
sentence = sentence.replace("power", "^")
if "powers" in sentence:
sentence = sentence.replace("powers", "^")
if "what is " in sentence:
sentence = sentence.replace("what is ", "")
if "what" in sentence:
sentence = sentence.replace("what", "")
if "is" in sentence:
sentence = sentence.replace("is", "")
word = ""
final = ""
for k in sentence: #loop to check if there are any letters left in the sentence
cnf = (bool(re.match('[a-zA-Z]', k))) #returns True or False if letters in sentence
if cnf:
if cnf: #if returned True, may be numbers in full english, change them to numbers
for i in sentence: #checks every indexes of the string to make the necessary treatment
if i in "+" or i in "-" or i in "*" or i in "/" or i in "^": #if this indexes has the value of an operation, the number must be completed
word = word_to_num(word) #if number is in english, becames a number
final += str(word) #add the number to the final string
final += i #add the operation to the final string
word = ""
if i in " ":
word += i #keeps adding the letter/number to have the full word or full number wanted
word = word_to_num(word) #adds the final number to the final string (initial string ended so it is needed to add again since it was not added before
final += str(word)
sentence = final #finally the initial string, having numbers in it in english, becames only numbers.
print("Only full english or just numbers!")
if " " in sentence:
sentence = sentence.replace(" ", "")
for i in sentence: #loop to insert full numbers into a list
if i in "+" or i in "-" or i in "*" or i in "/" or i in "^":
acum.append(num) #appends the number wanted to the list
acum.append(i) #appends the operation wanted to the list
num = 0
num = num * 10 #if the indexes is still a number, the previous numbers are multiplied by 10 -> example: if num was 3, now is 30
num = num + float(i) #now, add the number in the indexes -> example: if the number in this indexes is 2, now the full number is 32
acum.append(num) #adds the final number wanted to the list one last time
acum = mults(acum, 0)
acum = sums(acum, 0)
if cnf: #if there was letters in the initial sentence
p = inflect.engine()
acum = p.number_to_words(acum[0]) #the final result becames in full english
if "point zero" in acum:
acum = acum.replace("point zero", "")
print("Easy, the answer is ", acum)
else: #if not, prints the final result
print("Easy, the answer is ", acum[0])
print("Try again")
""" checks if there is any multiplication/division/power to do because they have priority.
if so the operation is done - gets as parameters the list acum and the indexes number - returns the result of this operations"""
def mults(acum, index):
if index < len(acum):
if acum[index] == "*":
tot = float(acum[index - 1]) * float(acum[index + 1])
working(tot,acum, index, "mult")
elif acum[index] == "^":
tot = float(acum[index - 1]) ** float(acum[index + 1])
working(tot,acum, index, "mult")
elif acum[index] == "/":
tot = float(acum[index - 1]) / float(acum[index + 1])
working(tot,acum, index, "mult")
mults(acum, index + 1) #if index is a number, using recursion we call the function again with to check the following indexes
return acum
""" checks if there is any sums/subtractions to do.
if so the operation is done - gets as parameters the list acum and the indexes number - returns the final result"""
def sums(acum, index):
if index < len(acum):
if acum[index] == "+":
tot = float(acum[index - 1]) + float(acum[index + 1])
working(tot,acum, index, "sum")
elif acum[index] == "-":
tot = float(acum[index - 1]) - float(acum[index + 1])
working(tot,acum, index, "sum")
sums(acum, index + 1)
return acum
""" replaces the indexes after the operations are done. After that if calls again the function in order to keep the operations """
def working(tot, acum,index,type):
acum[index - 1] = tot # replaces the indexes before with the result of the operation
acum.remove(acum[index + 1]) # removes the other indexeses involved in the operation
acum.remove(acum[index]) # "" ""
if "sum" in type:
sums(acum, index) # calls the function again, with the same indexes since we removed two indexeses from the list
mults(acum, index) # calls the function again, with the same indexes since we removed two indexes from the list