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import json
from datetime import datetime
def readFile(filepath): #writes the given data to the given JSON file
with open(filepath, "r") as jsonFile: #opens the file as a JSON file
data = json.load(jsonFile) #reads and stores the data within the file
return data
def writeFile(filepath, data): #writes the given data to the given JSON file
with open(filepath, "w") as jsonFile: #opens the file as a JSON file
json.dump(data, jsonFile) #writes the given data to the file
def getCurrentDelay(data): #finds the current delay
start_delay = stringtimeToTime(getLastAttempt(data)) #finds the time of the last attempt
now = #gets the current time
difference = (now - start_delay).total_seconds() #finds the difference between the two times in seconds
return difference
def getLastAttempt(data): #gets the time of the last attempt
if None in data['attempt_times']: #checks to see if there are current empty slots
last_attempt_index = data['attempt_times'].index(None) - 1 #finds the time before the next empty slot
last_attempt_index = len(data['attempt_times']) - 1 #otherwise returns the last time in the array
return data['attempt_times'][last_attempt_index]
def checkDelay(data): #checks to see if the currently delay meets requirements
return (getCurrentDelay(data) >= data['required_delay']) #requirements are stored externally in the file
def resetGuesses(data): #resets the current set of guess slots
data['attempt_times'] = [None, None, None, None, None] #sets all the guess slots to emtpy
return data
def updateAttempts(data): #updates the next guess slot with the current time
attempt_index = data['attempt_times'].index(None) #gets the index of the next emtpy slot
data['attempt_times'][attempt_index] = timeToString( #fills the slot with the current time
return data
def timeToString(time): #converts time from datetime to string
return str(time)
def stringtimeToTime(stringtime): #converts the time from string to datetime
return datetime.strptime(stringtime, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
filepath = 'bruteforce-data.json' #defines the given filepath used in the program
data = readFile(filepath) #reads and stores all the data currently in the given file
password = input("please enter the password: ") #takes the users password input
if None in data['attempt_times']: #checks to see if there are empty guess slots
updateAttempts(data) #updates the next guess slot with the current time
elif checkDelay(data): #checks for sufficient time delay between a set of incorrect guesses
data = resetGuesses(data) #resets the current set of guess slots
data = updateAttempts(data) #updates the next guess slot with the current time
else: #prints a message to the user indicating they must delay their guesses
print("im sorry please wait before trying again")
print("there is a required delay of {} seconds".format(data['required_delay']))
print("you only waited {} seconds".format(int(getCurrentDelay(data))))
writeFile(filepath, data) #writes the changes made back to the given file