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"id": "excellent-valentine",
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"# Add lags function"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "novel-function",
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"source": [
"_num_lags_ - number of lags to perform on each feature in the data-set \n",
"**Input**: num_lags \n",
"**Output**: original data-set extended with lagged features, list of lagged columns<br>\n",
"1. **Function add_lags**(num_lags)\n",
"2. &emsp;$result\\gets$ copy training data set\n",
"3. &emsp;$laggedCols\\gets []$\n",
"4. &emsp;$colsToLag\\gets STORE$ columns from result in list except columns 'price' and 'returns' \n",
"5. &emsp;**for** column **IN** colsToLag **do**\n",
"6. &emsp;&emsp;**for** lag **IN** **range**(1, num_lags+1) **do**\n",
"7. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;laggedCol = {column}Lag{lag}\n",
"8. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;result[laggedCol] = result[column].shift(lag)\n",
"9. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;laggedCols.append(laggedCol)\n",
"10. &emsp;&emsp;**end for**\n",
"11. &emsp;**end for**\n",
"12. &emsp;**return** $result, laggedCols$"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "annoying-newark",
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"# Reward function and sub-functions"
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"id": "structured-attendance",
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"_action_ - list of actions available to agent(hold, buy, sell) **OR** agent's chosen action \n",
"_states_ - numpy arrays of all states \n",
"_data_ - training data set \n",
"_marketDir_ - direction of the market(either market going **up** or **down**) at current time step as opposed to previous time step \n",
"_mutual position column_ - mutual position of the SMAC+BB or MACD+BB strategy at the current time step\n",
"**Input**: action \n",
"**Output**: nextState, reward, done, rewardedAction<br>\n",
"1. **Function get_reward**(action)\n",
"2. &emsp;index += 1\n",
"3. &emsp;**if** $index > length(data set)-1$ **then**\n",
"4. &emsp;&emsp; $index\\gets 0$\n",
"5. &emsp;$nextState\\gets$ next state from current index\n",
"7. &emsp;$currentDir\\gets$ current market direction based on index\n",
"8. &emsp;$currentStratPos\\gets$ current strategy position based on index\n",
"9. &emsp;$nextMutualPositions\\gets getNextMutualPositions()$\n",
"10. &emsp;$reward\\gets 0$\n",
"11. &emsp;$shortlistedActions\\gets []$\n",
"12. &emsp;**if** action is list **then**&emsp;**# agent is exploring the environment with each available action**\n",
"13. &emsp;&emsp;**for** a **in** range(length(action)) **do**\n",
"14. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;$currentAction\\gets action[a]$\n",
"15. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;**if** currentAction == sell **then** \n",
"16. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;**if** currentDir == down **OR** currentStratPos == sell **OR** nextMutualPositions == sell **then**\n",
"17. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; $reward\\gets 1$ \n",
"18. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; $shortlistedActions.append(sell)$ \n",
"19. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; **end if**\n",
"20. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp; **end if**\n",
"20. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;**if** currentAction == buy **then**\n",
"21. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;**if** currentDir == up **OR** currentStratPos == buy **OR** nextMutualPositions == buy **then**\n",
"22. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; $reward\\gets 1$\n",
"23. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; $shortlistedActions.append(buy)$\n",
"24. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; **end if**\n",
"25. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp; **end if**\n",
"25. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;**if** currentAction == hold **then**\n",
"25. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;**if** currentStratPos == hold **OR** nextMutualPositions == hold **then**\n",
"26. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; $reward\\gets 1$\n",
"27. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; $shortlistedActions.append(hold)$\n",
"28. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; **end if**\n",
"29. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp; **end if**\n",
"30. &emsp;&emsp; **end for**\n",
"31. &emsp; **end if**\n",
"31. &emsp;**else if** action is a number **then**&emsp;**# agent is exploiting the environment with one chosen action**\n",
"32. &emsp;&emsp;**if** currentAction == sell **then**\n",
"33. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;**if** currentDir == down **OR** currentStratPos == sell **OR** nextMutualPositions == sell **then**\n",
"34. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; $reward\\gets 1$ \n",
"35. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; $shortlistedActions.append(sell)$\n",
"19. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp; **end if**\n",
"20. &emsp;&emsp; **end if**\n",
"36. &emsp;&emsp;**if** currentAction == buy **then**\n",
