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import os.path
import secrets
from flask import Flask, render_template, url_for, redirect, flash, abort, session, request
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from flask_wtf.csrf import CSRFProtect
from flask_wtf.file import FileField, FileRequired, FileAllowed
from wtforms import validators, StringField, SelectField, EmailField, PasswordField, SubmitField, DateField, \
TextAreaField, IntegerRangeField, DecimalRangeField, HiddenField
from database import check_stock_from_isbn, register_user, get_access_type, get_book_info, username_unique, \
email_unique, add_book_to_db, get_sl_details, get_home_data, get_quantity, get_price
from isbn13 import check_isbn13, remove_hyphens
from make_db import init_db
from sessions import set_session_type, is_admin
init_db() # Create user and book databases on site startup
# Ideally this would be hosted on an online service but that is beyond the scope of this project
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['DEBUG'] = True # Allow flask to automatically restart on changes, saving us from restarting it manually
app.secret_key = secrets.token_hex() # This is Flask's preferred method -
# Alternative could be secrets.token_urlsafe(32) from the lab 2 worksheet on AULA.
csrf = CSRFProtect(app) # Protect the app against CSRF -
WTForms: Documentation for Forms and Fields
Forms -
Fields -
# The Form for our custom Forms are FlaskForm -
# This offers some CSRF protection and handles data such as file uploads better.
# Each Field is provided by the base WTForms, which has validators which is useful for client-side validation.
class RegistrationForm(FlaskForm):
# Defining forms -
# Validators -
firstname = StringField('First Name', [validators.input_required(),
validators.Length(min=1, max=35)])
middlename = StringField('Middle Name', [validators.optional()])
surname = StringField('Surname', [validators.input_required(),
validators.Length(min=1, max=35)])
gender = SelectField('Gender', choices=['', 'Male', 'Female', 'Other'],
postcode = StringField('Postcode', [validators.input_required(),
validators.length(min=5, max=7)])
address = StringField('Address', [validators.input_required()])
username = StringField('Username', [validators.input_required(),
validators.length(min=3, max=14)])
email = EmailField('Email Address', [validators.input_required(),
validators.Length(min=6, max=254)])
# The 254 is from which says emails cannot be bigger than 254 characters.
password_set = PasswordField('Set Password',
validators.Length(min=6, max=32,
message="Password must be between 10 and 32 characters"),
message="Passwords need to match.")])
password_repeat = PasswordField('Repeat Password', [validators.input_required()])
class SubmitButton(FlaskForm):
button = SubmitField("Submit")
class LoginForm(FlaskForm):
username = StringField('Username', [validators.input_required(),
validators.length(min=3, max=14)])
password = PasswordField("Password", [validators.input_required()])
class ISBNForm(FlaskForm):
isbn13_input = StringField("ISBN13",
[validators.input_required(message="Please enter an ISBN."),
validators.length(min=13, max=17, message="ISBN entered is not a valid length.")])
button = SubmitField("Submit")
class BookForm(FlaskForm):
title = StringField("Book Title",
validators.length(min=1, max=200)])
author_firstname = StringField("Author First Name",
validators.length(min=1, max=35)])
author_middlename = StringField("Author Middle Name",
author_surname = StringField("Author Surname",
validators.length(min=1, max=35)])
publisher = StringField("Publisher",
pub_date = DateField("Publication Date",
isbn13 = StringField("ISBN13",
[validators.input_required(message="Please enter an ISBN."),
validators.length(min=13, max=17, message="ISBN entered is not a valid length.")],
render_kw={'readonly': False}, # Read Only field
description = TextAreaField("Multiline Description",
[validators.input_required()]) # Multi-Line field
picture = FileField("Front Cover Image", [FileRequired(), FileAllowed(['jpg', 'png'], "Only png and jpg allowed")])
trade_price = DecimalRangeField('Trade Price',
[validators.NumberRange(min=0, max=100),
validators.input_required()], default=1, id="trade_slider",
render_kw={'step': 0.01}) # limit decimal
retail_price = DecimalRangeField('Retail Price',
[validators.NumberRange(min=0, max=100),
validators.input_required()], default=1, id="retail_slider",
render_kw={'step': 0.01})
quantity = IntegerRangeField('Quantity',
[validators.NumberRange(min=0, max=20),
validators.input_required()], default=1, id="quantity_slider")
class HomeForm(FlaskForm):
ID = HiddenField('', validators=[validators.data_required()])
number = StringField('Enter Amount:', [validators.input_required()], default=0)
cart_btn = SubmitField("ADD TO CART")
@app.route("/", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def homepage():
Renders the homepage, which lies at the index of the site.
