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Create libsqlite.hpp
  • Loading branch information
mehrar committed Oct 15, 2021
1 parent 30fceef commit 0f83887d200b9c571408e20ac0ecdba9d2189534
Showing 1 changed file with 256 additions and 0 deletions.
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
* Copyrights:
* Netlogic Belgium:
* Ruben De Smet
* this file is licensed under the terms stated in the LICENCE file

#include <sqlite3.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <exception>
#include <memory>

#ifndef SQLITEPP
#define SQLITEPP

namespace sqlite
class sqlite;
class statement;
typedef std::shared_ptr<statement> statement_ptr;
typedef std::shared_ptr<sqlite> sqlite_ptr;

class exception : public std::exception
friend statement;
friend sqlite;
exception(std::string msg)
this->_msg = msg;
std::string what()
return "Sqlite error: " + this->_msg;
void _set_errorno(int err)
std::string _msg;

class statement
friend sqlite;
friend exception;
void set_sql(std::string sql)
exception e("Can not set sql on prepared query.");
throw e;
this->_sql = sql;
void prepare()
this->_prepared = true;
const char* tail;
int rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(this->_db,
if(rc != SQLITE_OK)
exception e("Could not prepare sql.");
throw e;
this->_tail = std::string(tail);

bool step()
exception e("Trying to step an invalid statement.");

int rc = sqlite3_step(this->_s);
if(rc == SQLITE_DONE)
this->_valid = false;
return false;
if(rc == SQLITE_ROW)
this->_has_row = true;
return true;
// Ok, this means error if we get here
exception e("Sqlite had an error: " + std::string(sqlite3_errmsg(this->_db)));
return false;
void reset()
int rc = sqlite3_reset(this->_s);
if(rc != SQLITE_OK)
exception e("Could not reset the virtual machine.");
throw e;
this->_valid = true;
this->_has_row = false;
this->_prepared = false;

void exec()

double get_double(int fieldnumber)
return sqlite3_column_double(this->_s, fieldnumber);

int get_int(int fieldnumber)
return sqlite3_column_int(this->_s, fieldnumber);

std::string get_text(int fieldnumber)
return std::string((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(this->_s, fieldnumber));
std::string get_blob(int fieldnumber)
return std::string((const char*)sqlite3_column_blob(this->_s, fieldnumber),
sqlite3_column_bytes(this->_s, fieldnumber));

void bind(int where, const std::string& text)
int rc = sqlite3_bind_text(this->_s, where, text.c_str(), text.length(), SQLITE_STATIC);
if(rc != SQLITE_OK)
exception e("Could not bind text.");
throw e;

void bind(int where, const std::string&& text)
int rc = sqlite3_bind_text(this->_s, where, text.c_str(), text.length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT);
if(rc != SQLITE_OK)
exception e("Could not bind text.");
throw e;

void bind(int where, double d)
int rc = sqlite3_bind_double(this->_s, where, d);
if(rc != SQLITE_OK)
exception e("Could not bind double.");
throw e;
void bind(int where, int i)
int rc = sqlite3_bind_int(this->_s, where, i);
if(rc != SQLITE_OK)
exception e("Could not bind int.");
throw e;
void bind_null(int where)
int rc = sqlite3_bind_null(this->_s, where);
if(rc != SQLITE_OK)
exception e("Could not bind to NULL.");
throw e;

virtual ~statement()
statement(sqlite3* db)
this->_db = db;
this->_prepared = false;
this->_valid = true;
this->_has_row = false;
statement(sqlite3* db, std::string sql)
this->_db = db;
this->_prepared = false;
this->_valid = true;
this->_has_row = false;
sqlite3* _db;
bool _prepared, _valid, _has_row;
std::string _sql;
std::string _tail;
sqlite3_stmt* _s;

class sqlite
friend statement;
sqlite(std::string filename) throw (exception)
this->_filename = filename;
int rc = sqlite3_open(filename.c_str(), &this->_db);
if(rc != SQLITE_OK)
exception e("Could not open '" + filename + "'");
throw e;
std::shared_ptr<statement> get_statement()
statement_ptr st(new statement(this->_db));
return st;
statement_ptr get_statement(std::string sql)
statement_ptr st(new statement(this->_db, sql));
return st;
int64_t last_insert_id()
return sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(this->_db);
virtual ~sqlite()
std::string _filename;

sqlite3* _db;


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