"21. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;**if** currentDir == up **OR** currentStratPos == buy **OR** nextMutualPositions == buy **then**\n",
"22. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; $reward\\gets 1$\n",
"23. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; $shortlistedActions.append(buy)$\n",
"19. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp; **end if**\n",
"20. &emsp;&emsp; **end if**\n",
"25. &emsp;&emsp;**if** currentAction == hold **then**\n",
"25. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;**if** currentStratPos == hold **OR** nextMutualPositions == hold **then**\n",
"26. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; $reward\\gets 1$\n",
"27. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; $shortlistedActions.append(hold)$\n",
"19. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp; **end if**\n",
"20. &emsp;&emsp; **end if**\n",
"20. &emsp; **end else if**\n",
"54. $rewardedAction\\gets chooseAction(shortlistedActions)$\n",
"55. $done\\gets$ True **if** index reaches end of data set (environment) **else** False\n",
"56. **return** nextState, reward, done, rewardedAction"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "younger-sweet",
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"source": [
"_nextMutualPositions_ - list of next 5 mutual positions from the current index \n",
"**Output**: action<br>\n",
"1. **Function getNextMutualPositions**()\n",
"2. &emsp;$nextMutualPositions\\gets$ values of next 5 mutual positions from the current index\n",
"3. &emsp;$mostOccured\\gets$ most frequent position from the nextMutualPositions list\n",
"4. &emsp; **if** mostOccured has only one position **then**\n",
"5. &emsp;&emsp; **return** that position\n",
"6. &emsp; **else** **# equal number of most frequent positions (i.e. any two positions have the same number of occurences)**\n",
"7. &emsp;&emsp; **return** 0\n",
"8. &emsp; **end if**"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "pretty-character",
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"source": [
"_actions_ - list of actions passed \n",
"**Input**: actions \n",
"**Output**: next_state, next_price, reward, done, rewarded_action<br>\n",
"1. **Function chooseAction**(actions)\n",
"2. &emsp;**if** actions list is empty **then**\n",
"3. &emsp;&emsp; **return** 0\n",
"4. &emsp;**else if** only 1 action in actions list **then**\n",
"5. &emsp;&emsp; **return** that action\n",
"6. &emsp;**else if** 2 actions in action list **then**\n",
"7. &emsp;&emsp; **return** numpy.sign(first + second action of actions list)\n",
"8. &emsp;**else if** 3 actions in action list **then**\n",
"9. &emsp;&emsp; **return** 0\n",
"10. &emsp;**end if**"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "timely-picnic",
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"# Sliding window algorithm"
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"id": "everyday-inspiration",
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"_data_ - data set containing all columns and values\n",
"_iterationNum_ - lopp-incremented number\n",
"_windowSizePlusN_ - number of window size plus number n\n",
"**Input**: data, iterationNum, windowSizePlusN \n",
"**Output**: numpy array of arrays of all states from data set<br>\n",
"1. **Function getWindow**(data, iterationNum, windowSizePlusN)\n",
"2. &emsp;$index\\gets$ iterationNum - windowSizePlusN + 1\n",
"3. &emsp;$slidingWindowArr\\gets$ []&emsp;**# length of array will be number of columns in data set * window size**\n",
"4. &emsp;**for** columnName, columnValues **in** data set **do**\n",
"5. &emsp;&emsp;$block\\gets$ arrays of size 6 filled with $columnValues$ of each $columnName$ according to **sliding window algorithm** where the first array of each $columnName$ is filled with the first value of that column\n",
"6. &emsp;&emsp;**for** i **in** range($windowSizePlusN$ - 1) **do**\n",
"7. &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;$slidingWindowArr$.append(next newest element **minus** previous newest element in $block$ array based on index for all arrays of column values of the data set columns)\n",
"8. &emsp;&emsp;**end for**\n",
"9. &emsp;**end for**\n",
"10. &emsp;**return** numpy.array([$slidingWindowArr$])"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "thrown-grove",
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"source": [
"_data_ - data set containing all columns and values \n",
"_windowSize_ - number of window size = 5 in our case \n",
"**Input**: data, windowSize \n",
"**Output**: numpy array of arrays of all states from data set<br>\n",
"1. **Function window_diff**(data, windowSize)\n",
"2. &emsp;$dataLen\\gets$ length(data)\n",
"3. &emsp;$allStates\\gets$ []\n",
"4. &emsp;$scaledData\\gets$ sklearn's **StandardScaler** scaled data set\n",
"5. &emsp;**for** i **in** range($dataLen$) **do**\n",
"6. &emsp;&emsp;$state\\gets$ $getWindow$(scaledData, i, windowSize + 1)\n",
"7. &emsp;&emsp;$allStates$.append($state$)\n",
"8. &emsp;**end for**\n",
"9. &emsp;**return** $allStates$"
"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "presidential-memphis",
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"cell_type": "markdown",
"id": "horizontal-monitoring",
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