Uses the HomeForm for CSRF protection only.\n
Input is instead validated serverside by replacing blank forms with the integer 0 and by checking if the value submitted is numeric.\n
The data for the product grid retrieved from the function get_home_data()\n
:return: The template homepage.html with appropriate error messages once data has been entered.
form = HomeForm() # HomeForm for CSRF protection
if request.method == "POST":
data = request.form.to_dict() # to_dict from
data.pop('csrf_token') # remove csrf token as it is not needed for cart functionality
data.pop('ID') # Remove ID part of the form too.
for key, value in data.items(): # replace blank items with 0 whilst still preserving the associated ISBNs
if value == '': # If the value is blank
data[key] = 0 # replace it with 0
else: # if it is not blank
if not value.isnumeric(): # Check if it contains a letter
flash("Please only enter numbers.") # if it does, notify the user
hp_data, hp_cols = get_home_data() # reload the webpage
return render_template("homepage.html", form=form, data=hp_data, cols=hp_cols)
else: # otherwise
data[key] = int(data[key]) # convert the value to an integer
add_item_to_cart(data) # Add the item to the cart if the values are ok
flash("Items added to cart") # Notify the user and continue to reload the homescreen.
hp_data, hp_cols = get_home_data() # Get data needed to construct the product grid
if hp_data is None: # If there is no data
return render_template("homepage.html", cols=hp_cols) # Do not pass the data, the template can state the database is empty
return render_template("homepage.html", form=form, data=hp_data, cols=hp_cols)
def cart():
Show the shopping cart and get more related information.
cartdata = session['cart']
quantities = {}
for isbn, num_in_cart in cartdata.items():
quantities[isbn] = get_quantity(int(isbn)) # Get the number of books in stock for each item in the cart
uncombined = [cartdata, quantities]
combined = {}
# Combine dictionaries -
for x in cartdata.keys():
combined[x] = tuple([combined[x] for combined in uncombined])
# Combine the data in the shopping cart with the data from the database.
return render_template("cart.html")
def empty_cart():
Empty the shopping cart session and redirect back to the shopping cart page.
def add_item_to_cart(data):
Add the data from the homepage's product grid to a shopping cart session.
session['cart'] = data
@app.route("/register", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def registration():
Handles user registration for the website.
Uses the RegistrationForm and SubmitButton forms.
If the request is a POST request:\n
- All forms are first validated client-side and checked using .validate_on_submit() provided by Flask-WTF
- The username and email are then checked using the username_unique and email_unique functions, with validation stopping and an error message appearing on the website accordingly.
- If the registration goes through successfully, the user is redirected to the registration_success endpoint.
:return: A template with the RegistrationForm and a separate submit button.
reg_form = RegistrationForm() # Set up required forms
submit = SubmitButton()
if reg_form.validate_on_submit(): # If a submit has been recieved, validate the forms.
username = reg_form['username'] # Get the username field
if username_unique( # Check the username in the database to see if it is unique
email = reg_form['email'] # If the username is unique, check the email
if email_unique(
register_user( # Register only if both are unique
return redirect(url_for("registration_success", reg=True))
flash("Email is already in use.") # Notify the user if the email is already in use
flash("Username is already in use.") # Notify the user if the username is already in use
return render_template('register.html', form=reg_form, submitbtn=submit)
return render_template('register.html', form=reg_form, submitbtn=submit)
def registration_success(reg):
Renders the successful registration webpage, and is only run after a successful registration.
If this endpoint was not loaded after a registration, the user is redirected to the registration page.
:return: The registered.html template on successful registration, or a redirect back to the registration page if not called after a registration.
if reg == False:
return redirect(url_for("registration"))
return render_template("registered.html")
@app.route("/login", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login():
Handles log-in for the website.\n
Uses the LoginForm and SubmitButton forms.\n
- On a POST request, username and password is retrieved and stored.
- The combination is then checked with the set_cookies function
- If this returns True, then the user will be redirected to the successful_login endpoint
- If this returns False, the user will be notified by a message on the website, and have to re-enter log-in information.
login_form = LoginForm()
submit = SubmitButton() = "#login_btn"
submit.button.label.text = "Log In"
if login_form.validate_on_submit():
uname =['username']
pwd =['password']
if set_cookies(uname, pwd): # If this returns true, everything is valid so the user can be logged in.
return redirect(url_for("login_success", loggedin=True))
flash("Incorrect username or password!")
return render_template("login.html", form=login_form, submitbtn=submit)
return render_template("login.html", form=login_form, submitbtn=submit)
def set_cookies(uname, pwd):
Takes a username and password pair, and sets the appropriate session variables for the user.\n
Runs the get_access_type function to query the database on the backend.\n
If this returns 401, then the function will return False.
:param uname: Username from the login form
:param pwd: Password from the login form
:return: True if session cookies have been set, False if the details are wrong.
usertype = get_access_type(uname, pwd)
if usertype == '401':
return False
if usertype == 'admin':
session['username'] = uname
set_session_type(session, 'admin')
return True
elif usertype == 'normal':
session['username'] = uname
set_session_type(session, 'normal')
return True
return False
def login_success(loggedin):
Renders the successful login webpage, and is only run after a successful log-in.
If this endpoint was not loaded immediately after a log-in, the user is redirected to the homepage.
:return: The login_success.html template after a successful log-in, or a redirect back to the homepage.
if not loggedin:
return redirect(url_for("homepage"))
return render_template("login_success.html")
def logout():
Clears all session cookies that have been set by the set_cookies function.
:return: A redirect to the homepage.
session.pop('username', None) # delete session data -
session.pop('usertype', None)
return redirect(url_for("homepage"))
def stock_index():
Redirects to the stock_view page.
:return: A redirect to the view_stock endpoint
return redirect(url_for("view_stock"))
def view_stock():
Renders the stock_report.html webpage. This is for the Stock Levels screen.\n
An admin account is required to view this page, and is performed by calling the function is_admin.
:return: Template for stock levels, 403 error if the user is not an admin
if is_admin(session): # If the user is an admin
data, cols = get_sl_details() # Get details for the Stock Levels screen
if data is None: # If the database is empty
return render_template("stock_report.html") # do not pass anything to the webpage
return render_template("stock_report.html", data=data, cols=cols) # otherwise it is ok to show the information
return abort(403) # 403 forbidden if the user is not an admin
@app.route("/stock/update", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def update_stock():
Handles adding books to the website.
Uses the ISBNForm which accepts a 13-17 digit ISBN (includes hyphens).\n
On a POST request, the ISBN13 entered is validated using the check_isbn function.\n
- If the ISBN13 is valid, the user is redirected to book update page where additional information can be viewed. The ISBN is removed of hyphens using the remove_hyphens function.
- If the ISBN13 is invalid, the template is reloaded, and a message appears on-screen to notify the user.
If the user is not an admin, a 403 error is displayed.
:return: 403 if the user is not an admin. redirect to update_book on valid ISBN, same webpage on invalid ISBN and GET request.
if not is_admin(session):
return abort(403)
isbnform = ISBNForm()
if isbnform.validate_on_submit():
if check_isbn13(['isbn13_input']): # Runs the script to check if the ISBN is valid
return redirect(url_for("update_book", isbn13=remove_hyphens(['isbn13_input'])))
flash("Invalid ISBN entered", category="error")
return render_template("stock_add.html", form=isbnform)
return render_template("stock_add.html", form=isbnform)
@app.route("/stock/update/<isbn13>", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def update_book(isbn13):
Handles viewing specific information for a book, given its ISBN13\n
- If the ISBN is in the database, the details for the book are displayed using the book_details.html page.\n
- If it is not in the database, the details not displayed.\n
On both cases, a link is added which redirects to the add_book endpoint where they can add information.\n
:param isbn13: The ISBN13 entered by the admin in update_stock()
:return: Template for book_details with values for if the book in the database or not. 403 If accessed by a non-admin user.
if not is_admin(session):
return abort(403)
if check_stock_from_isbn(remove_hyphens(isbn13)) == True: # Checks the database for stock matching the ISBN
book_info = get_book_info(isbn13) # Since there is a matching ISBN, we can get it's details.
return render_template("book_details.html", bookID=isbn13, book_found=True, book_info=book_info)
return render_template("book_details.html", bookID=isbn13, book_found=False)
@app.route("/stock/update/<isbn13>/add", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def add_book(isbn13):
UI form for adding book details.\n
Uses BookForm for storing user input and validating information client-side.\n
On a POST request, data entered is added to the database by the add_book_to_db function.\n
Admin access is required.
:param isbn13: The ISBN13 passed through update_book as the parameter bookID.
if not is_admin(session):
return abort(403)
book_form = BookForm() = isbn13 # Autofills the isbn13 field, and makes it read-only in the template.
submitbtn = SubmitButton()
if book_form.validate_on_submit():
cover = # Flask-WTF offers this method to make it easier to obtain uploaded files.
add_book_to_db(, cover) # Add the book to the database.
print("BOOK_ADDED", isbn13)
return render_template("book_add.html", isbn13=isbn13, form=book_form, submitbtn=submitbtn, book_added=True)
return render_template("book_add.html", isbn13=isbn13, form=book_form, submitbtn=submitbtn, book_added=False)
def unauthorised(error):
Error handler for 401 Unauthorised errors.\n
Called by abort(401)
:param error:
return render_template('401_error.html'), 401
def wrong_details(error):
Error handler for 403 Forbidden errors.\n
Called by abort(403)
:param error:
return render_template('403_error.html'), 403
if __name__ == "__main__":